Some SEO optimizers recommend optimization principles around user operations and design. This principle is that the website revolves around users, and search engine needs are placed in a relatively small place. Optimizing the corresponding effects through user experience seems to

Some SEO optimization personnel revolve around the user's operation and design suggestions for optimization principles. This principle is that the website revolves around users, and the needs of search engines are placed in a relatively small place. The corresponding effect of through user experience optimization seems to be a Good approach, but the concept is simplistic or false and very difficult to implement in actual situations.

Now, users enter from the search engine entrance, which illustrates the importance of search engines, but there are also more than three other users entering the network through other channels, such as advertising, links, so in the promotion site, it will not be possible, of course, simply The search engines that completely ignore these three users are obviously the first entrance. Through the optimization of long-tail keywords and , various methods are used to strengthen the visibility of the content of the website in search engines, but also increase the number of offline advertisements and other weights. High-level forums publish some advertisements, and of course release some channels related to the website's consistent user group, so it can effectively promote the website promotion effect.

Now people who do website optimization are constantly changing, and Baidu algorithms often don’t know what courses to take. Although some core SEO optimization personnel can master the adjustment of and Baidu algorithms, that is, as much as possible, the Internet brings more help to high-quality websites. , such a website can only be Baidu's favorite, but the SEO optimization effect seems to have not reached expectations, and it cannot bring new changes to the website ranking, but only improves the quality of the website, often in the right way, lacking these natural will result in optimized results.