33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei, Wang Qianmei, Zhu Kaidi, Correspondents, Zhang Xiaoling, Tang Guangyao, Chen Qiang, Du Xinyang. At the beginning of the new year, the “top leaders” of 10 schools in Dongyang City have announced their new goals for 2019 and drawn up a n

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2019-01-28 10:33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei Wang Qianmei Zhu Kaidi Correspondent Zhang Xiaoling Tang Guangyao Chen Qiang

33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei, Wang Qianmei, Zhu Kaidi, Correspondents, Zhang Xiaoling, Tang Guangyao, Chen Qiang, Du Xinyang. At the beginning of the new year, the “top leaders” of 10 schools in Dongyang City have announced their new goals for 2019 and drawn up a n - DayDayNews

Du Xinyang

At the beginning of the new year, the "top leaders" of Dongyang City 10 schools have revealed their new goals for 2019 and described 2019 New blueprint for the new year. These 10 principals cover various stages of education, and their ideas play a role as a vane for the development of education in Dongyang City. This issue of Education Weekly focuses on the "New Year's New Voices of Principals" column to hear principals' heartfelt messages to students, teachers and schools.

Du Xinyang, principal of Dongyang Middle School : bid farewell to the unforgettable years of 2018 and welcome the hope of 2019

"In the past year, the whole school has the same desire and strives for progress, showing a 'high position, slow education, new reforms, and good momentum' The situation of progress..."

On January 21st, Dongyang Middle School held a teachers' representative meeting. Principal Du Xinyang gave a keynote speech at the meeting, which was sonorous, powerful and full of passion. Four days later, he will go to the province for another meeting. Ever since he became the principal of Dongyang Middle School, a prestigious school that has gone through more than a century of turbulent years, he has spent every day in a busy rhythm. He said that in addition to business trips, he would stay at the school for more than 16 hours every day and enjoy every moment of growing up with teachers and students on campus.

The principal is very busy. What are you busy with? "Focus on party building, reform, teaching, sports, projects..." Looking back at the past, he has clear ideas and is progressive every step of the way; looking forward to the future, he assesses the situation and is full of confidence.

In the new year, doing a good job in party building is a major priority for Du Xinyang. "Last year, Dongyang Middle School focused on educating people and party building, and worked hard to refine the Dongzhong party building characteristic brand of 'laying the foundation and leading the way', and promoted the characteristic carriers of party building - 'one post, two pioneers' and 'three advancements and four mentors', and many innovative practices It was affirmed by the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee’s Organization Department.” Du Xinyang looked very pleased when talking about the party building work leading the school’s development to a new level. He said that in 2019, the school will lead team building through party building, leading the backbones of the student union, classes, and clubs to mobilize and lead all students to improve their ability to study, live, and interact, as well as their awareness of adjustment, consciousness, and responsibility, and deeply explore the education in daily life. Meaning, to realize big ambitions, start from ordinary little things, and strive to make every moment of daily campus life the cradle of students’ spiritual growth.

According to reports, 2018 was the year when the education and teaching performance of Dongyang Middle School reached its peak. In addition to the much-anticipated student Guo Wenqing, who got the highest score in the Jinliqu College Entrance Examination, other data are eye-catching: 7 candidates from Qingbei were admitted and 4 were accepted, Jinhua ranked first in the number of admissions to first-class schools in Qingbei and C9, and the online rate of the first paragraph was regained Jinhua ranks first. Not only are students’ personality development highlights frequent, but the overall quality of the teachers’ team has also been significantly improved. 35 people won provincial awards and 23 people won Jinhua municipal awards.

What makes Du Xinyang most regretful is that the dance of the student art troupe, which won the first prize at the Jinhua Primary and Secondary School Art Festival, only won the second prize in the province. However, when talking about the sitcom "Song of Dongyang Education's Quest" written and performed by 58 teachers and students of Dongzhong and Dongyang, which reflects the suffering, development and prospects of modern education in Dongyang and Dongyang, Du Xinyang, whose face was filled with excitement, said that in the smart era, more attention should be paid to art. , sports and other non-intellectual education and social education such as communication and responsibility.

"Dongyang Middle School must also promote the 'best' culture of pursuing the ultimate." Du Xinyang said that 2019 is a critical year for Dongyang Middle School's "Three-Year Tough Plan". To this end, the school will take multiple measures and adopt a multi-pronged approach to continuously Improve the "Boya Holistic Core Competencies" curriculum system, comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching, promote stratified education in depth, and achieve precise teaching.

In order to deliver civil and military talents with both intelligence and physique, science and technology and humanities to first-class universities, this academic year, Du Xinyang is determined to educate people with the determination of "physical and mental health is more important than scores" and "no one can overemphasize the physical health of students" , carried out "drastic" reforms in the school's physical education work, and creatively implemented the activities of "daily practice, weekly inspection, monthly competition, and everyone's performance". The Education Bureau has just announced the results, and the students from East Middle School won the first place in the physical education test of the middle school group.

renamed the fourth class every afternoon as "activity class" to "return" time to students and encourage students to participate in sports, art, clubs, practice and other activities; a single and parallel bar sports area was opened next to the teaching building and downstairs of the dormitory. The fitness equipment has been "moved forward" to make it more convenient for teachers and students to exercise; the school also actively carries out various large-scale sports activities throughout the year... Students in Dongzhong Middle School are becoming more and more interested in sports. Du Xinyang proposed that "without health, there is no talent. It is difficult to carry out a big task without spirit, and there is no Dongzhong without sports” has gradually become the consensus and persistence of all teachers and students of Dongyang Middle School.

