From 5G to artificial intelligence, from "first" in the world to "only" in China, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has been refined like this!

2019/12/2222:10:12 technology 610

What is the hottest vocabulary in the field of science and technology in 2019? There is no doubt that it is "5G" and "artificial intelligence". It has been half a century since Motorola invented the world's first civilian mobile communication phone in the 1960s, and the concept of "artificial intelligence" was put forward earlier. According to the "5G Talent Data Insights for 2019" released by BOSS, the average monthly salary of 5G-related talents is 14,110 yuan; "Central Broadcasting Network" reported that the robot engineering professional talent gap exceeds 5 million, and the supply and demand ratio is only 1:10. Professional talents are scarce. As the only double-first class A construction university in the field of electronic information, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China stands on the top of the tide of the times.

From 5G to artificial intelligence, from

genes in the same line

In 1956, under the personal intervention and deployment of Premier Zhou, the University of Electronic Science and Technology took only 7 months from preparation to school opening. The predecessor, Chengdu Institute of Telecommunications Engineering, was born. This is , the first radio university in New China, .

Followed by the excellent genes of telecommunications engineering related majors of Jiaotong University (now Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, etc.), South China Institute of Technology (now South China University of Technology) and Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University), Chengdu Telecommunications The College of Engineering has been destined to be extraordinary since its inception. Mr. Wu Liren, the first dean of , described the grand blueprint of "making Chengdian into China and even Asia's first-rate radio university" , and thus opened the first of Chengdian. A Jiazi.

Just 4 years after its establishment, the school ranked among the national key universities in 1960, and in 1961 it was identified as one of the 7 national defense industry colleges; in 1997 and 2001, it entered the 211 project and the 985 project. The ranks of key construction universities; In 2017, it entered the ranks of national construction "world-class universities" and became the only double-class A-type construction university in the field of electronic information...

From 5G to artificial intelligence, from

Strong hard power

If you want to start a business, you must first have a foundation. University of Electronic Science and Technology has the most complete electronic information subject group in China, which covers materials, components and complete machine systems. "Heavyweight" scientific research platforms such as the National Key Laboratory of Communication Anti-jamming Technology, the National Key Laboratory of Microwave Electric Vacuum Devices, the Key Subject Laboratory of Very High Frequency Complex Systems, and the State Key Laboratory of Electronic Film and Integrated Devices have established the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China The basis for continuous breakthroughs in scientific research.

From 5G to artificial intelligence, from

In the fourth round of national first-level discipline evaluation, four disciplines of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China were rated A, of which Electronic Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering two disciplines It is A+, and the number of subjects of A+ ranks first in western universities . On October 30 this year, in the 2019 China Best Subject Rankings released by Shanghai Science and Technology University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has a total of 21 subjects on the list, of which 12 subjects are in the top 15%, and Electronic Science and Technology ranks first in the country.

From 5G to artificial intelligence, from

At the beginning of this year, the issuance of 5G licenses officially kicked off the 5G era. When it comes to 5G, you have to mention Huawei. The cooperation between the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Huawei has a long history. In 2010, the two parties jointly established the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China-Huawei Joint Laboratory, In 2015, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Huawei jointly built the first 5G communication technology experimental field in the world, This is the world’s most advanced technology and best test conditions. Superior and the largest 5G key technology and system verification platform, which strongly supports the research and development of 5G communication technologies and standards in China and the world. On December 5 this year, the "Huawei Zhiyuan Class" of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China opened, injecting high-quality academic and scientific resources from the school and Huawei's industry's top resources, complementing each other, and jointly training high-level and strategic top talents in the ICT industry.

From 5G to artificial intelligence, from

in artificial intelligenceThe University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has established a number of national, provincial and ministerial key laboratories and innovation platforms, including the National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for Next-Generation Internet Data Processing Technology, Trusted Cloud Computing and Big Data Sichuan Province Key Laboratory, and Intelligent Systems And Information Technology Institute, Intelligent Learning Science and Application Institute, Robotics Institute, and Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Laboratory, etc.

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China was founded in 1956, and the "Solution Device" major was formally established in 1958, code-named 401 professional group, which is The earliest computer professional training base in China , which is also the school’s tradition advanced subjects. In terms of specific disciplines, in recent years, while consolidating the original dominant disciplines such as image processing, computer networks, information security, and embedded systems, the discipline has also expanded artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, robotics, Characteristic directions such as computational medicine.

From 5G to artificial intelligence, from

September 27, 2018, based on the School of Computer Science, supported by robotics, intelligent communications, brain science and other disciplines, the Institute of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China was unveiled Established, Robotics Research Center, Future Media Research Center, Information Medicine Research Center, Intelligent Network and Communication Research Center and other interdisciplinary entity R&D institutions and platforms have been built successively, covering various artificial intelligence device chips, computing platforms, and algorithms Models, key technologies and application scenarios.

In March of this year, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China’s undergraduate program in artificial intelligence was officially approved , which will cultivate high-end engineers in the field of AI, application architects in AI interdisciplinary fields, innovative entrepreneurs in the AI ​​field, and AI Algorithm research and theoretical innovation lay the foundation for top-notch talents to make up for the shortage of high-end AI talents in Sichuan Province and the country.

In June of this year, Yuneng Think Tank, which focuses on artificial intelligence industry research, researched and released the "Comprehensive Ranking of Artificial Intelligence Majors in Chinese Universities", University of Electronic Science and Technology ranked seventh in the country, and has patents for innovation achievements In terms of talent output, ranks 5th and 8th among domestic colleges and universities .

