Dry goods: Does the Amazon store not issue orders? Recommended to do

Zhushida Amazon operation/Amazon training

Everyone is looking forward to the increase in traffic and orders. However, at the beginning, it was very difficult to obtain traffic and orders. Therefore, many sellers are prone to fall into some misunderstandings in order to stimulate. Next, let’s talk about what exactly should we do if Amazon wants to issue an order?

The main reasons for Amazon products not to issue orders are as follows:

1. Do a thorough market research and choose the right one Of products

You need to do thorough market research to see if your product is popular in the market, what is the market capacity, there are not many competing products of the same kind, and whether the main image of the product after it is on the shelf is attractive. Compared with others, what are the competitiveness? Choose products that have market capacity, are competitive, and have price advantages. Only when these problems are clarified can you choose the right products.

2, bother to build product pages, but also to maintain

When creating product pages in the early stage, brand + core keywords + core or features + scope of application + product attributes have been optimized to a considerable degree After the re-launch operation is carried out, the basic optimization operations will not be repeated here. In the case of optimization and advertising skills, we will look at natural transaction orders.

The listing optimization of the product page is not accomplished overnight. You need to continuously optimize and improve, and maintain a frequency of three or seven days.

3. Product pricing

e-commerce conversion, the price is often the decisive factor, if the price of similar products is lower, yours is higher, then it is not on your side The need to buy is the same way for us to buy things on Taobao.It is not recommended to blindly set high prices.

So you have to calculate the price yourself. Because this will directly affect your income.

The general calculation method of cross-border revenue and profit is: profit = selling price-logistics cost-cost-platform cost (including advertising fees, etc.)

4. Do the promotion work and prepare for exposure

Generally speaking, for a new store that is 1-3 months old, you don't care much about the new products after they are on the shelves, and the probability that you want to place orders naturally will be relatively low. If a new product is just put on the shelf, the best product will be useless. A careful promotion plan must be made. Once it is put on the shelves, two points should be determined, first exposure, and then conversion.

will be converted into orders through product exposure. Listing optimization is also a very important part of Amazon's entire operation process. You need to reflect the characteristic keywords of your products to obtain traffic and convert them into orders.

5. Advertising band list

As everyone knows, the order is issued = the conversion rate of traffic product x product exposure

There are actually two major factors that do not issue an order: one is traffic and the other is Conversion. So, what you have to solve is these two problems.

These two are indispensable:

What is the conversion rate?

Assuming the same product

100 people saw the first product, and the last 5 were sold, then the conversion rate is 5%.

The second product was seen by 100 people, and the last one was sold, and the conversion rate was 1%.

More people browse the page and more traffic input, there will be a chance to bring conversions and increase sales.

What is the exposure?

This is easy to understand, that is, how many people can see your product

Suppose you have 100 product exposures every day,The product conversion is about 5%, then you can roughly know what your order volume is?

Think more from the perspective of the customer

ask yourself, if you are a buyer , Will you pay for your products? Can you find a reason to pay for yourself?

Don't always feel good about yourself, you will find your products pleasing to the eye, and analyze products from an objective perspective.

In fact, if you want to make an Amazon store well, it is far from enough to understand these. As long as the basic aspects of the above five steps are repeated daily and continuously optimized. Can I still not issue an order?
