The desperado "Sun Duyan" had not made a big deal in a month, and when he was feeling itchy, a call came from "Fat Man Qian", saying that he had something important to explain and asked him to meet that night.

2024/06/2803:42:34 story 1521

Section 1: The Taste of Money

The desperado "Sun Duyan" has not made a big deal in a month. When he was feeling itchy, a call came from "Fat Man Qian", saying that he had something important to explain and asked him to meet him that night. Meet. Sun Duyan smelled the smell of money coming from the phone, and late that night, taking advantage of the dark moon and high wind, he came to Fatty Qian's villa on the outskirts of the city.

Sun Duyan is an old killer who engages in kidnapping and killing. He became an orphan when he was less than ten years old, wandering around and living his life secretly. When he was thirteen years old, he participated in a group fight and stabbed one person to death on the spot. Because he was a minor, he was put in a correctional facility and released after a few years. Not long after returning to society, this guy got involved in a criminal gang that robbed homes and houses. In an internal fight caused by uneven distribution of spoils, he was stabbed more than a dozen times and screamed "Wow!" and chopped down a large section of the opponent with his knife. Even the gang boss was chopped down by him and was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. . Sun Duyan was not yet eighteen years old at that time. During this internal strife, he was not only blinded in one eye, but also spent more than ten years in prison. After he was released from prison, he mingled with the underworld, and soon he was suspected of a murder case and entered the "palace" again...

Fatty Qian, the boss of the Nanhu County Real Estate Development Company, saw that Sun Duyan regarded blood as common as sweat, and regarded murder as a crime. It doesn't matter that he is treated as a daily routine in the residential prison. He is a life-threatening person, so he spent a lot of money and used a lot of connections to bail Sun Duyan out, and hired him as a security guard for the company. He earned a monthly salary of several thousand yuan but didn't use it. Go to work and do dirty work specifically for him. When he encountered powerful rivals in the business world or enemies in love, he assigned Sun Duyan to deal with them.

Sun Duyan is most keen on this kind of business. He is already in his early forties. More than twenty years of prison life have given him a unique one-eyed eye: everything in the world is gray, and everyone is grinning or smiling. Smiling, only money has color and shines golden light. My parents are dead long ago, and my wife and children have never even thought about it. What do I have to worry about living alone? What I picture is that there is wine, meat and money to spend, but what I am afraid of is that there are no casinos, no "white noodles", and no women. As long as someone pays for it, he can do anything with a white knife and a red knife, murder and kidnapping.

Sun Duyan quietly sneaked into a secret room in the villa and just sat down when Fatty Qian, a short and fat man, threw a suitcase over and asked him to kill Liu Ting and his wife together: I don’t have this box of hundred-yuan bills. I've actually weighed it, the net weight is 5 kilograms. This is considered a deposit, and this amount will be added after the transaction is completed.

A few years ago, Fatty Qian used deception and abduction as a means to achieve dirty primitive accumulation and formed a capital foundation. Then he started the "nuclear explosion" of capital and created a golden avenue of fame and fortune for himself. "When capital comes into the world, every pore is filthy." Marx's words may also be a true portrayal of the fortune history of people like Fatty Qian!

Today, Fatty Qian is not only a company CEO with a net worth of over 100 million, but he also wears countless “background hats” such as “committee”, “representative”, and “director” on his head. Therefore, in the territory of Nanhu County, Fatty Qian has the ability to control the wind and rain, and the ability to turn everything upside down. However, he also had his own troubles. A few years ago, he fell in love with a girl named Liu Ting. He tried hard and soft tactics, but failed to succeed. A month ago, Liu Ting married a teacher from Huangnigang Town Primary School and started a family!

Fatty Qian’s biggest hobby is playing with women. He must get any woman he likes, no matter how much he spends. Liu Ting was the first woman who didn't agree with him, and Fatty Qian almost broke his teeth for this.

Sun Duyan held the suitcase in his hand and weighed it: How do you plan to let the young couple die?

If I had it my way, I would have to cut them into pieces with my own hands and throw them into the street to be killed! Fatty Qian handed over the secretly taken photos of Liu Ting to Sun Duyan. But now that I am a person with status, it is better to avoid causing trouble. I will strangle or strangle the body, then tie the body with stones and throw it into the Mother River. Go inside.

