What features will the official version of iOS 15 have?

2021/09/1020:49:02 technology 2484

Apple’s autumn press conference will arrive at 1 am on September 15th. Now, Apple has begun to notify iPhone users of the upcoming iOS 15 about the sexual features of the upcoming iOS 15 .

"Look at what will happen in iOS 15," the notice stated. "Understand the new features that will help you stay in touch and find the focus."

What features will the official version of iOS 15 have? - DayDayNews

After clicking the notification, users can briefly browse the upcoming features of _span_span4

1. Voice highlight function: make your voice clearer and louder.

What features will the official version of iOS 15 have? - DayDayNews

2. The "Function with you" function allows users to quickly find photos, music, websites, or other content sent to you by others.

What features will the official version of iOS 15 have? - DayDayNews

3. "Keep focus": Help you mute irrelevant notifications when you need it.

What features will the official version of iOS 15 have? - DayDayNews

4. Get notification summary: View notifications only when needed.

What features will the official version of iOS 15 have? - DayDayNews

5. Check the route:

What features will the official version of iOS 15 have? - DayDayNews

6. "tab Groups": New Safari browser tab page group, you can switch at will to view the web page you need.

What features will the official version of iOS 15 have? - DayDayNews

In addition, it also includes live text in the photo, system-wide translation, etc. After viewing, the iOS 15 preview is displayed in the selected section of the reminder application, similar to the preview that Apple pushed before the release of iOS 14 .

Apple is expected to release the official version of iOS 15 to the public this month, and new iPhone 13/Pro devices are likely to be pre-installed with this operating system version.Judging from the past situation, Apple released a new iOS version about a week after the September launch event, but iOS 14 was released one day after Apple’s September 15th "Time Flies" event in 2020. This year's Apple "California Call" autumn event is held at 1:00 am on September 15. Apple will also introduce more new content of iOS 15.


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