Let me give you the actual project address first. You can go and take a look at the projects that have been implemented! Demonstration address of Ma Bingsheng Education’s core project in the field of large-traffic and high-concurrency e-commerce: https://you.mashibing.com/ This c

2024/05/2013:42:37 technology 1719

will give you the actual project address first. You can check out the projects that have been implemented first!

Ma Shibing Education's core project demonstration address in the field of high-traffic and high-concurrency e-commerce: https://you.mashibing.com/

This carefully selected mall project supports PC, mobile APP, public accounts and other ports! It is a fully implemented project.

needs to be split into

1, user center (manage user information, including front and backend users, and authentication functions) - designed as a middle office

2, basic center (manage basic information, such as delivery address, data dictionary and other information)

3, Full-text search center (used for full-text search of goods, orders and other information) - as a middle-end design

4, product center (manage classification, product information, inventory information, etc.)

5, customer service center (handling product consultation related functions)

6, transaction center ( Manage shopping carts, product orders, logistics and other functions)

7, payment center (manage payment channel docking related functions) - designed as a middle office

8, evaluation center (manage evaluation center related information)

9, marketing center (manage activity related settings)

10 , Intelligent recommendation center

11, Content management center

back-end architecture

Registration center: SpringCloud Alibaba Nacos

1. Configuration center: SpringCloud Alibaba Nacos

2. Gateway: Spring Cloud GateWay

3. Service call: Dubbo

4. Current limiting: SpringCloud Alibaba Sentinel

5. Authentication and authorization: OAuth2 .0

6. Link tracking: SkyWalking

7. Data synchronization: Canal

8. Full text search: Elastic Search

9. Database: Mysql

10. Cache: Redis Cluster

11. Distributed lock: Redisson

12. Distributed task scheduling: XXL - Job

13. distributed transaction

① Rocket MQ

② Seata

14. Message middleware: RocketMQ

15. object storage : Alibaba Cloud oss

16. Instant messaging: Netty+Websoket

There is a lot of content, please take a look at the detailed catalog below!

project design concept and process

Let me give you the actual project address first. You can go and take a look at the projects that have been implemented! Demonstration address of Ma Bingsheng Education’s core project in the field of large-traffic and high-concurrency e-commerce: https://you.mashibing.com/ This c - DayDayNews

Let me give you the actual project address first. You can go and take a look at the projects that have been implemented! Demonstration address of Ma Bingsheng Education’s core project in the field of large-traffic and high-concurrency e-commerce: https://you.mashibing.com/ This c - DayDayNews

Let me give you the actual project address first. You can go and take a look at the projects that have been implemented! Demonstration address of Ma Bingsheng Education’s core project in the field of large-traffic and high-concurrency e-commerce: https://you.mashibing.com/ This c - DayDayNews

Let me give you the actual project address first. You can go and take a look at the projects that have been implemented! Demonstration address of Ma Bingsheng Education’s core project in the field of large-traffic and high-concurrency e-commerce: https://you.mashibing.com/ This c - DayDayNews

Let me give you the actual project address first. You can go and take a look at the projects that have been implemented! Demonstration address of Ma Bingsheng Education’s core project in the field of large-traffic and high-concurrency e-commerce: https://you.mashibing.com/ This c - DayDayNews

Let me give you the actual project address first. You can go and take a look at the projects that have been implemented! Demonstration address of Ma Bingsheng Education’s core project in the field of large-traffic and high-concurrency e-commerce: https://you.mashibing.com/ This c - DayDayNews

This set of projects is just a white paper with more than 100 pages, taking everyone through the design process from 0 to 1!

Business architecture design concept

Let me give you the actual project address first. You can go and take a look at the projects that have been implemented! Demonstration address of Ma Bingsheng Education’s core project in the field of large-traffic and high-concurrency e-commerce: https://you.mashibing.com/ This c - DayDayNews

Core functional module

Let me give you the actual project address first. You can go and take a look at the projects that have been implemented! Demonstration address of Ma Bingsheng Education’s core project in the field of large-traffic and high-concurrency e-commerce: https://you.mashibing.com/ This c - DayDayNews

JVM Number of threads

Let me give you the actual project address first. You can go and take a look at the projects that have been implemented! Demonstration address of Ma Bingsheng Education’s core project in the field of large-traffic and high-concurrency e-commerce: https://you.mashibing.com/ This c - DayDayNews

Finally, if you need to get all the information about this mall project, please like and forward the article, and then send me a private message [666] to get it!

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