I have encountered a lot of things over the past year. In fact, there have been many times when I wanted to calm down and record my recent true feelings and thoughts, as well as the ups and downs of my mood at certain times. But every time I turn on my phone, I have so many thing

2024/06/2305:31:33 article 1661

I have encountered a lot of things over the past year. In fact, there have been many times when I wanted to calm down and record my recent true feelings and thoughts, as well as the ups and downs at certain times. But every time I turn on my phone, I have so many things to think about, but I feel like I don’t know where to start. People are often like this. Sometimes the more things they want to say, the more words they feel they cannot express.

At this time, my thoughts are still as chaotic as ever, so let’s say something in a mess. Just like my signature on the headlines: record life with words and images, so that memories will never fade. This is also one of the original intentions of joining Toutiao (if you can earn some pocket money on the way, of course it would be better). In your spare time, you can record some things you have experienced in your life. Whether it is happy or unpleasant, you want to leave a trace. Little clues. After a few years, it is better to look back and read the words you have recorded than to have them all blank in your mind.

I have encountered a lot of things over the past year. In fact, there have been many times when I wanted to calm down and record my recent true feelings and thoughts, as well as the ups and downs of my mood at certain times. But every time I turn on my phone, I have so many thing - DayDayNews

People will experience many things in their life, happy, joyful, painful and sad. Everyone will have different experiences. Life is originally a hodgepodge of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and mixed flavors, so it is inevitable for people to encounter some ups and downs in this life, and they are also tempered by life. Whether it is my previous blog, Weibo, Moments, or the current headline account , I like to record some real events about myself, as well as some real thoughts, real moods, and real expressions at that time. Personally, I think this is also a good way to release stress. Everyone is in a bad mood sometimes, and it's not a good thing to complain. It's better to get rid of the garbage in your heart than to accumulate it and turn it into toxins. Perhaps, some people feel that this will reduce their happiness in the hearts of others, so for the sake of so-called face, they will not only show off their happiness, but also knock out their teeth and swallow the rest of the pain. I really admire this person. A person's expressiveness, endurance and ability to deceive himself and others. But, I can't do it. I am a person who would rather follow my true thoughts and offend others than suffer myself in order to cater to others. I always feel that there are many places in people's life where they have wronged themselves in order to survive, but there are times when "people have to bow their heads under the roof", such as at work and in the workplace. But in daily interpersonal interactions, if you have to compromise so much, you may not be living too sadly. You only have this one life, why not give yourself some space to live your true self.

In fact, we all know that in the sun, people are more or less performing, and the most real thing is not visible in the shadows. People usually have the habit of underestimating other people's suffering and overestimating other people's happiness. We are used to judging the inside through the outside, always thinking that we see the whole thing when we see the surface. In fact, maybe just the opposite. In short, don't envy other people's "happiness". They are not as beautiful as you see, and maybe they are not as happy as you.

Of course, everyone’s outlook on life, outlook on life and values ​​are different, resulting in different living habits and ways of expressing emotions. There are those who have a true temperament and those who are good at showing hypocrisy. No matter what, it is a person's habit and personality. Human beings are originally independent individuals, and of course they appear in various ways. As for everything others reveal, just look at it if you are used to it; if you are not, just turn a blind eye.

Let’s talk about the relationship between people. This is probably the thing I have always been most afraid of, and it is also something I don’t want to face most of the time. I feel that among all animals, humans are probably the most difficult to deal with. There is always an unexplainable and subtle relationship between people, which may seem simple on the surface but is actually very complicated. For me, I just want to establish a simple interpersonal relationship, and I don’t want to get involved in too many complicated issues, let alone live so tiredly. But sometimes it seems a bit out of your hands, especially the people around you. If you look at it with a cold eye, you will see many indescribable and wonderful details, including following others, intrigues, and intrigues, all of which are vividly performed at all times.

No wonder I saw an article yesterday, which said that friendship in the workplace is very cheap. It looks very close but is actually fake. Those insincere perfunctory, flattery, and flattery exchanges between each other are actually useless if they are close or harmful if they are far away. Sometimes they look as friendly as a long-lost brother and sister, and then they turn around and pout at your back with another person. Therefore, if you don’t want to wade into muddy waters and want to leave yourself a slightly simpler space, then you can only keep a distance that is neither far nor close to it. Of course, over time, it will inevitably be labeled as "aloof" and "cold". However, for a person who is aloof from the world, has no ambitions or bad intentions, and just wants to live in his own pure spiritual world, such "nobility" is not a bad thing. It would be great to stay away from pollution sources and cause less trouble!

In fact, in life, no matter things or people, as long as you try your best to "do not do evil because it is small, and don't do good because it is small", you will be able to eat, sleep, and live with peace of mind. Of course, I am not afraid of other people's so-called "opinions". It's up to you to decide what others think or do. I have the final say in my life!

OK, that’s it for today. Miscellaneous mood notes, just jot them down.

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