Walking around the campus of Dongyang Middle School, the reporter also discovered many new sights, such as the "Xinhua Bookstore Dongzhong Xin'an (Xin'an) Book Bar" with the scent of books and coffee, which makes people yearn for it, "Jici Academy of Science" and "General Technology Maker Space" Science Interactive Experience Hall, Tiwu Literature College, Foreign Language Appreciation Golden Corridor, Sound Creation Workshop, Scenario Interpretation Stage, Cultural Salon Area, VR Experience Corner, as well as various subject classrooms and innovation laboratories are all in progress. The final dressing up before the debut. Du Xinyang said that Dongyang Middle School should satisfy the best students with its profound heritage, rich atmosphere, modern implementation, and diversified courses. All teachers in the school will promote group development with the determination of "all for the cause" and "accompany three students". Cultivate core competencies to activate students' vitality with the sentiment of "Every year counts a lifetime", and improve the quality of education with the courage to "dare to be first".

bids farewell to the unforgettable years of 2018 and welcomes the hope of 2019. “In the new year, all the teachers in the school will concentrate on reform, overcome difficulties and work hard again, laying a solid foundation for Dongyang Middle School’s academic performance and influence to be among the first-class in the province, and reward leaders at all levels, all walks of life and society with excellent results. The love of alumni at home and abroad!" Du Xinyang said firmly.

Lu Yuelong, the principal of Dongyang No. 2 Middle School: the "high-quality" feelings of the grassroots principal

33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei, Wang Qianmei, Zhu Kaidi, Correspondents, Zhang Xiaoling, Tang Guangyao, Chen Qiang, Du Xinyang. At the beginning of the new year, the “top leaders” of 10 schools in Dongyang City have announced their new goals for 2019 and drawn up a n - DayDayNews

Lu Yuelong

"Taking stock of this semester, he gave seven speeches to the senior high school students. August 14, 2018, meeting; September 5, opening ceremony; 10 On March 8th, mobilization 21 days before the exam..." This is what Lu Yuelong, the principal of Dongyang No. 2 Middle School, recently posted in his circle of friends. In the comment area, he also attached his understanding of education since he was a teacher: the art of education lies in motivation, Awaken and inspire.

It is this "six-character formula" that gave rise to his motivation to give lectures to teachers and students at various points in time. "The content of each speech is carefully prepared." Lu Yuelong said with a smile, "The first and second grade students have spoken less this semester, and they will definitely increase the frequency this year."

According to the reporter, at the end of each speech, he will say: The content of the speech was reorganized and uploaded to his personal WeChat public account "New Height of Education". It is reported that since the establishment of the account in June 2018, he has written more than 30 original articles, and each article can reach more than 600 reads without using any promotion methods.

"Looking up to the new heights of education from the perspective of a grassroots principal." This is the introduction to the WeChat public account of "New Height in Education", and it is also the true meaning of education that Lu Yuelong is constantly searching for. Since taking charge of Dongyang No. 2 Middle School, he has improved his understanding of education and came up with the idea of ​​building a "high-quality" No. 2 Middle School.

In August 2016, Dongyang No. 2 Middle School moved into the new campus. The first-class learning environment and hardware facilities are "amazing". However, how to match students' high-quality connotations with them is what Lu Yuelong needs to consider this year.

"I understand that running a high-quality school requires the support of culture and talents." He opened his notebook and started talking.

In 2019, Dongyang No. 2 Middle School has set the work theme as "Cohesion, innovation and strength, and jointly writing a new chapter of high-quality happy education." In order to achieve this goal, the school has refined the tasks of the two projects of culture and talent and implemented them simultaneously and step by step.

A day's plan begins in the morning. Last year, the school launched a high-quality reading activity, requiring students to read out the essence of the morning recitation and internalize it into their character. This year, on this basis, the school will also carry out competitions for reading stars and advanced reading classes.

In addition, the school also adds innovative thinking to the annual "Maker" Carnival."Last year's 'Maker' Carnival integrated fun, knowledge and economy into one. The activities included the dormitory balcony creative competition, the 'Portable Creative Desk Lamp' production competition, the Creative Culture and Art Festival, etc." Lu Yuelong said, this year , this activity will add new projects and new evaluations, so that all employees can participate and everyone can excel.

Passion, sunshine, integrity, and sincerity are the personality qualities that are easy to feel in Lu Yuelong. On the track and field, compete with students in the "4×100" relay race; on the basketball court, compete with the school team on skills; at the art festival, have fun with students and show off your singing... because education and teaching are down-to-earth and ready for students. Friendly, Lu Yuelong has won the recognition and respect of the majority of students. In November 2018, a senior student from Weishan High School came to the No. 2 Middle School examination center to take the exam. When he walked into the restaurant to visit his former students, everyone stood up and applauded. The simple welcome ceremony brought tears to his eyes instantly...

