Can't copy the text on the computer webpage? One skill can solve

2020/09/2614:08:21 technology 1292

When we check information on the Internet, we encounter some useful articles and want to save them. Generally, right mouse button + copy text, and then paste it into Notepad.

However, some webpages restrict the right mouse button and cannot right-click to copy. Some web pages cannot copy text at all.

don't have a headache when encountering these problems, and you don't need to choose to save screenshots. Its practical computer's built-in functions can be easily solved! When

encounters a webpage, the right mouse button cannot be used. At this time, you only need to use the left button to select the text to be copied, and then press Ctrl+C to copy the text.

2. If you encounter a webpage completely unable to copy text

If right-clicking-copy is useless, pressing Ctrl+C has no effect, because the webpage has limited copying codes. At this time, we use the system's built-in XPS printer to save the webpage.

Press the Crtl+P key, or directly click the print option on the browser menu. In the pop-up "Print" dialog box, select the "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" printer option and click the "Print" button; the system will automatically pop up the "Save File As" dialog box; after selecting the file location and setting the file name, Click save. The folder path selected by

automatically generates an XPS file; the XPS viewer that comes with the system can view this file and copy all text.

3. Some browsers press the Crtl+P key to copy the preview.

Some browsers press the Crtl+P key to copy the preview. You can also copy the text directly in the copy preview.

Can't copy the text on the computer webpage? One skill can solve - DayDayNews

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