From 5G to artificial intelligence, from

Peacock Southwest fly

" More than 20 years ago, a group of young scientific and technological workers in our school faced the dilemma of meager R&D funds and weak technical strength. They did not back down and decided Resolve: "We must be at the forefront of the world." They faced up to the difficulties, from 3G to 4G and to 5G to lead the way. They did a series of "hard state" things: take the lead and Participated in undertaking national key special projects and nearly a hundred topics related to 5G technology in the 863 plan and 973 plan, and participated in the technical standardization work of China's 5G promotion group. Chengdian’s accumulation of 5G technology has made China no longer be in this field. "Knock neck". "This is a passage from the President of the University of Electronic Science and Technology Zeng Yong at the 2019 graduation ceremony.

From 5G to artificial intelligence, from

There is rarely such a school. It has more than 1,000 experts in the same subject field like the University of Electronic Science and Technology. With the title of Ph.D. and overseas experience, it impacts the whole of China. The world's electronic technology highland.

Liu Shenggang , academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and father of Chinese THz. In 2016, he won the "Outstanding Contribution Award", the highest award in this field issued by the International Infrared Millimeter Wave Terahertz Society, and became the third person in the world to receive the award and the first person in China. After more than 20 years of continuous research, he has made my country's terahertz research from "a blank piece of paper" to the world's leading.

Li Lemin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and communications expert. first proposed the use of bilateral lateral filtering, decision feedback filtering and other structures to suppress interference, and presided over the development of my country's first "9600 bit/s high-speed digital transmitter for carrier voice channels".

In 2013, the world started the research of the fifth generation mobile communication. Also in this year, Professor Li Shaoqian, Director of the National Key Laboratory of Communication Anti-jamming Technology became the national "863" planMember of the expert group for major projects of the 5th generation mobile communications, participated in the technical advancement and research and development of my country’s 5G mobile communications.

梁应畅教授, 2014-2018 was selected as the "Thomson Reuters Global Highly Cited Scientist" for five consecutive years (the global wireless communications field has only more than 10 selected for five consecutive years), establishing an intelligent network With the machine learning team, we are committed to the cross integration of wireless communication and artificial intelligence technology.

From 5G to artificial intelligence, from

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has a good research accumulation in the field of artificial intelligence. In the 1980s, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China began the research and development of robots. There were three generations of "beauty" robots. The first generation: The robot "Miss Furong" has the sense of touch. The second generation: The robot "Girl Tianfu" has a little vision and road recognition ability. She is my country's first computer-controlled walking robot . The third generation: "Ms. Cheng Rong" is China's first humanoid voice-controlled intelligent robot with three sensory functions: "hearing", "tactile" and "proximity", marking that the research of intelligent robots in China has entered more High stage .

In the new era, more and more top talents in the industry have joined the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China to accelerate the development of artificial intelligence, from badminton robots, hawker robots that can charge themselves to precise identification of fugitives, and rapid screening of natural language In terms of processing, intelligent hardware, chips, computer vision such as medical imaging, unmanned driving, intelligent security, education, etc., the UESTC artificial intelligence has unlimited possibilities.

Professor Ge Shuzhi founded the first international SCI-searched "Social Robotics" journal "International Journal of Social Robotics", leading the academic frontier of social robots. As a member of the National Robot Standardization Expert Advisory Group, he also Committed to promoting the standardization of robotics-related technologies. In the field of social services, Professor Ge Shuzhi leads the international trend of social robots and vigorously promotes the rapid development of China's robotics research and industry.

程洪教授 After completing his PhD from Carnegie Mellon University in the United States, he went to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of the United States and led the establishment of the Machine Intelligence Laboratory. In 2014, he founded it with Professor Ge Shuzhi, a member of the National Thousand Talents Program And build a robotics research center. The team overcomes the challenges of low public information at home and abroad, high difficulty in interdisciplinary personnel communication and system integration. has successfully developed the first domestic personal mobility aid exoskeleton robot that can be worn by paraplegic patients.

From 5G to artificial intelligence, from

Professor Shen Hengtao is committed to continuously promoting the transformation of scientific research results in the field of artificial intelligence , and successively established Chengdu Youran Alpha Technology Co., Ltd. and Chengdu Kaola Youran Technology Co., Ltd. Real-time search technology, video detection, object recognition, face recognition and other technologies are widely used in Internet and mobile application scenarios. At present, the "OSMAGIC" artificial intelligence system, the "industry application platform" integrating software and hardware, and the multi-scenario security solution "intelligent security platform" have been launched, achieving good economic and social benefits.

There are also outstanding students from Chengdian, Li Shihe, the father of 3G in China, Tan Shusen, the main pioneer and builder of Beidou system, Sun Yafang, former chairman of Huawei, Li Zhengmao, vice president of China Mobile, Wang Dongsheng, founder of BOE, and NetEase CEO Ding Lei, Tencent COO Ren Yuxin...From the first barrier of China's national defense to a mobile phone in our pocket, they have provoked the backbone of China's electronic information industry.

From 5G to artificial intelligence, from

This is an era belonging to the electronic information industry, 5G, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, Internet of Things, big data...This is also the resonance of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and the trend of the times , An era that moves forward with China’s development. The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, which is truth-seeking and realistic, will continue to work hard to write a new chapter in the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, leaving an indelible historical footprint on the road of technological innovation.

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Source of some materials: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China official website, official micro, news website, Qingta, Ruanke

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