"Walking in Between educational ideals and educational reality, we must not only reflect human values ​​​​in education, but also cultivate students' various abilities and withstand various tests, so as to cultivate happy and complete people," Lu Yuelong jokingly said about his working status. Like a "two-headed crow", I arrive at school at 6 a.m. and go home at 10 p.m., leaving early and returning late every day.

The new year has arrived, and the future is promising and worth fighting for. "A high-quality Happy No. 2 Middle School must be built by rolling up our sleeves and working hard. As long as all faculty and staff work together and innovate, we will be able to write high-quality products that will satisfy students, teachers, and schools." A new chapter for the campus!" Lu Yuelong said.

Xu Fumin, principal of Zhongtian High School: Create a better learning environment and explore better teaching models

33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei, Wang Qianmei, Zhu Kaidi, Correspondents, Zhang Xiaoling, Tang Guangyao, Chen Qiang, Du Xinyang. At the beginning of the new year, the “top leaders” of 10 schools in Dongyang City have announced their new goals for 2019 and drawn up a n - DayDayNews

Xu Fumin

“In 2019, the school’s new student dormitories will be put into use, construction of teachers’ dormitories will begin, and the gymnasium will also be rebuilt. ” Xu Fumin, principal of Zhongtian High School, said that in the new year, the overall appearance of Zhongtian High School will undergo major changes to provide better logistical support and teaching conditions for teachers and students at the school.

reporters saw that the 6-story student dormitory building at the original Fengyu Stadium site has been completed and is expected to be officially put into use in August. By then, more than 1,500 students in the school will be able to live in high-standard, modern new dormitories. Xu Fumin said that the current student apartment was built in 1998. Although it has been repaired and equipped with facilities since then, it no longer meets the requirements of the times and is relatively backward. Moreover, the current student apartment can only accommodate 1,200 students, and more than 300 students live in another dormitory building.

8 room becomes a room for 6 people, a single squat pit becomes a double squat pit, a single shower becomes a double shower... There are also air conditioners, fans, hair dryers, telephones, hot water, etc., and all kinds of household facilities will be available. This allows students to not only receive a good education during school, but also have a comfortable living environment, so that parents and students have no worries.

"The school has not only made great improvements in infrastructure, but also continues to make breakthroughs in teaching management." Xu Fumin said that now the school has been moving towards the goal of "creating smart education and building a harmonious campus", and hopes that in 2019 There must be new breakthroughs in smart education and gradually form a curriculum system and classroom teaching model with its own distinctive characteristics.

Whether in class or after class, the reporter saw that students at Zhongtian High School used tablets instead of books the most. Xu Fumin explained that the school is actively exploring the in-depth integration of technology and teaching management. Now students can learn anytime and anywhere with a tablet computer and Internet connection. This is the embodiment of smart education. “There is an unlimited question bank on the tablet, and a wrong question set will be formed for each student. Teachers can push micro lessons for wrong questions."

Smart education breaks through the time and space limitations of traditional classrooms. It does not require a podium, blackboard or homework book, and can learn anytime and anywhere through the Internet. In traditional classrooms, teachers often face the dilemma of whether to grasp progress or to grasp underachievers, and smart classrooms can help Teachers understand the actual situation of each student to achieve personalized tutoring; they can also group students in layers based on the learning reports generated by the tablet, and push different question sets to achieve true individualized teaching and precise teaching.

In addition, the school Homework on weekends or holidays is assigned through tablets, and the time for submission of homework and the time for teacher correction and feedback are stipulated, so as to ensure that students can effectively complete homework at home and not only their learning status is fed back to their tablets. , and also fed back to parents’ mobile phones, so that parents can participate together and closely integrate home and school.

Xu Fumin said that the school has also compiled a scientific research book "Tablet Teaching Skills", which records the teachers of the school. The excellent experience and simple operation methods accumulated in the actual operation of tablet teaching are hoped to provide some help to future teaching and brother schools that also have tablet teaching, and we will continue to enrich and improve the functions of tablets to better serve teaching.

Lu Gan, principal of the Municipal Vocational Education Center: Implementing the "Four Elites" model to strive to create a famous modern secondary vocational school

33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei, Wang Qianmei, Zhu Kaidi, Correspondents, Zhang Xiaoling, Tang Guangyao, Chen Qiang, Du Xinyang. At the beginning of the new year, the “top leaders” of 10 schools in Dongyang City have announced their new goals for 2019 and drawn up a n - DayDayNews

Lu Gan

is not impressive without being sincere. In view of the fact that secondary vocational schools have "more students, more classes, and more majors", they are big and small. In view of the current situation of not being strong, compared with the establishment standards of "modern secondary vocational schools", Lu Gan, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of the Municipal Vocational Education Center, proposed that this year, the Municipal Vocational Education Center will implement the "Four Elites" model, deepen curriculum reform, and sincerely To achieve the beautiful vision of modern secondary vocational education.

