The digital economy is becoming an important engine for a new round of global technological revolution and industrial transformation. Facing the challenges brought by emerging digital technologies and complex digital scenarios, recognizing security risks and building a strong dig

The digital economy is becoming an important engine for a new round of global technological revolution and industrial transformation. Facing the challenges brought by emerging digital technologies and complex digital scenarios, seeing security risks and building a strong digital security barrier is the key to ensuring the development of the digital economy. the foundation.

July 30-August 2, 2022, organized by China Internet Society , China Cyberspace Security Association , All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Big Data Operation and Maintenance (Network Security) Committee, China Communications Enterprises Association , China Information Communications Research Institute , China Software Industry Association , China Information Association , China Small and Medium Enterprises Association , China Enterprise Confederation , China Entrepreneurs Association and 360 Internet Security Center co-sponsored the 10th The Internet Security Conference (referred to as ISC 2022), with the theme of "Protecting Digital Civilization and Creating a New Era of Digital Security", will create a digital security feast that integrates global forward-looking dialogues, peak technology seminars, and security achievement displays.

Data map source: Vision China

In the past ten years, ISC has held more than 20 international summits, set up 400 sub-forums, and more than 60 special events; delivered forward-looking strategic voices and attracted more than 2,000 foreign experts from more than 30 countries around the world. conference, outputting more than 2,500 topics; boosting the coordinated development of the industry, bringing together more than 300 exhibitors, covering more than 500 omni-channel media matrices, receiving a total of more than 350,000 people, and continuing to convey China’s cybersecurity voice to the world.

is in a critical period of digital transformation and upgrading and the accelerated development of the digital economy. With the theme of "Protecting Digital Civilization and Creating a New Era of Digital Security", ISC 2022 calls on the industry to gather strength to truly help solve the "stuck" problem of "seeing" advanced threats. , improve digital security capabilities, build a solid digital security barrier system, and protect the digital era.

ISC 2022 will exclusively create a "double gene chain" model and open the world's first digital security feast. At that time, the conference will hold a digital security opening ceremony, a future summit, a developer conference, an ecological conference, 17 joint summits, more than 60 technology and industry theme forums, and seven innovation theme activities. And create a domain ISC digital security exhibition area. At the same time, ISC 2022 is the first to create a new digital integration model in which offline conferences and online Metaverse immersive platforms are linked at the same frequency. The Global Digital Economy Conference simultaneously opens the "N World" Metaverse continent, and tens of thousands of people talk about digital security on the same frequency. The opening ceremony of

ISC 2022 will bring together experts from all walks of life to discuss in-depth topics such as data infrastructure layout, digital security industry development, digital core technology innovation, etc., to promote the construction of a benchmark city for the global digital economy, and create a new platform for international cooperation and exchange that leads the secure development of the global digital economy. . In addition, ISC 2022 will join hands with a number of institutions, scientific research units, and leading associations to host 17 major joint summits. Focusing on security development areas such as digital government, digital cities, digital industries, artificial intelligence, and small, medium and micro enterprises, we will gather industry advantageous resources, gather industry and business potential, and create the strongest synchronic voice of the conference. ISC 2022 will also hold offline seminars simultaneously in fifteen key cities including Shenzhen, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Shenyang, Xiamen, and Chongqing, and work with digital security business partners and strategic partners to focus on security capabilities, core products, Innovative technologies and digital security solutions will jointly discuss how to solve security risks and build a digital security "government, industry, academia, research and application" exchange space.

In addition, ISC 2022 will set up several cutting-edge technology theme forums to discuss security technology issues in cutting-edge fields such as cyberspace governance, data security, threat intelligence, zero trust, Industrial themed forums in areas such as the Industrial Internet use security to ensure business process optimization, business model transformation, and industrial structure upgrading, bringing more references and practices to the digital transformation of traditional industries.

ISC 2022 also set up new product release, ecological signing, industrial cooperation, report issuance and other links, and joined hands with urban industry, consulting planning, solution and other types of partners to write a new chapter in the digital security ecology.


proofreading Tao Shanggong