As we all know, since 2019, Huawei has been a global leader in 5G technology, which has affected the United States' voice in the global communications field. Therefore, the United States has suppressed Huawei many times.

2024/06/3018:01:32 technology 1464

As we all know, since 2019, Huawei has been the world leader in 5G technology, which has affected the United States’ voice in the global communications field. Therefore, the United States has suppressed Huawei many times. In the past three years or so, Huawei's 5G equipment has not only been slandered by the United States, but also the United States has revised its chip ban against Huawei, causing Huawei's consumer business and 5G business to suffer a serious decline. Despite this, Huawei is still "surviving". Thanks to the more than 3,000 5G patents it holds and the 5G technology that is at least 2-3 years ahead of other countries, Huawei is still active at the top of the 5G communications market.

As we all know, since 2019, Huawei has been a global leader in 5G technology, which has affected the United States' voice in the global communications field. Therefore, the United States has suppressed Huawei many times. - DayDayNews

Perhaps it has suffered "humiliation" in the 5G field and has the determination to "avoid shame". The United States has focused its attention on the 6G field. Many people may think that 5G networks have not yet become popular. Is it too early to start laying out 6G technology now? In fact, this is not the case. The reason why Huawei is able to take the lead in the 5G field is because of its early layout, early investment, and early research and development. It is obvious that the United States is determined to regain its right to speak in the 6G era.

As we all know, since 2019, Huawei has been a global leader in 5G technology, which has affected the United States' voice in the global communications field. Therefore, the United States has suppressed Huawei many times. - DayDayNews

Of course, Chinese technology companies have also begun the layout of 6G technology. According to the latest data, in the global 6G patent number rankings, China still ranks first in the number of 6G patents, accounting for 40.3%. The United States ranks second, with the number of 6G patents accounting for 35%, and the gap is very small. However, in order to prevent the development of 6G in China, the United States and South Korea want to join forces, which is a big challenge for Chinese technology companies.

As we all know, since 2019, Huawei has been a global leader in 5G technology, which has affected the United States' voice in the global communications field. Therefore, the United States has suppressed Huawei many times. - DayDayNews

Currently, South Korea ranks fifth in terms of the number of 6G patents, behind China, the United States, Japan and the European Union , accounting for only 4.2%. But don’t underestimate South Korea’s strength in the field of communications technology. You must know that South Korea is also in the "first echelon" of the world in the field of communication technology. The strength of Korean companies such as , Samsung, , and LG cannot be underestimated. Once the United States and South Korea join forces, the number of 6G patents held by the United States and South Korea will be able to "join forces" to achieve the effect of 1+1>2. Moreover, the combined 6G patent share of Japan and South Korea will reach 39.2%. China’s 6G patent lead is only 1.1%, and it can be overtaken in minutes. The construction of

As we all know, since 2019, Huawei has been a global leader in 5G technology, which has affected the United States' voice in the global communications field. Therefore, the United States has suppressed Huawei many times. - DayDayNews

6G technology is different from 5G technology. It relies more on aerospace satellite launch technology . Although China Aerospace satellite launch technology has made great progress and achieved some results, compared with the United States, the gap in aerospace strength is still very large. Coupled with South Korea’s strength in the field of communication technology, the “risk factor” of joint research and development of 6G by the United States and South Korea can reach 8-9 levels.

As we all know, since 2019, Huawei has been a global leader in 5G technology, which has affected the United States' voice in the global communications field. Therefore, the United States has suppressed Huawei many times. - DayDayNews

Faced with this situation, Chinese academician Li Deren has issued many reminders to Chinese technology companies. The United States is very determined to overtake China in the 6G era. Chinese companies cannot take it lightly just because they have taken the lead in the 5G era. The research and development of 6G technology still cannot stop.

As we all know, since 2019, Huawei has been a global leader in 5G technology, which has affected the United States' voice in the global communications field. Therefore, the United States has suppressed Huawei many times. - DayDayNews

The reason why the United States is determined to acquire 6G technology is because it can achieve "economic freedom" by mastering the voice of the new generation of communication technology, and this has also created great benefits for European and American countries. In the past few decades, US companies have made a lot of money relying on 2G\3G\4G communication technology patents. Until now, if you want to use 4G technology patents, you cannot avoid and Qualcomm . You need to pay high patent fees to obtain a license. How could the United States give up on such a huge piece of cake?

As we all know, since 2019, Huawei has been a global leader in 5G technology, which has affected the United States' voice in the global communications field. Therefore, the United States has suppressed Huawei many times. - DayDayNews

So even though we have taken the lead in the 5G field, we cannot be complacent and forget about it. Greater challenges are still ahead. The development prospects of 6G technology are still full of thorns and obstacles. Keep working hard! There is no end to the exploration of technology. Only when we master more core technologies can we no longer be afraid of being "stuck" . What do you think about this? Welcome to leave comments and messages!

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