precise teaching lays a solid foundation for curriculum reform. Through demand analysis, the Municipal Vocational Education Center clearly grasps the status of students, accurately meets social needs, and defines professional training goals. On this basis, three major categories are designed. Courses. Among them, the humanistic course is based on students’ actual study, life, employment and interpersonal relationships, with moral education as the core, allowing students to clarify their goals, strengthen motivation, enhance self-confidence, and take the initiative to learn; the precision course will focus on skills training and set up "employment Classes" and "Entertainment Classes" allow each student to master skills and become a qualified worker; the Ingenuity Course implements a "tutoring system" by setting up innovative classes and studios to cultivate students with innovative spirit. Vivid Classroom is a method of precise teaching The only way to create a "borderless classroom" is to break the boundaries between in-class and extra-curricular, on-campus and off-campus, allowing teachers and students to fully engage with the enterprise and society. The growth of famous teachers in dynamic teaching is an important guarantee for curriculum reform. , the school will implement the "chief teacher system", set up famous teacher studios, and fully roll out party member studios, allowing more than 100 party member teachers in the school to become the "leaders" of curriculum reform. Finally, through evaluation feedback, precise teaching paths will be continuously adjusted. .

fine management and maintenance curriculum reform implementation. The Municipal Vocational Education Center will implement refined management from the three levels of system, personnel and projects. On the premise of optimizing the departmental position setting, the "faculty system" is implemented. Each department has a system on the wall, has rules to follow, is well implemented, and makes decisions democratically, and protects the innovative education of the six departments. Personnel management will innovatively implement the project leadership system, encourage all teachers to form temporary teams around the project to complete corresponding goals, and create an atmosphere of conscious "claiming" project tasks with full participation. Matter management focuses on dividing the school management content into several matters, determining personnel, time, goals, processes, etc., and improving management efficiency with higher standards and more detailed rules.

carefully serves to add notes and changes to the class. By establishing a service mechanism and making service the core of educational work, every teacher has a target to serve.At the same time, the service content is optimized. First, to serve the needs of life. In 2019, the school will improve the design of school uniforms and change from "two seasons" to "four seasons". It will invest nearly 5 million yuan to improve student accommodation conditions and scientifically solve the problems at the school gate during weekends. congestion problem; the second is to serve the "Three-Self" management, improve the "guidance system" for students to guide students, strengthen the construction of student management teams, and allow students to achieve self-management, self-education and self-service; the third is to serve students' psychology, in response to the current frequent , complex psychological problems of secondary vocational students, extending psychological counseling to families through online and offline linkage, and seamlessly caring for students' mental health around the clock.

Wonderful life security curriculum reform effect. The ultimate goal of curriculum reform is to allow students to enjoy the splendor of life and feel the happiness of life while achieving academic success. Focusing on this original intention, the school will open a "life bank" for each student. By obtaining health, academic, life and happiness points, and giving corresponding rewards, the school will encourage students to devote themselves to learning with a more positive attitude. In addition, the "Sakura Festival" and "Green Pine Club" will be used as the main body to develop and create rich and diverse community activities and cultural activities, so that students can experience success, feel happiness, create a harmonious and upward atmosphere, and achieve a healthy and positive psychological construction.

Xu Haijin, principal of Wuning No. 1 Middle School: Deeply promote the "Shihui" new education to show the new charm of "town"

33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei, Wang Qianmei, Zhu Kaidi, Correspondents, Zhang Xiaoling, Tang Guangyao, Chen Qiang, Du Xinyang. At the beginning of the new year, the “top leaders” of 10 schools in Dongyang City have announced their new goals for 2019 and drawn up a n - DayDayNews

Xu Haijin

First prize in the city chorus competition, winning 5 gold and 2 silver in the Provincial Games, international football exchanges... 2018 Under the guidance of the concept of "Adaptive Education", Wuning No. 1 Middle School has blossomed in the fields of art, sports, information, subject competitions, etc., and has gained a lot. It has attracted the attention of famous schools inside and outside the province and even internationally, and has served as a model for the city's junior high schools. A typical example, the "Window School" lives up to its name.

"In 2019, our school will still take cultivating diversified talents as the overall goal, continue to further promote the new education of 'Shihui', and show the new charm of 'Zhenzhong'." The new year is coming soon, and in this time of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new At this time, Xu Haijin, the principal of Wuning No. 1 Middle School, made a new plan for the development of the school.

The core of "Shihui Education" is to accurately teach students according to their personal characteristics and cultivate comprehensive qualities. In terms of education and teaching, Wu Ning No. 1 Middle School will put people first and strive to create a "Three Elite" brand: continuously improve quality courses such as social service courses and "STEM projects"; continue to optimize the classroom teaching structure and create exquisite classrooms; strive to create track and field, fencing, information, Olympic and other special societies, promote the construction of wonderful societies, ensure that track and field, intelligent robot and other competitions continue to maintain a leading position at the provincial level, and strive to cultivate many national-level second-level athletes.

Xu Haijin said that as the only Chinese STEM education project pilot school in the junior high school section of Jinhua City, Wuning No. 1 Middle School will take national-level research topics as the leader, and provincial and municipal-level topics as assistance, accelerate the pace of curriculum reform, and boldly try to integrate disciplines. Continuously improve students’ core competencies.

