Cover News Reporter Ouyang Hongyu On the evening of July 15, some netizens discovered that WeChat was testing the joint memory function of the circle of friends. When you select the friends "who you are with" on the page of publishing the circle of friends, the friends who are se

2024/06/3018:00:32 technology 1126

cover news reporter Ouyang Hongyu

html On the evening of July 15, some netizens discovered that WeChat is testing the joint memory function of the circle of friends. When publishing the circle of friends, select "with whom" friends, and the friends who are selected together after publishing. You will receive a reminder. In addition, the content will be saved in the shared memories in the upper right corner of your circle of friends album.

Cover News Reporter Ouyang Hongyu On the evening of July 15, some netizens discovered that WeChat was testing the joint memory function of the circle of friends. When you select the friends

According to the screenshots of the page provided by netizens, the reporter saw that in the beta version of WeChat, when the user was writing a circle of friends, a new "with whom" was added between "location" and "who can see" below. "Options. In this option, users can select your WeChat friends, and the selected friends will also receive reminders after you send the message to the circle of friends. Moreover, the memory will always be saved in the shared memories in the upper right corner of the Moments album.

Cover News Reporter Ouyang Hongyu On the evening of July 15, some netizens discovered that WeChat was testing the joint memory function of the circle of friends. When you select the friends

The circle of friends function has always been the core gameplay of WeChat. The "shared memories" function has been launched for internal testing, which has also attracted a large number of netizens' attention, and related topics have also become hot searches. Regarding this new function, many netizens said that it has added a good way to record daily life with family and friends, and even "show off the baby".

Cover News Reporter Ouyang Hongyu On the evening of July 15, some netizens discovered that WeChat was testing the joint memory function of the circle of friends. When you select the friends

However, more netizens expressed that they are not optimistic about this feature. On social media, in a poll involving 26,000 netizens, 17,000 said they "do not look forward to the joint memory function." Some netizens even bluntly said that many of the functions recently updated by WeChat were played by QQ. Some netizens suggested that in terms of new ways to play Moments, functions such as "the ability to edit Moments twice" and "no prompts for likes from mutual friends" are more worth looking forward to.

[If you have news clues, please report them to us. Once adopted, we will be compensated. Follow us on WeChat for reporting materials: ihxdsb, QQ for reporting materials: 3386405712】

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