Five key elements of site selection for "new infrastructure" big data center construction

2020/05/0313:04:03 technology 1779

Internationally advanced data centers attach great importance to site selection. Regardless of the size of the data center, good site selection is the cornerstone of data center construction. It should be considered from the following aspects.

Five key elements of site selection for

(1) The selection of physical nodes in the computer room of regional environmental security data center should fully consider regional environmental security issues , and try to avoid the following locations: close to the airport; close to dangerous places, such as chemical industry Plants; close to natural gas pipelines; close to railways/transportation roads; close to sources of electromagnetic and radio interference; low-lying areas; urban landmark high-rise buildings; areas with heavy traffic; close to nuclear facilities, military factories, military defense facilities, foreign embassies, military District, etc.; close to fire sources (near restaurants, high-voltage power supplies, etc.); close to hospitals and other sources of infection; poor auxiliary environment (transportation, communication, services, etc.); close to dams, downstream water towers, landslides; close to gas stations, large Parking lot, garbage treatment plant, etc.

Five key elements of site selection for

(2) Choose an independent building as much as possible, which can effectively isolate the data center from the surrounding buildings. In this way, when a fire or other emergency occurs in the surrounding buildings, the data center will not be affected. At the same time, independent buildings can make the data center safer, and intruders cannot enter the data center illegally from adjacent rooms.

Five key elements of site selection for

(3) A large amount of important customer data is stored in the solid building data center. A solid building can make the data in the data center more secure; at the same time, when selecting a location, you should consider that will not happen Earthquake, flood, hurricane, war and other disaster locations can ensure the security of customer data.

Five key elements of site selection for

(4) The number of customers in the data center will gradually increase, and the demand for space in the computer room will gradually increase. Therefore, when selecting the location of the data center, it is necessary to consider that the computer room has a certain expansion space and the land .

Five key elements of site selection for

(5) The floor load-bearing and floor height of the building. There are a large number of servers and other equipment in the data center, and there are special requirements for floor bearing and floor height. The specific requirements are as follows.

The floor of the computer room is evenly distributed with live loads: 6~10kN/m2.

The live load shall be uniformly distributed on the floor of the power battery room and the computer room shall meet the requirements of relevant standards.

Floor clear height: 4.0~4.5m. If the load-bearing capacity of the data center floor cannot meet the requirements, consider using floor reinforcement technology or reducing the number of racks per unit area. If the floor height is less than the requirement, when designing the floor or ceiling, the floor or ceiling height can be reduced, and the effective headroom height of the equipment room should not be less than 3200mm.

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