Wu Ning No. 1 Middle School has always attached great importance to teacher training. Xu Haijin himself has outstanding professional abilities. As a teaching expert for the National Training Plan (2018) - a demonstration project for sending training to the county (Junior Middle School Chinese B101), he went to Shaoyang, Hunan to give lectures and taught Wu Ning The good teaching experience of No. 1 Middle School radiates outside the province. In 2019, Wuning No. 1 Middle School will use the Teacher Development and Training Center and the Special Teacher Studio as the carrier, with the goal of cultivating famous teachers at the municipal and provincial levels, and continuously improve the professional quality of teachers. At the same time, it will combine the school's "Top Ten People Who Moved the Town" and "Top Ten The "Silent Dedication Figures" selection promotes the construction of teachers' ethics and ethics, thereby cultivating a dynamic team of high-quality professional teachers.

looks beyond the campus, and international exchanges will also expand the breadth and depth of the window of Wuning No. 1 Middle School. Last year, the British Leiden Youth Club played an international friendly match with the No. 1 Middle School team. St. John's College also conducted exchanges with the No. 1 Middle School in various aspects and signed a cooperation agreement. Xu Haijin said that the school will welcome a delegation from St. John's College again on the 23rd next month, and the two parties will conduct detailed negotiations on teacher exchanges and research, curriculum construction, summer camp organization and other matters.

As the leader school of the new education experiment "home-school cooperation and joint education", Wuning No. 1 Middle School is actively exploring new models of home-school cooperation. It will open new parent schools, open new parent classrooms, visit "hundreds of people and thousands of homes" activities, and select outstanding students. Initiatives such as New Parents build a trinity of moral education network among school, family and society to lead parents and children to grow together.

In terms of improving the cultural connotation of the campus, Wu Ning No. 1 Middle School has adopted a two-pronged approach with hardware and software: it continues to promote the construction of the school's cultural and sports characteristic corridors, excavates, inherits and displays the cultural spirit of the No. 1 Middle School campus; plans to complete the gymnasium construction project next year and equip it with advanced venue facilities; We will cooperate with the Education Bureau to implement the "Smart Eyes" project to replace classroom lighting equipment; we will invest 2.8 million yuan to renovate the canteen to improve the dining environment.

After the conversation, Xu Haijin hurried to attend the school affairs meeting. In his busy figure, reporters can seem to see that in 2019, Wu Ning No. 1 Middle School will be more and more exciting in the never-ending pace.

Lu Yanhong, principal of foreign language primary school: Promote research on personality evaluation systems and let talents be free

33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei, Wang Qianmei, Zhu Kaidi, Correspondents, Zhang Xiaoling, Tang Guangyao, Chen Qiang, Du Xinyang. At the beginning of the new year, the “top leaders” of 10 schools in Dongyang City have announced their new goals for 2019 and drawn up a n - DayDayNews

Lu Yanhong

"The fundamental purpose of education is to educate people. The people we want to educate must be people with sound personalities. Scores are very important, but scores are used to measure students' The phenomenon of using only one standard, or even seeing each other only, is never allowed in a foreign language primary school. Only when the baton of the student evaluation system is waved well can students have a broad space to show their talents. "Recently, a reporter came to the principal of a foreign language primary school. In Lu Yanhong's office, when talking about the school's key tasks in 2019, what she said hit the nail on the head. According to her, this year, on the basis of ensuring steady progress in teaching, the school will continue to deepen the reform of the student evaluation system, tailor-made personalized evaluation plans for each student, and free up talent.

Based on the school purpose of "entering the world of children and cultivating happy children", the holographic evaluation system of Foreign Language Primary School started very early and has achieved remarkable results. The school's evaluation work plays a decisive role in the province and even the country. Last year, at the invitation of the Provincial Teaching and Research Office, Lu Yanhong made a report on the holographic evaluation of foreign language primary schools to the province’s teaching and research staff; on January 11, Lu Yanhong went to Hangzhou as a special guest to participate in an evaluation training meeting organized by the Provincial Teaching and Research Office, where she participated in the new The expert salon on the outlook for education evaluation reform pointed out the direction for the province's evaluation reform.

On Lu Yanhong’s desk, a “Foreign Language Primary School Mathematics Learning Questionnaire” attracted the reporter’s attention. It turns out that at the end of the semester, in addition to distributing final examination papers, the school's teaching office also produced questionnaires on subjects such as Chinese and mathematics.

"Do you like math class?" "When doing homework, do you do math homework first?" "Do you find math boring?" In the questionnaire, the reporter found that there were as many as 26 questions like this. "The questionnaire is designed to accurately diagnose students' learning status. Teachers will sort out the data and propose improvement plans for education and teaching in the next semester based on problem orientation," Lu Yanhong said.

January 28, the winter vacation began. Just as students were celebrating the holiday, all teachers from the foreign language primary school went out to hold a personality growth assessment meeting for "special students". "Special students" do not refer to children with weak academic performance, but to those who have special shining points. "The head teacher of each class selects three students, invites parents to participate, discusses the children's strengths and weaknesses in a democratic and relaxed atmosphere, and uses multi-party consultation to form a personalized growth plan for the children." Lu Yanhong said that the school will also conduct a review of each plan. Track and supervise teachers' implementation. This is not only an innovation in the school's evaluation work this year, but also a bold attempt by the school to integrate personalized elements into the student evaluation system, from being refined to being spread throughout the school.

According to Lu Yanhong, no job in a foreign language primary school is easy, because all routine work needs to run on a regular basis, 365 days a year, without interruption. On the morning of January 23, when Lu Yanhong came to the school, she found that the security guard had not taken out the letters from the parent-student suggestion box in time. She immediately notified the leader in charge to make rectifications.

