Recently, new energy vehicles are booming and blooming everywhere. Following home appliances and mobile phones, new energy vehicles also apply to Moore's Law, that is, compared with general industries, pillar industries are faster and more numerous. Although each link is very dif

Recently, new energy vehicles are booming and blooming everywhere. Following home appliances and mobile phones, new energy vehicles also apply to Moore's Law , that is, compared with general industries, pillar industries are faster and more numerous. Although each link is very different, However, special measures must be taken in individual links. As for the mineral production link, unlike R&D and manufacturing, safety is particularly important. All links must be closely linked and the progress must be followed. Therefore, the mineral production link must be highly professional and grasp the weight and trends, adapt to the mainstream integrated development, eliminate backward production capacity or make appropriate adjustments to avoid getting stuck, and generally scientifically connect and supplement development in each period. For example, when capacity expansion is needed at critical times, professional allocation needs can be made, safety, Professional and flexible mineral production improves efficiency, quality and safety, operates efficiently in the industrial chain and supply chain, and ensures smooth macro development. Transformation and upgrading are imperative, and synergy and linkage advantages are fully utilized to ensure stable contribution.

The mineral production process has certain particularities. Unlike building railways and subways, the geological structure is complex and the mining trends vary widely. It is uncertain where the mines are and where they will be dug, resulting in no fixed tools to protect them absolutely. Security should be appropriately adjusted at this time. For example, you can choose to set up a rest room with a stable safety arrangement framework at a certain distance, reinforce it, and it can function temporarily, just like the beacon tower of the Great Wall. You can also refer to Huawei's 5G does not require manual labor and can be operated by machine remote control, or half-manual and half-machine production. Recently, Beidou-3 is more advanced than GPS and can have signals in complex geographical environments. And if there is a navigation watch, this It is also a safety plan. Can larger mining areas have professional safety production equipment? For example, larger mining production can be protected by special frames, whether it is an assembleable mobile steel frame. Or small equipment like shield machine , or flexible small series frame houses, more convenient ones such as semi-manual and semi-machine, all of which are professional equipment with strong 5G controllability, and can also be customized according to specific conditions. The goal of stable development is to produce some flexible safety production equipment, flexibly respond to various complex geological conditions, ensure safe production links, and control the safety production index above excellent.

can invent some equipment in terms of safety production, such as escape shafts, Beidou watches, small shield machines, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc. These require the participation of multiple departments, industries, and institutions in the research and development of ideas. This link must be ensured and To achieve the desired results, we need to sort out and adjust the backward production capacity, clear up the blocking points of this special industry, strive for progress while maintaining stability, make progress while maintaining stability, and achieve stable development.

Safety production is a long-term topic, especially in the mining production process, where multiple departments play a role. For example, the advantages of Beidou-3 can popularize Beidou-3, allow more people to participate in research and development ideas, improve the quality of linkage, and finally Fortunately, more meetings and discussions are held in the west to gain an in-depth understanding of communication, exchange and integration, and a permanent venue, museum, and symbolic base will be established in the west, such as Xiushan, Tongren, Chongqing, and Guiyang. Chongqing has been more proactive and proactive in this regard. At the forefront, we can also establish a discipline sub-division in the university through appropriate refinement and multiple linkages to maximize the R&D layout strategy.