On the African savannah, the cheetah's speed is as fast as the wind. Even the speed of the antelope is only half of the cheetah's full firepower. But in fact, according to what we said, the antelope cannot avoid the speed of the cheetah at all. However, when they hunted the antel

2024/06/3001:42:32 article 1035

On the African savannah, the speed of cheetahs is as fast as the wind. Even the speed of antelopes is only half of that of cheetahs when they are at full firepower.

But in fact, according to what we said, the antelope cannot avoid the speed of the cheetah at all.

However, when they hunted the antelope, they often failed to catch it.

On the African savannah, the cheetah's speed is as fast as the wind. Even the speed of the antelope is only half of the cheetah's full firepower. But in fact, according to what we said, the antelope cannot avoid the speed of the cheetah at all. However, when they hunted the antel - DayDayNews

This is because the cheetah is only suitable for driving in a straight line, but the antelope has learned to drive in curves and can avoid the cheetah's pursuit in curves.

Therefore, the same is true in life. Only when we learn to speak and do things in a roundabout way can sometimes we survive better in our society.

The same is true in life. It is a journey through mountains and rivers, and only in the end can you reach your paradise.

01 Turn around corners when speaking and avoid going straight.

Communication is very important, so we always say that speaking is an art.

But in fact, speaking in a roundabout way is also the highest level in our language system.

turned his words around, not only expressing his own opinions, but also putting himself into the other person's situation.

After all, being straight to the point will bring inconvenience to the other person’s life, and will also deepen the other person’s prejudice against you.

said something in a different way. This is not to pretend to be inscrutable or scheming, but to let the other person know that you are putting yourself in the other person's shoes and considering their feelings, so you don't want to hurt your heart by speaking directly.

Compared with the so-called straightforward people, people who express their opinions and views tactfully are more likeable.

02 In relationships, make a proper turn

Sometimes, giving up is more important than persistence.

In relationships, the root of our pain is that we are too persistent and insistent, but we forget that this persistence itself is a mistake.

If you give blindly, you will only move yourself, but fail to move the other party. In the end, you will get nothing.

In this life, there are too many things that we cannot grasp, so the best choice is to hold on to what we want and give up the things that we should not insist on.

On the African savannah, the cheetah's speed is as fast as the wind. Even the speed of the antelope is only half of the cheetah's full firepower. But in fact, according to what we said, the antelope cannot avoid the speed of the cheetah at all. However, when they hunted the antel - DayDayNews

03 Turn around when you think about things, nothing is static

People and things cannot be static. Only by being flexible can we survive better.

Get rid of your fixed thinking, look at everything around you with a more objective mind, or think about the problem from another angle, and you will get different answers.

You need to turn when you reach an intersection, and you also need to turn when you reach confusion and corners.

After all, if you waste your mind and energy on one thing, it is better to learn to give up yourself appropriately and give up what you insist on.

If you think about everything from another angle, in fact, some things will be solved slowly and everything can be solved.

04 Only by turning a corner when things happen can you survive better in society.

Life is never a straight road, but a winding road.

Even though fate is cruel and ruthless, we still have to find a way out for ourselves. After all, there is always a way for us to survive well.

Different heights give us different views, and different perspectives also determine our lives.

The winding road of life requires us to take detours to navigate.

Turning around in time does not make you stop and stand still, but allows you to better understand the timing, think about your shortcomings, and move forward better.

On the African savannah, the cheetah's speed is as fast as the wind. Even the speed of the antelope is only half of the cheetah's full firepower. But in fact, according to what we said, the antelope cannot avoid the speed of the cheetah at all. However, when they hunted the antel - DayDayNews

Only when we turn at the right place in time can we make better progress.

We can have a better life if we make our own decisions about our own lives and do not set limits for ourselves.

I hope you know how to turn around and have a smooth life. I hope you understand wisdom and live a good life of your own. Author of

| Some things about psychology, never give up love and freedom in your life.

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