It is worth mentioning that among the many letters, one is particularly unique.The letter was signed by a sixth-grade student at the school, who regarded her failure to attend the school's New Year's concert as her "biggest regret." "Due to limited school space, students from day classes and sixth grade were not invited to participate in the concert." Lu Yanhong was quite sorry for this. She explained the reason to the student and promised to perform it again at the sixth grade graduation ceremony to complement the experience for the day and sixth grade children. Listening to the voices of students, parents, and teachers is Lu Yanhong’s consistent style. Such dedication and professionalism are admirable.

In the past year, Foreign Language Primary School has received a lot of honors and likes. The moral education course "Button the First Button of Life" was rated as an excellent case by the Ministry of Education; Chen Genfang, then deputy secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and deputy director of the Provincial Department of Education, came to the school for investigation and greatly appreciated the "holographic education" and Calling Lu Yanhong "a person who truly understands education"... In Lu Yanhong's view, all honors will turn into motivation to run a good education.

builds a first-class team, creates future courses, persists in education and scientific research, and builds the holographic education brand of foreign primary schools. Looking forward to 2019, Lu Yanhong has a grand blueprint in mind.

is devoted to education and full of enthusiasm for students. Relying on Lu Yanhong’s understanding and practice of education, the educational level and social satisfaction of foreign language primary schools are constantly improving, and the students’ mental outlook is generally confident and open-minded. The school-running goal of “educating elite students and building a first-class school” is not a slogan hanging on the wall, but permeates every aspect of foreign language primary schools.

Yu Guodong, principal of Experimental Primary School: Let the school and individuals develop at the same time

33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei, Wang Qianmei, Zhu Kaidi, Correspondents, Zhang Xiaoling, Tang Guangyao, Chen Qiang, Du Xinyang. At the beginning of the new year, the “top leaders” of 10 schools in Dongyang City have announced their new goals for 2019 and drawn up a n - DayDayNews

Yu Guodong

Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. These eight words are the creed that Yu Guodong, the principal of Experimental Primary School, is eager to improve the level of self-education this year. "The world is so big and I want to see it. Behind the popular 'willful' resignation letter in 2015 is the desire for outside knowledge. As for me, I want to have more opportunities to study abroad in the new year. , learn from the successful experiences of excellent schools and use them for my own use,” said Yu Guodong.

In November 2018, Yu Guodong sent an inspection team composed of team members to inspect schools in several cities in the south to learn their courses and management experience. This year, Yu Guodong will set his sights on the north. "The education of the 'Southern faction' focuses on pioneering and innovation, while the 'Northern faction' focuses on making progress step by step. Both have merit."

On the copy of "General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Speech at the National Education Conference" on his desk, Yu Guodong drew in circles and filled them with his own thoughts. He believes that in order for students to develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and physically, the role of the word "labor" cannot be ignored.

"The most important role of labor education is to allow people to verify knowledge and balance their thinking through hands-on exercises. Without labor education, one is doomed to have a high vision and a weak hand." Yu Guodong said that this year the school will use the tutoring academy as a family-school cooperation platform to list Providing labor homework for each grade and combining it with the school's comprehensive practical activities to help establish students' correct labor concepts and transform them from "can do" to "should do".

Talking about the establishment of tutoring colleges, Yu Guodong said, "This is a move that requires courage." Because with the deepening of home-school cooperation, the school's shortcomings will slowly surface and appear in front of parents, "but this is a good opportunity to make up for the shortcomings and improve." Next, in view of the narrow coverage of tutoring schools and the small number of parents, the school will "prescribe the right medicine", open to the society in an inclusive manner, accept parents from other schools to join, and work together to create a warm family and add value to the development of the school. Bricks build tiles. In interviews with

, "Every student is a genius" is what Yu Guodong often says. In response, the corresponding action he took was to improve the evaluation system. "To make education a pure land, we must overcome the stubborn disease of only scores and only getting into higher education." Yu Guodong said that in 2019, the school will add a new "Guinness Festival" to release children's nature. At the same time, the experimental primary school will also focus on quality-oriented teaching reform, vigorously carry out STEAM education, and actively explore effective internal and external cooperation models. Internally, form a team of teachers; externally, introduce a professional team.Through professional training, teachers’ theoretical and practical skills are continuously improved, and students are explored for ways to become talents.

New year, new goals, new year, new journey. Looking at the work of the experimental primary school in the new year, we can see both steady and steady progress as well as reform and innovation. The long road through Xiongguan is really like iron, but now we are crossing it from the beginning. New challenges are constantly emerging. I believe that all the teachers and students of the Experimental Primary School will use self-confidence as their sails to overcome obstacles and usher in clear skies.

Ge Minhui, principal of Wuning School No. 5: Set sail again, determined to start again

33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei, Wang Qianmei, Zhu Kaidi, Correspondents, Zhang Xiaoling, Tang Guangyao, Chen Qiang, Du Xinyang. At the beginning of the new year, the “top leaders” of 10 schools in Dongyang City have announced their new goals for 2019 and drawn up a n - DayDayNews

Ge Minhui

The New Year is approaching and everything is new. At the beginning of the New Year, Ge Minhui, the principal of Wuning School No. 5, seems busier than ever. On the afternoon of January 16, when the reporter came to Ge Minhui’s office, the small desk was filled with documents. “I’ve been busy thinking about ideas and planning these past few days,” Ge Minhui said with a smile. On the eve of last year's summer vacation, he invited friends from the China Academy of Art to redesign the school gate. In just two months of summer vacation, the bright orange gate was completed, which brought a linear increase in the school's appearance and connotation. In 2019, the first thing he has to do is to upgrade the campus environment to ensure that the quality of the environment matches the quality of teaching.

