In Yingdu, the capital of Chu State, a man put a thin layer of lime on the tip of his nose and asked a mason to chop it off with an axe. The mason picked up the ax and chopped it with the sound of wind. When he went down, the white powder was chopped off, but his nose was not inj

Mason Shi Yunjin

In the capital of Chu State Yingdu , a man put a thin layer of lime on the tip of his nose and asked a mason to chop it off with an axe. The mason picked up the ax and carried it with him. The whistling wind cut down, and the white powder was cut off, but the nose was not injured at all. The man did not move, and did not even blink his eyes.

After Song Yuanjun heard about this, he asked the stonemason to perform it again for him. The stonemason replied: "I used to be able to do this, but now the person who can cooperate with me is no longer there, so I can't display this skill." People who appreciate you, those who are heroic must be accompanied by people with heroic knowledge. Otherwise, they will have no talent but no place to display their ambitions. It is also a sigh that you will not give it to me!

Bu wife is a trouser

Buzi Ask your wife to make you a new pair of pants. His wife asked: "How do you want it to look like?" Buzi replied: "It's the same as the old one." After his wife finished it, she brought it over to show Buzi. Buzi was stunned and didn't know what to say. . It turned out that Buzi's wife was very serious and dug a hole in the side of the new pants and patched them.

Tips and tricks

This wife only knows how to stick to the rules and doesn’t know how to adapt. Perhaps because she is too stupid and obedient, she actually made exactly the same pants. If you only stick to the rules when asked by others, you will not be able to accomplish great things.

Ancient trees and wild geese

Zhuangzi said to the towering ancient tree in the mountain that was saved from being cut down because it was large and useless: "This tree happens to enjoy its longevity because it does not become useful." In the evening, Zhuangzi visited a friend's house. The host was attentive. He was hospitable and said to his servant: "There are two geese at home. One can scream and the other cannot. Kill the one that cannot scream and bring it to the banquet."

Zhuangzi's students were very puzzled after hearing this. , asked Zhuangzi: "Teacher, the giant trees in the mountains are preserved because they are useless, but the geese raised at home lose their lives because they cannot scream. What attitude should we adopt towards this complicated and disorderly world?"

Zhuangzi replied: "It is better to choose between usefulness and uselessness. Although the balance is too difficult to grasp and it is not in line with the laws of life, it can already avoid many disputes and be enough to cope with the world."


The useless big tree can be saved, but the geese that can't call are killed. It is indeed difficult to use absolute standards to measure the difference between the two. Therefore, in society, we should avoid using absolute standards to measure what is right or wrong.

Anti-chilblain medicine

In the pre-Qin period Song Dynasty , there was a family who was good at making medicine to prevent hands and feet from being chapped by frostbite, and had been washing clothes for generations. When a businessman heard about this, he offered a hundred taels of gold to buy the secret recipe. After the family discussed it, they thought that we could not earn a hundred taels of gold by doing laundry for generations, so they sold the medicine to a businessman.

After the businessman obtained the secret recipe, he lobbied the King of Wu to start a war. In a war between Wu and Yue that was launched in winter, because all the soldiers of the Kingdom of Wu were smeared with this medicine, they were not afraid of cold weather and water battles, so they defeated the Kingdom of Yue in one fell swoop and won the victory. The king of Wu rewarded the merchants for their merits, so the merchants received a large piece of land and honors.


The same thing, used in different ways, produces very different benefits. This is because things must be placed in the most appropriate place to exert their greatest effectiveness, just like people, Put talents in the right place, and they will surely exert their talents and achieve outstanding achievements.