A solution that can greatly improve business efficiency, no matter how many problems there are, is extremely viable and difficult to stop. Along the way, Didi has encountered a lot of resistance from traditional taxi practitioners. In the development process of freight platforms,

2024/05/2717:40:32 technology 1901

A solution that can greatly improve business efficiency, no matter how many problems there are, is extremely viable and difficult to stop. Along the way, Didi has encountered a lot of resistance from traditional taxi practitioners. In the development process of freight platforms, - DayDayNews

A solution that can greatly improve business efficiency. No matter how many problems there are, it is very vital and difficult to stop. Along the way, Didi has encountered a lot of resistance from traditional taxi practitioners. In the development process of freight platforms, the traditional freight information station group that has been hurt the most is naturally dissatisfied. These dissatisfactions and boycotts did not prevent these two companies from achieving great commercial success. The vitality of

is also reflected in the fact that even if individual companies such as , Didi and decline due to a series of problems, other travel platform software will naturally replace it. The core is that this method is effective. Because consumers never want to go back to the era of going to the roadside to hail a taxi. It is very simple to understand this core issue. Why in the domestic leasing industry, many people have worked hard and sacrificed. Among them, there are many amazing, enterprising and talented people. Naturally, there are also many people who are willing to invest money in trial and error, and cultivate User habits. Why never succeeds? The principle of

is very simple. In the leasing industry, users and merchants can easily establish customer stickiness and emotional links. In this case, the role of the platform will be significantly weakened. Imagine a foot bath shop. There is a foot bath shop at your doorstep. You are a VIP customer. You usually play badminton or run. When your muscles are sore, you go to relax your muscles. And this store is not only close, you are familiar with everyone from the foreman to the specific service staff, and you can say hello to anyone you see. Merchants are familiar with your habits and can easily interact with you. It is natural for users and merchants to form a strong stickiness. Unless you have other inexplicable ideas, generally speaking, you do not need an Internet platform to provide you with information services. What if a company paid a lot of money to match users with technicians and remove the middleman? That will greatly increase the usage of WeChat. If you feel satisfied with the service, add WeChat alone, and you won’t need the so-called Internet platform next time. Of course, this term is very unfashionable, so let me change it to a more fashionable term: this is called "private domain traffic".

A solution that can greatly improve business efficiency, no matter how many problems there are, is extremely viable and difficult to stop. Along the way, Didi has encountered a lot of resistance from traditional taxi practitioners. In the development process of freight platforms, - DayDayNews

Back to the leasing industry, the format of the leasing industry requires users and merchants to communicate and cooperate closely on construction design, construction progress, and entry and exit. Are there any leasing companies that don’t require any communication or cooperation and just send equipment? Generally not, practitioners with this mentality have long been eliminated from the market. Small and medium-sized leasing companies under the heavy asset model naturally have their own business radius. In other words, after several cooperations with the platform, they become familiar with it and it becomes their own private domain traffic. In the face of all business formats that can easily form "private domain traffic", all Internet platform models are just burning money to buy loneliness. Okay, so are there any other ways to build customer stickiness? Of course there is . In the leasing industry, if you can provide financial guarantee services, you can firmly capture the merchant side. The most painful thing for domestic leasing companies is "it's hard to get money and it's hard to collect money." As long as you can guarantee the lessor's payment, you will be able to establish a strong customer stickiness. However, the key to the problem is that no matter what kind of business model, the core is to achieve profit demands. Looking through the financial reports of domestic listed equipment leasing companies, the days of collecting accounts receivable of Huatie Emergency, Construction Machinery, and Horizon Construction all exceed 7 months. Looking through the legal cases disclosed by them, this long debt period will inevitably bring about a certain proportion of bad debts.

The domestic leasing industry has already fallen into serious red ocean competition. When lessors have high debt ratios and low profit margins, what is a reasonable proportion of commissions from rents? 10%? There is a 10% high probability that it will not cover the platform's own capital costs, bad debt losses, , and operating costs. 20%? The lessor might as well lower the price themselves. In other words, providing financial guarantees will definitely create customer stickiness in the domestic leasing industry, but this solution is not commercially feasible. A business model that does not have commercial feasibility will not be able to run far.Okay, as a small and medium-sized leasing company, what attitude should we have towards investors with big ambitions and large capital who are interested in building an Internet platform? We should have a positive and encouraging attitude, we should praise them vigorously, and tell them that the domestic leasing industry has been suffering from "little laxity" for a long time! It requires people with passion, talent, and determination to use advanced Internet platform models to comprehensively improve business efficiency. Mr. Li Shusong, the platform holder of China Rental Network, is also far-sighted in the era of " Internet + ". Contacted Ningbo Yunyue Co-creation, and used Ningbo Yunyue Co-creation's technology, promotion operation resources and financial channels to create a platform that combines online and offline to meet market needs, effectively spread industry development concepts, and become an influential regional company. The well-known professional platform in China realizes a good situation of mutual development and joint promotion of digital technology and industry.

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