openGauss Developer Day (openGauss Developer Conference) 2022 was successfully held in Beijing. This is an annual event for database developers initiated and hosted by the openGauss open source community.

2024/06/2920:41:33 technology 1321

openGauss Developer Day (openGauss Developer Conference) 2022 was successfully held in Beijing. This is an annual event for database developers initiated and hosted by the openGauss open source community.

At the conference, openGauss open source community director Chang Jiang Dayong delivered a keynote speech titled "Create the Future and Share the Extraordinary and Build an Open Source Database Root Community", sharing the latest progress of openGauss in technology, ecology, and business, and released a community contribution board and oriented Developers' Try Me online experimental environment; 7 partners released a commercial release of the database based on openGauss 3.0; combined with industry innovation, openGauss is becoming China's most innovative open source database root community.

openGauss Developer Day (openGauss Developer Conference) 2022 was successfully held in Beijing. This is an annual event for database developers initiated and hosted by the openGauss open source community. - DayDayNews

OpenGauss open source community director Chang Jiang Dayong gave a keynote speech

In June 2020, openGauss was officially open source. After 2 years of development, it has steadily advanced and grown rapidly in terms of technology, ecology, business and community governance . Up to now, more than 130 companies and institutions have joined the community, more than 3,500 developers have participated in community contributions, and the openGauss community version has been downloaded more than 800,000 times. The database version launched by partners based on openGauss has been commercialized on a large scale in core businesses in finance, government, telecommunications , energy, manufacturing, transportation and other industries.

The openGauss Summit in December last year proposed the technical vision of openGauss, which is based on the kernel, horizontally expands capabilities, vertically expands application scenarios, unites upstream and downstream innovations in the database industry chain, and creates an database technology ecosystem. openGauss continues to innovate within the core, continuously improves tools and enriches industry application solutions, and has achieved phased results. In terms of cores, the latest cores feature high-performance dense state kernels and intelligent cardinality prediction capabilities, continuing to maintain performance leadership. In terms of horizontal capabilities, we collaborate with ecological partners to continuously improve productization capabilities. For example, in terms of security, the openGauss series version has passed the security certification of Spanish EAL 4+ and domestic CC EAL 4+, fully meeting the commercial requirements for data security. In terms of vertical industries, ISV has been jointly adapted to more than 350 industry solutions, which has greatly improved industry technology satisfaction. It has also released edge and spatial database versions for edge and geographical digital scenarios.

7 partners released the commercial release version of the database based on openGauss 3.0

Since the first community version was released in 2020, openGauss has iteratively released 3 innovative versions and 2 Release versions, focusing on core business scenarios, building basic capabilities and rich Enterprise characteristics. The openGauss 3.0 version was launched in March this year. This version continues to innovate in the four aspects of "high performance, high reliability, high security, and high intelligence" and has made major upgrades for application scenarios, including the launch of lightweight solutions for resource-constrained scenarios. version, complete cluster management components, and supports MySQL syntax compatibility and data migration to , etc. With the active contributions of community developers, openGauss will continue to build an open source database for digital infrastructure, building multi-scenario support capabilities from the data center to the edge.

Shenzhou General, Cloud and Enmo , SuperGraph Software, Nanda General , Massive Data , Super Fusion and China Unicom and other partners and industry customers have released a commercial release version of the database based on openGauss 3.0, integrating the community The results of innovation are applied to all walks of life, accelerating the digital transformation of and promoting the development of digital economy.

openGauss Developer Day (openGauss Developer Conference) 2022 was successfully held in Beijing. This is an annual event for database developers initiated and hosted by the openGauss open source community. - DayDayNews

7 partners have released a commercial version of the database based on openGauss 3.0

openGauss focuses on core scenarios and joint innovation with customers. It has been used in Postal Savings Bank of China , Minsheng Bank , China Mobile, China Telecom , China Unicom, State Grid It is widely used by enterprise users. For example, Postal Savings Bank of China is based on the enterprise-level open source database openGauss. It has been fully launched in April this year with a new generation of personal business core systems. The system performance has been improved by 5 times, and the response time of high-frequency services such as withdrawals and inquiries has been shortened by 25%. Serving 600 million users across the country and supporting an average of 2 billion daily transactions. Postal Savings Bank is the first major state-owned bank to complete core replacement and launch a new generation of personal business core systems, setting a financial benchmark.

