About ten years ago, when e-commerce was not very popular, we still liked to go to shopping malls and supermarkets. The older generation stays in front of the TV and browses TV shopping. Yes, while listening to the confusing "lowest price in the last three days", I followed the p

2024/05/2620:47:32 technology 1947

About ten years ago, e-commerce was not very popular yet, and we still liked to go to shopping malls and supermarkets.

The older generation stays in front of the TV and browses TV shopping.

About ten years ago, when e-commerce was not very popular, we still liked to go to shopping malls and supermarkets. The older generation stays in front of the TV and browses TV shopping. Yes, while listening to the confusing

Yes, while listening to the confusing "lowest price in the last three days", he also followed the prompts to "call now and have it delivered to your home", completing the recording and recording of goods in the pre-e-commerce era again and again.

Yes, it is not a live broadcast, it is a carefully edited recording.

TV shopping, all the routines, were once completely submerged by e-commerce and extinct after Pinduoduo’s strategy outside the Fifth Ring Road conquered its last position.

About ten years ago, when e-commerce was not very popular, we still liked to go to shopping malls and supermarkets. The older generation stays in front of the TV and browses TV shopping. Yes, while listening to the confusing

carried out the live broadcast to bury the body of his predecessor and began his "revenge".

As a result, this wave has brought e-commerce and TV shopping together, and live streaming has become mainstream for a while.

Next, WeChat, which wanted to break through in short videos and get a video account but has never been commercialized, could not sit still.

finally took action on this 618. The angle is no longer the traditional "TV shopping", but a new way to "deactivate" the problematic "TV shopping" and "resurrection" of traditional marketing advertising.

This set of actions adopts a style of excitement first and then sap.

is not as exciting as the "Here it comes, it's coming!" posted by the video account on the official public account. The video account's 618 first battle seemed a bit low-key. In the absence of official disclosure of any data, the outside world can only get a glimpse of it through the data provided by some service providers. Data released by Weimob , one of the

service providers, shows that as of the first week of the 618 event, the performance of merchants that have helped participate in the event has increased by 43.7% month-on-month, the number of payment orders has increased by 50.5% month-on-month, and the payment conversion rate has increased by 25.6% month-on-month.

It is not difficult to see that the video account is showing its commercialization capabilities.

According to data disclosed in the WeChat public class, at the end of 2021, the GMV of live streaming of goods by video accounts increased more than 15 times compared with the beginning of the year; the average customer price per customer exceeded 200 yuan, and the overall repurchase rate exceeded 60%. Among them, GMV contributed by private domain users accounts for more than 50%.

private domain traffic, the unique weapon of this video account, has also attracted the attention of many merchants.

But Sap is even more obvious. Live broadcasting is not the main direction of the video account. The "not doing business" form of concert has become quite explosive.

About ten years ago, when e-commerce was not very popular, we still liked to go to shopping malls and supermarkets. The older generation stays in front of the TV and browses TV shopping. Yes, while listening to the confusing

With the live broadcast of Cui Jian , Luo Dayou and many other concerts, the video account has earned enough eyeballs and traffic.

At the concert, the brand sponsorship was revealed, and it did not directly bring goods, but rather retro-styled the brand marketing of traditional TV advertisements.

Regarding this, " Daily Economic News " reporter Yang Xinyi and " Times Weekly " reporter Chen Qiu had some exchanges with Shule respectively. Pindao thought:

tested the water 618, which is trial and error. Live streaming is just a direction to explore, and brand marketing is the main direction of video accounts.

In other words, only brand marketing can allow broader categories besides FMCG to enter the battlefield of short video live broadcasts.

About ten years ago, when e-commerce was not very popular, we still liked to go to shopping malls and supermarkets. The older generation stays in front of the TV and browses TV shopping. Yes, while listening to the confusing

At the same time, as a kind of trial and error, WeChat's huge traffic pool is the biggest subsidy for video accounts. For participating video accounts, it is more affordable than cash subsidies, and through traffic subsidies, merchants are stimulated to participate in more ways. Perhaps we can find more social e-commerce possibilities from this.

In this mentality, video accounts don’t care about share, but about participation and business ideas.

For merchants, it is also a matter of trial and error. What’s more, non-fast-moving consumer goods such as cars are inherently not suitable for live streaming. Instead, they focus on brand marketing. They can leverage the huge user base and traffic of video accounts to achieve their own breakthroughs. .

Another phenomenon has emerged from this, that is, relevant data shows that currently, 80% of merchants’ self-broadcasting of video accounts is completely different from the pattern of Doukuai live broadcasting.

, a feature of merchant self-broadcasting, has also become a feature of video accounts outside of concerts.

About ten years ago, when e-commerce was not very popular, we still liked to go to shopping malls and supermarkets. The older generation stays in front of the TV and browses TV shopping. Yes, while listening to the confusing

I think that in terms of brand marketing, merchants’ self-broadcasting can more effectively promote content, similar to a live broadcast conference.

This is also a way for live broadcasts to flourish. It must be a combination of leading live broadcast rooms and self-broadcasting by various merchants. The live broadcast marketing model will be richer in the future.

From this, we can also make some basic judgments on the advantages and disadvantages of video accounts in developing e-commerce, namely:

If social video and social e-commerce fail to become a gene in video accounts, they will still just follow Dou Kuai. , and cannot differentiate.

WeChat can provide traffic to grow video accounts, but video accounts should not only rely on traffic but also capture social vitality.

But in a sense, concerts can bring commercial monetization to video accounts, but they are difficult to become a moat. With Douyin Kuaishou also opening the concert mode, the first-mover advantage of video accounts before and after 618 has been thin.

About ten years ago, when e-commerce was not very popular, we still liked to go to shopping malls and supermarkets. The older generation stays in front of the TV and browses TV shopping. Yes, while listening to the confusing

Next, how to use brand marketing to expand categories depends on how to explore new scenarios.

In addition, even if the concert has no rivals, it will be difficult to sustain. After all, except for top performers like , Jay Chou, , and Luo Dayou, normalized video account concerts may not be able to attract so much attention.

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