"The school's facade has not been renovated for more than 20 years, which is obviously inconsistent with the current situation of increasing parent satisfaction year by year." In addition, not long ago, it rained continuously in Dongcheng and the toilet space was slippery. Many teachers and students fell down while using the toilet. . The school's "toilet revolution" may seem like a small matter, but it is a major issue that Ge Minhui will devote great efforts to solving in the New Year.

During the conversation, Ge Minhui led reporters into the school complex. According to him, the school currently has two teaching buildings, a comprehensive building and a canteen, but among the four buildings, only the teaching building is connected. "The comprehensive building also serves as half of the teaching building. The science laboratory, computer room, dance studio, library and some club classrooms are in this building." After serving as the head of the fifth school, he once calculated that students from It takes 4 minutes to get from the teaching building to the comprehensive building, which obviously takes up the students' limited time between classes. In order to return time to students, this year, Ge Minhui will build connecting corridors among the four buildings to open up functions and scientifically combine them.

When talking with Ge Minhui, the reporter found that the young principal's thinking was very flexible and clear-headed. He told reporters that as a teacher, as long as you put yourself in the students' shoes and look at the problem from the student's perspective, nothing will be a problem.

In terms of education and teaching, Ge Minhui already has a blueprint in mind. "The most important thing is to continue to make ' schema teaching' bigger and stronger, deepen innovation, and polish this golden business card." Ge Minhui said, "Today's teaching still mostly tests children's memory, which is too tiring for children! The graphical teaching that has been honed for ten years is to build a happy classroom, focusing on using "pictures" to replace text, using diagrams to represent concepts, and deepen children's learning, understanding and cognitive abilities. "Next, how. Spreading schema teaching throughout the school to create a good atmosphere for teachers' professional development through schema teaching and for students to learn happily is a key issue that he and all staff need to explore.

In terms of hardware, Wu Ning School 5 will also focus on building an umbrella-free campus. At the same time, although the newly built canteen last year ended the era of parents delivering meals in the cold wind and scorching sun, staff training and mechanism establishment still need to be solved in the new year; in terms of

software, Wuning School 5 will continue to insist on "invite in" " "Send it out" model to continuously improve the professional quality of teachers. And reorganized the evaluation system, and carried out all-round reforms in student evaluation means, methods, content, etc.

When asked "Are you too busy?" Ge Minhui also laughed and said, "I am too busy to do what I want to do." There are many things to do, but I always feel that there is not enough time.” He admitted that he has not enjoyed leisure time on holidays and weekends for a long time, but he is happy to do so for the development of education.

Shen Qunying, the director of the experimental kindergarten: Never stop, always carrying a heavy burden on your shoulders

33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei, Wang Qianmei, Zhu Kaidi, Correspondents, Zhang Xiaoling, Tang Guangyao, Chen Qiang, Du Xinyang. At the beginning of the new year, the “top leaders” of 10 schools in Dongyang City have announced their new goals for 2019 and drawn up a n - DayDayNews

Shen Qunying

On the morning of January 24, Luzhai became very lively because of the arrival of a group of elves. It turned out that the experimental kindergarten was held here Temple fair activities."We simulated the form of Dongyang temple fair and created a space for children to play, buy and sell, and interact, returning the initiative of exploration to children. Here, children can experience folk art, taste Dongyang snacks, and play traditional games. Let them quietly sow the seeds of cultural self-confidence in their hearts." Shen Qunying, the director of the experimental kindergarten, and her team have been busy for a long time.

66 years of accumulation has made the experimental kindergarten from a leading preschool education school in Dongyang to a benchmark in Jinhua and then to the first-class in the province. At the age of 50, she is not senile. Instead, she continues to accumulate content and cultural development, and seeks opportunities for change in innovation. According to Shen Qunying, 2019 will be a critical year for the park to deepen its curriculum reform, and the inheritance and development of excellent traditional culture such as temple fair activities are the "vanguard" in the exploration of curriculum reform over the years.

"Curriculum reform is the core of the quality and connotation development of the park, and is a direct reflection of children's sense of gain and happiness." Shen Qunying told reporters that in the past two years, the school completed the top-level design of the curriculum reform plan to "inspire children's innocence, The "Lingrun Course" created with the core concept of "elegant childhood" won the provincial quality course. This year, Shen Qunying and his team will set out to explore the perfect implementation of every element of the curriculum to make it more in line with the life of the kindergarten, which not only points to the present, but also lays the foundation for children's future happy life.

has 630,000 visits and 2,700 visitors... This is a set of gratifying data from the studio of famous teacher Shen Qunying. At the same time, the studio was awarded the Provincial Outstanding Teacher Studio in 2018, the only one in Jinhua preschool education. "The content released by the studio is aimed at preschool educators across the country. While delivering the good voice of Dongyang preschool education, it should also introduce excellent experiences and practices." Through Shen Qunying's famous teacher studio, many principals from other provinces have traveled thousands of miles to be famous. Come. This year, Shen Qunying will continue to increase the radiation role of the studio, achieve progress through exchanges and learning, and work together to promote development.