Community governance continues to upgrade, and community infrastructure continues to improve.

The continuous upgrade and improvement of open source community governance is the guarantee for the prosperity and development of the openGauss ecosystem. In 2020 and 2021, the Community Technical Committee and Community Council were established one after another, and were upgraded last year, with more member units joining. This time, with the support of community council member units, the community user committee and brand promotion committee were formally established, which will play an important role in brand marketing, market expansion, and commercial implementation.

Not only the community governance structure continues to be upgraded, but the community infrastructure construction is also constantly improved. The community has launched the Try Me online experimental environment and community contribution dashboard.

A friendly experimental environment is very important to developers. The sources of community contributors are diversified. In order to allow developers to integrate into the community more quickly and contribute, the community has released Try Me, an out-of-the-box experimental environment that requires no installation and can be used by opening a browser. It is supplemented by a large number of operation examples to allow developers to Readers can experience online in a tangible way, quickly master basic abilities, use openGauss, and understand openGauss. Try Me experience link:

The community contribution dashboard is an important way for developers to understand the progress of the community in real time. Currently, the openGauss community contribution dashboard is online. We can clearly see from the dashboard data that since open source has been open for more than two years, the number of companies and developers participating in community contributions has increased significantly, and the sources of contributions have become more diverse. Community contribution dashboard link:

openGauss Developer Day (openGauss Developer Conference) 2022 was successfully held in Beijing. This is an annual event for database developers initiated and hosted by the openGauss open source community. - DayDayNews

The openGauss ecosystem continues to prosper Covering core scenarios in key industries

In the past two years, the openGauss ecosystem has continued to prosper. The community joins hands with partners to continue to promote cooperation across the entire industry chain, create full-stack solution integration and innovation from chips, complete machines, operating systems to industry applications, and continue to promote the openGauss route's coverage of core scenarios in key industries.

First of all, openGauss supports 3 distribution models: commercial distribution, user-use version and community distribution, allowing customers to choose flexibly. Secondly, in terms of southbound ecology, through the collaboration of community partners, the openGauss series database currently supports domestic mainstream server chip architectures and operating systems. In the past six months, the community and ecological partners have also strengthened the creation of industry solutions. The number of adapted solutions has rapidly increased from more than 200 at the end of last year to more than 350 currently, covering more and more industries.

openGauss 3.1 will be released soon. Four major innovations create a milestone version

. In the openGauss 3.1 community innovation version to be released in September this year, the openGauss tool suite will be launched to realize one-stop visual development operation and maintenance platform , which mainly includes the database development tool Database Developer and database operation and maintenance tool Database Manager.

  • Database Developer, a database development tool, supports server and edge application development to double development efficiency. It mainly includes PL/SQL development tools, database object management, and data migration tools.
  • database operation and maintenance tool Database Manager supports full-stack observability, second-level fault detection, and minute-level demarcation and location of performance problems. It mainly includes data management services, cluster management services, database monitoring and diagnosis services.

In addition, openGauss 3.1 version also carries out all-round innovation around product architecture, including four major innovations: engine plug-in architecture, kernel observable architecture, resource pooling architecture and data security architecture. The plug-in architecture of the

  • engine will greatly improve compatibility with heterogeneous databases and reduce the difficulty of customer data migration. The
  • kernel observable architecture can solve the observable and diagnosable core pain points of database operation and maintenance that have long existed in enterprises, and achieve minimalist operation and maintenance.
  • is based on the resource pooling architecture implemented by acceleration components, reaching a new level of database transaction processing performance. The
  • data security architecture not only supports pure soft security architecture, but also supports TEE soft and hard collaborative security. It fully supports the National Secret Law and complies with the requirements of digital security regulations.

The rapid development of the openGauss open source community in the past two years stems from the support and contribution of every developer, every partner, and every user. In the future, we hope to work with partners across the entire industry chain to build, share, and govern together to create a world-leading Open source database technology ecosystem, jointly build China's most innovative open source database root community.

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