Her appearance is the most beautiful accident in my life

2021/10/0721:57:02 article 268

Her appearance is the most beautiful accident in my life - DayDayNews


fourth story


When you are old and gray, Sleepy, nap in front of the stove, please take down this poem,

recite slowly, dreaming of the soft light and faint shadow of your eyes; How many people have ever loved your beauty, your joyful and charming youth, fake or true love,

Only one person loves your pilgrim soul, loves your aging soul Painful wrinkles;

When you squat, by the hot grate, you will speak softly, with a trace of sadness: _span8sp _span10


Now it has stepped up the mountain, and its beauty is buried in the dense cluster of stars.


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If at the last moment of her life, she saw you, then this letter is for you.

If at the last moment of her life, I still stay with her, then this letter is for myself.

In short, now I will entrust you with one of the most important things in life.

Please read carefully, and with a pious and faithful heart, complete this mission for me.

I believe you can do it, I believe you.


Hello.I don't know if we know each other, if we are familiar, if we have ever helped each other, if we have hatred. In short, I don't know who you are.

And when I wrote this letter to you, I did not have any identity.

The only thing that distinguishes me from others is my love for her.

The endless, endless love.

Now, I want to tell you a story, a story that seems plain but in fact has made me feel that I have no regrets in this life. That is the story between me and her.

I am a person who is extremely free. The kind pursued with life.

solitary, reckless, desperate...this is always me. I never thought there was anything wrong with it.

loves music and has a passion for travel.

often flies temporarily to a remote and unfamiliar city to watch a concert.

Her appearance is the most beautiful accident in my life - DayDayNews

before the age of 20,I have traveled all over China, all alone.

I really love the feeling of staying in an unknown place. Under a fresh sky, it was a kind of majestic, sad, brilliant loneliness.

I really enjoy this kind of free and unbridled life. I used to think this was my state of life.

I like all the place names distributed all over the world, and I want to spend my life exploring these corners and chasing my dreams.

And what is my dream?

At that time, my dream was to embrace the entire Pacific Ocean. Embrace the freedom of my youth, embrace my wild horse-like heart.

At this moment, I just want to hug my baby.

In a person's life, there will always be some unexpected accidents.

And her appearance is the most beautiful accident in my life.

I once thought of describing her in terms of all the beautiful things encountered during travel,Such as the Milky Way, such as the stars, such as a bright moon in the desert, such as a refreshing breeze on the endless grassland.

But I think there is nothing as good as one-tenth of her.

The only thing that is closer is water. She is really gentle and agile like water.

Even when it is angry, it looks like water is frozen, clean and pure, without impurities.

Later, when she was away from me, I frequently washed my hands, took a shower, and frequently drank water.

I want to keep her, I want to feel her. In my life, she is as indispensable as water. Even more important than water.

Early that morning, she whispered to me: Bring me. Since then, my journey has been one more person.

She always stays quietly by my side. We ride horses side by side on the vast grassland, just like a legendary chivalrous couple in a martial arts novel.

The most memorable one is in Dunhuang Mingsha Mountain , one by one desert. We climbed up from below, stepped on one foot, and the thick sand could sink to our knees.

How long has it been? do not know. It feels like crawling for an age, we are fighting against the endless yellow sand.

I said, do you think we look like a pair of heroes?

She smiled.

This kind of dialogue, in a quiet and ethereal environment, itself is a mysterious and dreamy existence.

When I climbed up, it was already dark. In the desolate desert, she is the only source of water, emitting a gentle light in the desolate darkness.

Later, I suddenly started to react and felt very uncomfortable. I leaned on her as if she leaned on me when she was asleep.

In the desert, you can see the starry sky of , the Milky Way , and the lights below.

I knew at that moment, no matter how I longed for and enjoyed the freedom of a person. She is here, she is my shore, I need to get to the shore.

We sat on it for a long time, and finally slid down on the sand.

That night was the most wonderful night I have ever spent. No matter how embarrassing I was in the rest of my life, it was a night in which I would feel regretless as long as I thought of it.

Now, I think of her face in my mind again. Every night, this kind of longing uncontrollably heats up in my body.

