"Whenever there is express delivery on the road, I will habitually take out my mobile phone, check the express route, and check the constantly updated logistics information. Maybe for a few moments, I worry that the logistics will suddenly be interrupted. I don’t know if express

2024/06/0813:16:32 technology 1144

"Whenever there is express delivery on the road, I will habitually take out my mobile phone, check the express route, and check the constantly updated logistics information. Maybe for a few moments, I worry that the logistics will suddenly be interrupted. , I don’t know if express delivery can be delivered smoothly,” one netizen said.

In the past few months, logistics, and even the supply chain behind logistics, have become the eye of the storm for the entire society under the impact of the epidemic. Whether it is consumers, merchants, or even the original brands and factories, when uncertainties hit, everyone clearly felt the power of the supply chain and realized that to some extent, this usually hidden in people's minds The chain out of sight has become the water and air of modern life.

Now that we have passed through the predicament, everything is recovering and restarting. The fast logistics supply in the past has slowly returned, but this cognitive impact continues.

The most obvious example is today's Internet platform. As a key link in the social supply chain, they are at the forefront of the continued improvement of the supply chain. It can be seen that today, supply chain issues have become the "C position" of all e-commerce development strategies, with unprecedented attention.

Against the background of logistics difficulties in the past few months, all e-commerce companies have seen the power of supply chain disturbances. Therefore, currently, for e-commerce platforms, how to overcome uncertainty and optimize and upgrade the supply chain is their top priority. Problems that must be solved.

Naturally, this cannot be achieved overnight, but in the past 618, e-commerce companies have given preliminary answers. Jingdong proposed to build a "responsible supply chain" during the 618 period, from both ends of the hard supply chain and soft supply chain. Make efforts to unleash the greater value of JD’s digital and intelligent social supply chain.

Although Alibaba did not have a direct statement, its rookie also announced early in the morning that it would provide merchants with flexible warehousing and delivery solutions to increase its contract fulfillment capabilities.

Vipshop is positioned as a "strongly deterministic special sale supply chain" by giving the brand strong market expectations from the source; establishing dedicated logistics to help brands transfer goods to platform warehousing, reducing their costs; and establishing An efficient settlement system maintains the hematopoietic ability of brands and attempts to build more certainty in commodity circulation to help merchants and consumers quickly get rid of the "sequelae" of the epidemic.

The certainty of the supply chain is not only the foundation of an enterprise, but also the guarantee for future business growth. This can be seen from the 618 record. After hard work, this annual promotion did not end in a "Waterloo" as some people predicted, but far exceeded expectations. Jingdong's transaction volume increased by 10.33%, , Tmall, also showed positive growth, and many Vipshop brands also experienced sales explosions...

This further tells us, in an environment affected by uncertain factors, who can give merchants and consumers Whoever has more "certainty" will achieve long-term development and success.

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