"No offline scene can match the sound volume and radiation effect of Disney. This is a very important and scarce exclusive resource on the Internet platform. Led by Alimama Platform Marketing Planning Center, Tmall and Shanghai Disney Resort are strategic partners Only through re

2024/06/2407:18:32 technology 1120

Tianxia Online Business Zhang Hangying

Editor Wu Lingwei

I heard that Alimama would launch a special event at the Shanghai Disney Resort at the end of August, and many businesses came to hear the news.

"No offline scene can match the sound volume and radiation effect of Disney. This is a very important and scarce exclusive resource in the Internet platform. Led by Alimama Platform Marketing Planning Center Tmall and Shanghai Disney Resort Only through strategic partnerships can businesses be able to carry out scene-based displays at Disney and expand their business boundaries. Seats are limited and reservations are hot,” said the person in charge of Alimama’s summer cheering special program.

618 After the First World War, merchants did not relax. Generally speaking, merchants will stock up on large quantities of goods during major promotion periods and pay more attention to conversions. The longer daily sales period after the big promotion will allow the crowd to accumulate water and accumulate energy for the next wave of big promotions. This kind of rhythm is "flat accumulation to promote income", which can achieve a higher wave of business explosion at the next big promotion node.

As the epidemic situation stabilizes and logistics becomes smoother, business confidence returns and operations are back on track again. However, merchants not only need to take advantage of the residual heat of the big sales to continue selling, but merchants that have missed the sales season due to warehousing and logistics congestion also need to clear out the remaining goods and inventory in the first half of the year.

In order to help merchants alleviate inventory pressure and achieve business goals during the flat storage period of July, August and September, Alimama Platform Marketing Planning Center launched the "Summer Boosting Plan" for the first time , which not only provides simple and direct traffic increase , lowering the minimum investment threshold for BP and other new policies, and also launched new business scenarios such as Rush Week and Disney Summer Wonder Camp to help merchants find new growth points. In addition, for the growth focus that attracted much attention at the Tmall TOP TALK conference in May - cross-category new arrivals, Alimama will also launch the corresponding project "Tmall Youli" for the first time, allowing merchants to try another growth possibility.

Alimama’s rush week to solve the urgent needs of merchants

In the past 618, Alimama used its ability to integrate new product management capabilities, creative content capabilities, and advertising product resources to launch the flagship new product plan to accelerate the “new product” weapon for merchants. For example, Lenovo ’s “Xiaoxin Pad” which is the king of cost-effectiveness for 1,000 yuan, Suntory ’s sugar-free orange peel oolong tea, ubras’s no-size small cool breeze bra… are all eye-catching and popular products accelerated in cooperation with Alimama. These new products have driven the brand to refresh its image and create a new growth curve, and have also driven Dazhi's sales to reach new highs.

But for some businesses, under the epidemic, operations cannot increase to the maximum size.

OPPO was unable to deliver goods in the first half of the year due to the epidemic, and customer service reception in stores increased. In March, it increased by 117% compared with February, and in April, it increased by 228% compared with March.

htmlAfter 17 months, the epidemic situation will stabilize, and merchants will have the opportunity to release the backlog of new demand and inventory in the first half of the year to the maximum extent. The originally slowed down rhythm needs to be caught up again. Now that stores are recovering significantly, OPPO will give priority to shipments to epidemic areas and increase the number of people.

The residual heat from the big promotion period can drive some daily sales. In addition, 100 brands from multiple industries, including OPPO, will participate in Alimama’s rush week, hoping to meet the needs of post-promotion clearance, post-epidemic unsold goods, and seasonal goods clearance.

It is reported that during the rush week, the core gameplay will be customized according to the product structure of popular products and low-end products, helping merchants to quickly ship goods during the summer off-season.

Rush Week Special will unite Alimama’s three major product resources, namely Wanxiangtai Product Acceleration, UD Community, and Taoke Alliance . Wanxiangtai product acceleration is a high-frequency scenario used by merchants. With the blessing of exclusive celebrity traffic, it can drive a higher explosive coefficient at a lower cost, with an average efficiency increase of more than 20%, improving product category rankings and market share. UD community conversion points to more accurate group reaching and drives more efficient inbound conversion.The Taoke quick clearance package uses pop-up windows and focus images to quickly promote and sell goods.

The three major resources go hand in hand, coupled with the exclusive special show exposure during the rush week and project traffic support, which will bring additional effects to merchants’ summer clearance.

Use the simplest and most direct way to add traffic to cheer up merchants in the summer.

In addition to clearing a wave of inventory and restoring blood, the most important thing for merchants during the daily sales period is the accumulation of water by the crowd.

New customers and members are the focus of merchants. Data shows that the new customer conversion rate in the early stage of a major promotion is 51% higher than daily sales, and the transaction volume of new customers in the store accounts for more than 40%.

Crowd water storage, on the one hand, is to do large-scale release, on the other hand, it is to deepen the relationship with the crowd.

has just achieved the "explosion" of new products in the past 618, and NVC Lighting, which has won the TOP1 lighting brand, will deepen its efforts in the next daily sales period to expand new areas, cooperate with the well-known IP Line Friends, and at the same time, in the current hot market of mainless lamps Allocate more resources to consumer trends and expand influence among young people. On the other hand, we will pay more attention to the improvement of crowd efficiency, pay attention to the indicator circulation of DEEPLINK (crowd deep chain operation), and quickly build a communication mechanism for people and goods.

