Love is just a crazy longing for those who escape us. The greatest thing in the world is that a person knows how to be his own master. Love aims at physical pleasure. Once enjoyed, it ceases to exist.

2024/05/1819:54:32 article 1440

Montaigne's wonderful quotes

1. Love is just a crazy desire for those who escape from us.

2. The greatest thing in the world is that a person knows how to be his own master.

3. Love aims at physical pleasure. Once enjoyed, it ceases to exist.

Love is just a crazy longing for those who escape us. The greatest thing in the world is that a person knows how to be his own master. Love aims at physical pleasure. Once enjoyed, it ceases to exist. - DayDayNews

4. Health is a precious thing. To be honest, only health is worthy of our time, sweat, labor, property and life. Without health, life is hard and unfair to us. Without health, joy, wisdom, learning, and virtue all dim and disappear.

5. In the end, I am afraid that the most reliable way is to take care of yourself and solve your own needs. If you encounter a cold reception from fate, you must rely on your own care, depend on yourself, and take good care of yourself.

6. Marriage is like a birdcage. The birds outside cannot get in; the birds inside cannot get out. --Montaigne

Love is just a crazy longing for those who escape us. The greatest thing in the world is that a person knows how to be his own master. Love aims at physical pleasure. Once enjoyed, it ceases to exist. - DayDayNews

7. Before getting married, your eyes should be wide open and after getting married, your eyes should be closed.

8. Our desire despises and ignores what we already have, but pursues what we don’t have. -- Montaigne "The Complete Essays of Montaigne"

9. Our desire despises and ignores what we have got, but pursues what we don't have.

10. Although reading is a kind of enjoyment, it is also melancholy.

Love is just a crazy longing for those who escape us. The greatest thing in the world is that a person knows how to be his own master. Love aims at physical pleasure. Once enjoyed, it ceases to exist. - DayDayNews

11. Happiness is always mixed with pain, and humans cannot enjoy pure and perfect things. There are always too many contradictory aspects and different forms in everything in the world. If you think too much, you will become confused.

12. Without certain goals, wisdom will be lost; there are goals everywhere, but there are no goals anywhere.

13. The correct life is: maintaining a suitable state of living aloof from the world.

14. The most difficult thing for people to do is to be consistent, but the easiest thing to do is to be unpredictable.

Love is just a crazy longing for those who escape us. The greatest thing in the world is that a person knows how to be his own master. Love aims at physical pleasure. Once enjoyed, it ceases to exist. - DayDayNews

15. Knowing your own ignorance is the most reliable way to understand the world.

16. Human beings are arrogant. They cannot create a small insect, but they create a sky full of gods and Buddhas.

17. Everything has its own appropriate time. The greatest weakness of human nature is the endless desire.

18. Some people say that a happy marriage must be made between a blind woman and a deaf man. I think this person has a thorough understanding of marriage.

19. I have seen that no marriage breaks down earlier and is worse than a union that is only about looks and lust.

Love is just a crazy longing for those who escape us. The greatest thing in the world is that a person knows how to be his own master. Love aims at physical pleasure. Once enjoyed, it ceases to exist. - DayDayNews

20. I try to stop the flight of life by grasping it quickly, and compensate for the hasty flight of life by using the vitality of life. The shorter my possession of life, the deeper and fuller I must make it. --Montaigne

21. No matter how much we know, it is only a very small part of what we don't know. This means that the knowledge we think we have is only a drop in the ocean compared to our ignorance.

22. Luck is like a mirror, it breaks when it shines brightest. -- Montaigne

23. The growth process of a truly knowledgeable person is like the growth process of an ear of wheat: when the ear of wheat is empty, the wheat grows very quickly, and the ear of wheat is held high proudly, but when the ear of wheat matures, When full, they become humble and droop their awns.

24. Destiny has no interest in us. It only provides us with the raw materials and seeds of interest, which can be changed and used by the soul that is stronger than it at any time, because the soul is the only master of its own luck and misfortune.

Love is just a crazy longing for those who escape us. The greatest thing in the world is that a person knows how to be his own master. Love aims at physical pleasure. Once enjoyed, it ceases to exist. - DayDayNews

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