狸辦公案例精選 | 鬥魚娛樂,多元獨特

2022年07月05日07:25:06 家居 1441


狸辦公案例精選 | 鬥魚娛樂,多元獨特 - 天天要聞



Based on white tones, it creates a clean and simple reception area. Simple shape, colorful colors, soft angle treatment, giving people a sense of affinity.

狸辦公案例精選 | 鬥魚娛樂,多元獨特 - 天天要聞


Compared with the front desk area, the negotiation area is full of rich artistry, with a sense of design sofa seating, colorful matching, fish ball shape derived lamp combination and painted wall, are the interpretation of the design concept of "divergence, association, expansion".

狸辦公案例精選 | 鬥魚娛樂,多元獨特 - 天天要聞


The large conference room uses a more commercial soft decoration arrangement, symmetrical design, clean and clean line elements, with a sense of formality. The selection of a large wooden strip conference table, with comfortable soft bag seats and soft bag benches, neutral style color matching is calm and efficient.

狸辦公案例精選 | 鬥魚娛樂,多元獨特 - 天天要聞


The design team creatively set up multiple flexible and movable whiteboards on both sides of the corridor, which is convenient for game designers to record and communicate the fleeting creative inspiration at any time. As long as there is a whiteboard, it is a small conference room, and it is also a great reference idea.

狸辦公案例精選 | 鬥魚娛樂,多元獨特 - 天天要聞


The public offices are office-centric and do not have too much decoration. The most important element here is the line, which is simple and practical, and also makes people more focused. The local columns wrap around the cartoon panels, which are also composed of simple elements.

狸辦公案例精選 | 鬥魚娛樂,多元獨特 - 天天要聞

狸辦公案例精選 | 鬥魚娛樂,多元獨特 - 天天要聞


The general manager's office and the chairman's office are also based on a minimalist style, which makes people more focused. The combination of wood and white is generous and natural, and the display cabinet and wall decoration are integrated, which looks orderly and clean. Exquisite texture, more extraordinary.

狸辦公案例精選 | 鬥魚娛樂,多元獨特 - 天天要聞


The pantry and relaxation area are the concentrated experience of Douyu Company's multiculturalism and corporate care. Here, the elements related to the spirit of entertainment games are dazzling, immersive details, and icon elements of different sizes and colors are constantly strengthening the value proposition of Douyu, shaping innovation and brand personality for enterprises, and bringing employees a comfortable experience and full of happiness.

狸辦公案例精選 | 鬥魚娛樂,多元獨特 - 天天要聞


The high mobility of the space brings change and vitality to the interior units, improving office efficiency while becoming a source of inspiration for creativity. Not just limited to a case sharing, it brings us more thinking about spatial inspiration.



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