I came to Wuhan to work because of her, but she was assigned to Xiangyang before I had time to hug her. It is the Xiangyang where Guo Jing is stationed.

Our distance is 300 kilometers. so what? One day, we will stop in a little-known place; or we will walk forever, like countless nights on foot.

I think of her every night. The night outside the window is like water. I think of her quiet face and the watery time we have passed. The time rushed and never returned like water.

On August 9, 2016, we arrived at Zhuoer Mountain in Qinghai.

That morning, we took the scenic car up the mountain. In front is a narrow road around the mountain.

on the hillside,The car stopped suddenly. Many people in front began to descend.

We were all surprised, but we got out of the car and followed the team up.

Then, we also saw a car that had turned over on the ground. Several people lay side by side, their bodies covered in blood. A few relatives were crying nearby, and many others were running down the mountain behind their backs.

Her appearance is the most beautiful accident in my life - DayDayNews

I learned later that the car in front of us turned over directly from the highway above.

In other words, if we get on the bus a minute or two earlier, we may be the two in that car.

We didn't say anything, we just stared at each other in shock, with panic in our eyes.

I know at that moment, she feels the same as me. It's like two people have gone through a huge life and death together, and have gained a new life.

Even if we must touch death, then I have no complaints with her. This is what I thought at the time.

But then, I no longer think so. I feel that for a beautiful existence like her, the way to end life shouldn’t be so desolate,So hasty.

She should still have the highest dignity and temperament in the world at the last moment of her life.

After coming down from the mountain, our driver took a deep breath when he saw that we were alive and well. He said he was shaking with fear when he heard the news of the car accident above. Fortunately, we are all safe.

Fortunately, we are all safe.

I have to say that when those corpses were lying in front of us, we were dumbfounded.

Just when we were close to each other, we saw a cold and merciless death. Seeing the hand of death so close to us. Seeing the pain of life and death.

It was then that I decided to write this letter.

For the first time, I feel that life is so urgent, and it is so urgent to experience something with her.

Her appearance is the most beautiful accident in my life - DayDayNews

I realized that I could leave her at any time, and at any time, I could lose her.

and before that,I may not have time to take her to see the sunset of New Zealand, to smell the heavy metals in Russian cabins, to feel the most pristine wind on any unknown outlying island in the southern hemisphere...and these are all her dreams Things to experience for yourself.

Before I leave her or lose her, I may not have time to comb her hair, make soup for her, and put a coat on her in the coldest icy and snowy weather.

Before leaving her or losing her, I may have hurt her heart accidentally, and I may not have time to say sorry.

Even, I may not have time to confide my true feelings to her.

I am a person who is not good at expressing.

So far, I have never said to her that I love you.

Although every day, I feel that the love for her has covered my whole body, and it can overflow from my chest at any time.

If one day, I left first, please tell her: there was a man who sprouted his irresistible love for you at the first sight of you.

and this kind of love,From the moment of budding, a root was formed in the palm of his hand. And later on the road you walked together was full of flowers, and only when he died could he slowly wither.

And his love for you, as the roots and branches decompose, can last for millions of years.

If one day, she gets tired of this kind of life, I may also feel tired. Even, I went back to the road again, pursuing the freedom I once dreamed of by myself.

I have never dared to promise anything lightly. People are fickle, impulsive, selfish, indifferent, and ruthless.

If there is such a day, it means I am dead. Compared with the death caused by a car accident or a disease, this kind of death is more thorough.

This is the complete destruction of a lifeform that lived because of her.

If there is such a day, please complete my mission of accompanying her and caring for her.

Before she closes her eyes forever, please read this to her for me:

"Soon you will be eighty-two centimeters shorter. , Weighing only 45 kilograms. But you are as beautiful and elegant as ever, and I am moved.We have spent fifty-eight years together, and my love for you has grown stronger. There is this annoying void in my chest again, and it can only be filled when your hot body is nestled in my arms.

hi, I’m Jane.

The text we need should be a sharp axe that can break our inner ice sea _span8 _span10 _span10 p2p. More stories that come into your heart.

May you be here, infinitely close to your ideal.


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