According to news on July 8, on Thursday local time in the United States, Tesla CEO Elon Musk responded to rumors that he gave birth to twins with a female executive of the brain-computer interface company Neuralink. He wrote on Twitter: "I am doing my best to help solve the demo

2024/06/1103:22:32 technology 1814

July 8 news, on Thursday, local time in the United States, Tesla CEO Elon Musk responded to rumors that he gave birth to twins with a female executive of brain-computer interface company Neuralink. responded.

He wrote on Twitter: "I am doing my best to help solve the population crisis. Declining birth rates are the greatest danger currently facing human civilization."

Musk also emphasized in subsequent tweets: "Mark my words, very Unfortunately, they are real. I hope you all have a big family, and congratulations to those who already have a big family!"

According to news on July 8, on Thursday local time in the United States, Tesla CEO Elon Musk responded to rumors that he gave birth to twins with a female executive of the brain-computer interface company Neuralink. He wrote on Twitter:

Just the day before Musk made the above remarks, some media broke the news that in November last year, Musk She secretly gave birth to twins with Shivon Zilis, a female executive of her company Neuralink.

Musk is currently known to have nine children, including five children with his first wife, writer Justine Musk, and two children with musician Claire Bouchard.

Musk is the co-founder and co-CEO of Neuralink, a company that is developing brain-computer interface technology, which involves implanting microchips into the human brain. This technology could help study and treat neurological diseases.

Zilis serves as director of operations and special projects at the company. Previously, she also served as Tesla's project director , and was also a board member of OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research organization, of which Musk was the founding chairman. Neither Musk nor Ziris has responded to requests for comment.

Musk has been expressing concern about the decline in the population birth rate for many years. In 2017, he tweeted: "The world's population is accelerating toward collapse, but few seem to notice or care." Last year, Musk called population collapse "potentially the greatest risk to future civilization." Experts are divided on the issue.

One consequence of population decline that worries Musk the most is that there will not be enough people to colonize Mars. Musk is also the founder and helmsman of the rocket company SpaceX. His goal is to help humans land on Mars before 2030.

Musk has previously highlighted his efforts to stem population decline. He wrote on Twitter in May this year: "Contrary to what many people think, the richer a person is, the fewer children he has. But I am a rare exception."

According to Bloomberg statistics, Musk is still the world's The richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of over $200 billion.

[Source: NetEase Technology]

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