Aiming at retail infrastructure services, Suning Cloud Wandian successfully raised 6 billion yuan

2020/12/0720:20:40 technology 1484

Recently, Suning Tesco Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Suning) announced that Z1z's Yunwangwandian Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yunwangwandian) has completed a round of financing. Shenzhen Venture Capital led the investment with a financing amount of 6 billion yuan . According to the public information of

, Yunwangwandian was established on "Double 11" this year and is a new subsidiary of Suning. In addition to Shenzhen Venture Capital, introduced strategic investors this time, including Shenzhen Luohu Guidance Fund and SenseTime.

It is understood that the core business of this newly established subsidiary mainly includes: provides users and merchants with e-commerce and local Internet and other full-scene integrated transaction services, and provides retailers and suppliers with supply chain, logistics, after-sales and various business formats. Retail cloud services, integrated with core businesses to build related R&D and operation management teams.

In fact, although Yunwangwandian is a newly established company, its business has already developed a more mature operation model. 's predecessor was Suning's retail cloud sector. Three years ago, Suning founded the Retail Cloud to digitally transform and empower offline physical stores. In the past three years, the retail cloud, which was originally inconspicuous, developed faster than everyone expected. From January to September this year, Suning Retail Cloud opened 2,432 new stores, and Suning Retail Cloud has served more than 200 million users in counties and towns across the country. At the same time, 7,000 stores cover 31 provincial-level administrative units across the country and more than 6,000 townships. The northernmost can reach Dayangshu Town, Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia, and the westernmost can reach Shache County, Kashgar, Xinjiang. According to the third quarterly report, the scale of Suning's open platform commodity transaction increased by 56.83% year-on-year, and the sales scale of Suning Retail Cloud from January to September increased by 77.5% year-on-year. From the perspective of industry insiders, , with Yunwangwandian as the main body, strategically attracts Suning’s omni-channel platform business, enabling Suning to develop and expand its online and offline merchandise operation and channel operation capabilities in a more open way. , To improve the efficiency of supply chain and logistics in a more integrated way; at the same time, Suning’s retail basic capabilities formed through years of Internet retail operations will achieve full opening and empowerment, especially for more and more offline small, medium and micro retail Providers provide retail cloud technology empowerment services to drive the coordinated development of the industrial Internet.

It is reported that this round of financing will bring new momentum for business development to both Suning and Yunwangwandian. Z2z Cloud Net Wandian will obtain more funds and resources from strategic partners to further increase market investment and R&D investment in brand mind, product enrichment, user experience, retail cloud empowerment, etc., and rapidly increase the scale of platform users and transaction scale . For the retail infrastructure built by Suning's long-term investment in supply chain and logistics, as the scale of front-end transactions continues to expand, both commodity procurement and logistics operations will usher in economies of scale.

reporter, Zhu Mengqiu,

editor, Zhong Ming, Liu Xiaohan

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