If "fulfillment and busyness" is Shen Qunying's theme in 2018, then "struggle and hard work" will be his driving force for progress in 2019. In the past year, she has heard too many praises from outstanding preschool educators inside and outside the province, but Shen Qunying said that she will continue to forge ahead with a humble attitude and an empty cup.

"Monitor" of Lingyan Engineering Class, leader of the new education experiment "promote one thing every month" preschool education section, leader of Dongyang Curriculum Reform Alliance... A series of names made Shen Qunying bluntly say, "You can never stop, shoulder." Always shouldering heavy responsibilities." On the one hand, we must plan the future development of the experimental kindergarten, and on the other hand, we must lead the advancement of preschool education in the city.

Every New Year's Eve, the first and second days of the Lunar New Year are Shen Qunying's unshakable duty hours, and they are also the time for her to quietly plan her ideas for the new year. Seek true knowledge in practice and think less in tranquility. I believe that in the new year, under the leadership of Shen Qunying, the "big parent", the experimental kindergarten will usher in new opportunities and achieve new development in various undertakings.

Si Ting, the director of the Second Experimental Kindergarten: Calm steps and poetic work

33 | Zhejiang News Client Reporter | Li Lei, Wang Qianmei, Zhu Kaidi, Correspondents, Zhang Xiaoling, Tang Guangyao, Chen Qiang, Du Xinyang. At the beginning of the new year, the “top leaders” of 10 schools in Dongyang City have announced their new goals for 2019 and drawn up a n - DayDayNews

Si Ting

Recently, reporters came to the city's Second Experimental Kindergarten. When walking in the garden, a warm and natural breath came to my face, including grass gardens, gardens, orchards, The vegetable garden; hemp ropes, pebbles, fallen leaves, and fruits are all full of poetry and painting, and every corner seems to be talking. With such an exquisite and elegant environment, no one would have imagined that this is a kindergarten that was only established three years ago.

2018 was a fruitful year for the second experimental kindergarten. The kindergarten-based courses were selected as provincial quality courses, related topics and papers won the provincial first prize, and won multiple national narrative essay competition awards... The results of three years of silent efforts are here. After a year of growth, preschool education colleagues in the province learned that there is a poetic kindergarten in Dongyang called "Dongyang City Second Experimental Kindergarten".

"Three years of hard work have achieved phased results. Next, we have to slow down." Principal Si Ting looked at the plants and trees in the garden and said. In the new year, she asked all teachers to settle down and work hard. The quiet heart crouched down to listen to the child's voice.

Last year, in the cloth-themed class course, Si Ting was amazed by the creativity and imagination of the children. “In a short period of time, the children in the top class were able to independently complete drawing design, cutting, sewing, etc. Step by step, we can produce various fabric works.” That experience made Siting firm in the direction of curriculum reform—let children become the real masters of the curriculum. As a special intangible cultural heritage school in Jinhua City, Experimental No. 2 Kindergarten will continue to expand the class curriculum based on the original curriculum, using intangible cultural heritage projects such as weaving and paper-cutting as carriers, so that children can exercise their independent hands-on skills and learn to be self-sufficient while inheriting local culture. manage. At the same time, we will continue to carry out the tradition of the principal taking the lead and all the kindergarten staff to provide curriculum guidance for the class every week, solidly advance the work, and continuously refine and improve the curriculum reform system.

As the saying goes, three years old looks young and seven years old looks old. Si Ting believes that the preschool education period is a critical period for children's character development, so the school will focus on improving the child evaluation system and reward mechanism, and carry out the "Monthly Mark" activity using key words such as labor, sports, and gratitude. While leaving wonderful memories for your children, you can gradually cultivate excellent qualities and form a complete personality.

In 2019, the first lesson on the improvement and development of the teacher profession started with a book. All teachers read a book together, combined with the daily education work of the class, to examine themselves every day, reflect and think, so as to carry out class work more effectively and solidly. On this basis, teachers are allowed to grow and develop themselves. In addition to regular ritual activities such as "Poetry Station" and Reading Festival, teachers are encouraged to set short-term small goals for themselves and try to make innovations in the five major areas of early childhood teaching. Research or independently host large-scale teaching and research activities. On the other hand, carry out "problem-based" teaching and research activities to answer questions and resolve everyone's problems and shortcomings in education and teaching in the form of mutual communication to promote professional growth.

In addition, in terms of new education practices, the school will continue to further promote the construction of a scholarly campus, carry out "big classes leading small classes" reading activities, establish a parent borrowing mechanism, and promote scholarly families. As the leader school of the Curriculum Reform Alliance, the Experimental Second Kindergarten will focus on creating a long-term mechanism to serve as a demonstration and leader. Before the start of next year, it will launch pre-job training activities for member schools, conduct a review of the top-level curriculum design of each school, and carry out relevant Targeted guidance.

"I also have a big goal for 2019. I hope to publish a book about the second grade of experimental kindergarten." Si Ting said with enthusiasm. The content of the book is about curriculum, environmental reform, and the warm and touching stories of kindergartens in the past three years for peers. In addition to exchanges and reference, it also recorded the beautiful memories of the poetic family of the experimental second child.

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