Daily sales period operation requires more accurate communication with target users and accumulation of crowd assets. From July to September, OPPO will also pay more attention to the growth of store visitors, hoping to use Alimama’s tools to gain more high-quality visitors.

In response, Alimama launched the "Top 100 Brands Summer Refueling Plan" to provide the most critical traffic support for merchants to store water.

Specifically, the plan is divided into support for industries and brands. The industry refueling plan will provide industry-specific traffic support and communication resources for nearly 100 merchants in the five key industries of beauty, clothing, food, consumer electronics, and mother and baby. For major group merchants and emerging brand merchants affected by the epidemic, in addition to providing more brand special shows and communication resources than usual, group brands can use two new ways of playing "Super Continuous Investment" and "Super Interactive Space" to Improve conversion efficiency and stimulate consumer enthusiasm through big-name planning. New brands can obtain exposure resources at exclusive venues.

Increased traffic and deepened gameplay means an increase in operational “certainty” for brands. As the number of people that can be reached and cultivated expands, the attempt to update the gameplay means that the brand can "scoop" the target group in the sea of ​​​​people. The accumulation of assets from high-quality people supports the thickness of the brand, and is also the most important goal during the flat accumulation period.

Only by "flat storage" can "boost income", more fresh scenes boost new growth

During the major promotion period, conversion was accelerated by increasing store live broadcasts, limited-time discounts, lottery free orders, etc. This year's 618, OPPO achieved sales of 590 million yuan . The OPPO Reno8 series, which participated in the flagship new product plan, has accumulated sales of more than 200 million. During the daily sales period, OPPO pays more attention to the growth of store visitors and obtains more high-quality visitors through advertising.

Daily water storage, self-created nodes, accumulation of crowd assets, and higher explosion during major sales. The rhythm of "flat accumulation to promote income" has become the consensus of merchants. The various business scenarios launched by Alimama·Platform Marketing Planning Center are special support measures launched for the brand's business nodes during the flat storage period.

html From 17 to September, OPPO will pay more attention to the operation of the daily sales period, focus on the accuracy of communication with target users, and achieve the growth of DEEPLINK crowd assets through cooperation with Alimama in business scenarios. Aiming at trending categories, new brands, new products, localization/light e-commerce and other industries, Alimama has launched more than 100 events such as Tmall Super Captain, Tmall Rising Star Awards, Tmall Shining New Season, and Tmall Super Store Exploration. Category management plans create different daily sales peak nodes for the industry.

In addition to increasing traffic, clearing inventory, and creating nodes for the brand, Alimama also launched a series of fresh business scenarios.As the first project of "Tmall No. 1 Live", Disney Summer Wonder Camp is an outdoor scene created for Shanghai citizens and merchants after the epidemic. It connects online and offline through the interaction of offline markets, terrace parties and online digital camping. The circulation of high-quality people can help brands attract a group of young customers. Disney IP's bonus and offline business scenarios are scarce for merchants, and merchants are very enthusiastic, making it hard to find a seat.

Cross-category introduction of new scenarios, another innovative attempt by Alimama this year, will also be launched in July. More than a month ago, Tmall TOP TALK revealed that cross-category recruitment will become the focus of future growth for merchants and industries. Tmall will further optimize consumer experience lines, and "Tmall Youli" focusing on cross-category demand scenarios will be launched soon. It can enable existing people to guide each other, different industries to communicate with each other, and help different brands attract new customers at the lowest cost.

Alibaba’s “Tmall Gifts” event gathers 2-3 industries in each event to realize the mutual introduction of existing people in different industries and create new growth possibilities. For example, consumers in the maternal, infant and parent-child industries can interact with consumers in the personal care and travel industries. Consumers in the consumer electronics and sports and outdoor industries can also rely on different scenarios to achieve interoperability among consumer groups.

Creating self-created nodes is an important step for the brand in its stable period. In July and August, Alimama will customize more than 60 super brands and new brands through a series of brand management plans, such as Tmall Big Brand Day, Tmall Big Brand Group Day, Tmall Treasure New Brand, etc., to create business peaks. . For example, the upcoming Chinese Valentine's Day big-name project will work with seven major brands to create a festival-limited series of peripheral gifts and digital collections.

html July-September, the hottest summer, was originally a relatively dull time for businesses. However, when e-commerce operations enter the era of flat sales and income promotion, the vision of brand growth has long since broken away from the single-point assault of big sales, and is increasingly focusing on long-term efficiency and accumulation. Summer not only requires clearing out goods in full swing, but brands also need to go through this process to accumulate operational experience and strength, resonate with daily sales and major promotions, and draw a new curve for brand growth.

Lower threshold, over 100 million traffic, new business scenarios, new growth potential... This summer, Alimama’s summer boosting plan is not only a recovery after the epidemic, but also a accumulation of daily sales, which will help merchants We are starting another hot business season.

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