Before talking about faith, Napoleon Hill asked people to read the following words aloud to practice self-suggestion and induce confidence: Faith is the "eternal panacea." Confidence can give motivation, vitality and action to thinking! Confidence is the starting point of all way

2024/05/1819:44:33 article 1193

Before talking about faith, Napoleon Hill asked people to read the following words aloud to practice self-suggestion and induce confidence:

Faith is the "eternal panacea."

Confidence can give the motivation, vitality and action power of thinking!

Confidence is the starting point of all ways to accumulate wealth.

Faith is the foundation of all "miracles" and the birthplace of all mysterious miracles that cannot be analyzed by scientific laws.

Confidence is the only antidote to frustration and despair.

Once faith is combined with prayer, it becomes a catalyst for direct communication between a person and the wisdom of the universe.

Confidence is the throbbing of ordinary thinking created by the limited human mind, which can be transformed into the main factor of spiritual strength.

Faith is the only way for human beings to use and control the infinite wisdom of the universe.

Before talking about faith, Napoleon Hill asked people to read the following words aloud to practice self-suggestion and induce confidence: Faith is the

Anyone who can overcome difficulties in life needs the support of faith. What is the belief? For thousands of years, humans have believed that running a mile (16,093 kilometers) in under 4 minutes is impossible. But in 1945, Roger Bannister broke down this belief barrier. The reason why he was able to achieve this great result was firstly due to hard physical training, and secondly due to his mental breakthrough. Before that, he had repeatedly simulated running a mile (6093 kilometers) in 4 minutes in his mind. Over time, he formed an extremely strong belief, and thus gave the nervous system an absolute command to complete this mission. He did what everyone thought was impossible. No one expected that in the two years after Bannast broke the record, nearly 400 people would enter the list.

Lewis' 5-year-old son Tom firmly believed that the stones he collected could be sold. To earn his own pocket money, he put his stones aside on the street and started his business with a sign saying "Today's price is one yuan." Although no one cares. But he remained unwavering in his belief. In the end, someone actually bought a piece. He said proudly: "I told you, a stone can be sold for one dollar - if you believe in yourself, you can do anything."

11-year-old Angela suffered from a neurological disease and was unable to walk , even her movements are subject to many restrictions, and doctors predict that she will spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. But Angela was undaunted, lying in her hospital bed and swearing to anyone who would listen that one day she would stand up and walk. Later, she was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital in the San Francisco Bay Area. The therapist was deeply impressed by her unyielding will and taught her to use her imagination to see herself walking. The therapist believed that this would at least give Angela hope. , so that she can have some positive thoughts while being bedridden for a long time. However, Angela did it very seriously.

One day, when she tried her best to imagine her legs moving again, the bed actually moved and began to move out of the room. She shouted excitedly: "Look at me! Look! Look! I'm moving! I can move." The doctor concealed the fact of the earthquake and made Angela believe that she really moved. As a result, a few years later, Angela actually went back to school, without crutches or wheelchair, but with her feet.

Before talking about faith, Napoleon Hill asked people to read the following words aloud to practice self-suggestion and induce confidence: Faith is the

Only when "I can't" dies can faith be born.

Donna is a fourth-grade elementary school teacher who is about to retire. One day, she asked the students in her class to join her in carefully filling in the things they thought they "can't do" on paper. Everyone writes down on paper what they can't do, such as "I can't do 10 sit-ups" or "I can't stop after eating a cookie." Donna wrote, "I can't get John's mother to come to the mother-son meeting," "I can't get Debbie to like me," and "I can't discipline Aaron properly without corporal punishment." Then everyone put the paper into an empty box and buried the box under In a corner of the sports field, Donna delivered a speech for this burial ceremony: "Dear friends, it is an honor to invite you to the funeral of I can't live. When he was alive, he was involved in our lives, even affecting us more deeply than anyone else... Now, I hope Mr. "I Can't" rest in peace... I hope your brothers and sisters "I Can'" and "I Will'" can inherit your career. . Although they are not as famous and influential as you.May Mr. 'I Can't' rest in peace and hope that his death will encourage more people to stand up and move forward. Amen!"

Before talking about faith, Napoleon Hill asked people to read the following words aloud to practice self-suggestion and induce confidence: Faith is the

After that, Donna hung the "I can't" paper tombstone in the classroom. Whenever a student accidentally said: "I can't...", she would point to this symbol of death, and the children would Immediately remember that "I can't" is dead, and then come up with positive solutions.

Donna's training for the children is actually a required lesson for each of us.


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