Huangnigang Primary School is fifty or sixty kilometers away from the county seat. Fatty Qian's hometown is nearby and he is very familiar with the situation in that area.He introduced the situation around the school to Sun Duyan: the school was rebuilt on the foundation of a ruined temple. The campus was surrounded by broken earth walls and there were no homes nearby. Behind the campus was a large area of ​​bushy and inaccessible mass graves. At the end of the mass graveyard is a steep river bank, and under the river bank is the rolling yellow mud river. Sun

One Eye thought for a while and then said: I am no stranger to the Huangni River. There were heavy rains in the upper reaches of the river a few days ago. The water in the river must be swollen now; but in three to five days, the "corpse" will fall into the water and the "corpse" will be exposed.

The cunning Fatty Qian had already made up his mind: when the Huangni River swelled, all the mud and sand would fall down. Once the river water receded, the body would have been buried under the sand on the river bed, leaving no flaws. He said it was summer vacation right now and there was no one inside or outside the school, so it was the perfect time to do something!

Sun Duyan was lying on his back on the sofa, picking his teeth: In this way, this matter is just a piece of cake. We can settle the bill within three days.

Fatty Qian lit a cigar and smoked it. He scratched his bald head and added a new request: After a person is tortured to death, do not throw the body into the river first, and call me first. I want to see with my own eyes how this couple of bitches died, and I want to kick them into the river myself! He told Sun Duyan a new mobile phone number, saying that it was a "special plane" prepared to kill Liu Ting and his wife. Fatty Qian has ordered others to do illegal work many times, and he has considerable anti-investigation capabilities.

Seeing that everything had been explained, Sun Duyan picked up the suitcase and was about to leave. Fatty Qian was still not at ease, so he stuffed a cigar into Sun Duyan and told him: "You can't give me diarrhea and give me a soft egg!"

As soon as he heard this, Sun Duyan's one-eyed eyeball stared like a black billiard ball: When did I, the one-eyed wolf, have diarrhea and lay soft eggs? Can I survive on this road without farting? After working in the underworld for many years, the one-eyed wolf regards the lives of others as the same as ants, and his own life as the same as the ants. He only values ​​"loyalty" and will never give up on anything he agrees to.

Fatty Qian also felt that his instructions were unnecessary: ​​For Sun Duyan, a ruthless, cunning and most "loyalty" underworld killer, just be careful about the dirty work assigned to him.

The desperado

Section 2: Sun Duyan meets a powerful new killer

Sun Duyan makes an appointment with Zhou Laohei, his old partner for many years, and takes a taxi on the road. The dirt road after the rain was muddy and difficult to navigate, and the taxi could not drive until it reached the foot of Huangnigang. Sun Duyan and Zhou Laohei had to walk to Huangnigang. They bypassed the school gate and came to the mass graveyard behind the school.

There is an old locust tree at the end of the cemetery, standing like a giant umbrella on the bank of the Huangni River; the Huangni River is flooding, with thousands of horses galloping.

On a scorching hot summer morning, the deserted Huangnigang was silent. The two killers came to enjoy the shade under the old locust tree, and when they were ready to take a rest, they climbed over the fence and entered the campus to "work." They lit cigars and puffed away while planning how to spend the other 5 kilograms of banknotes after they got it: buy three or two boxes of " Remy Martin " and drink it until they are drunk; buy two kilograms of "white noodles" and smoke it Then they went all over the world to find the sexiest girls, put three or five of them on the same bed, and played with them for three days and three nights... When they talked about their contentment, they grinned wildly and enjoyed themselves. Kick the old locust tree.

At this moment, a low "buzzing" sound suddenly sounded from the old locust tree! The two killers hurriedly raised their heads and looked up; at this sight, they suddenly got goosebumps, got up and ran towards the school.

What scares the two desperadoes into being like this?

It turns out that there is a huge honeycomb in the shape of a gourd and as thick as a water tank hanging on the old locust tree; countless killer bees are pouring out from the hive, and the "vanguard" have already "buzzed" to swoop down. !

Killer bees are commonly known as "gourd buns" in the local area. The venom in their stings is a strong cardiotoxin that is highly hemolytic and can cause great damage to the human heart and kidneys. People who are stung by killer bees in multiple places and do not receive timely treatment will die from acute heart and kidney failure and acute hemolytic anemia!

In recent years, large areas of persimmon and pear trees have been planted in this area; persimmons and pears are food for killer bees.Due to abundant food, the number of killer bees has increased dramatically, and stinging incidents have occurred frequently. Last year alone, hundreds of people were attacked by killer bees in this area, killing dozens of them. After these situations were widely reported by the media, the entire Nanhu County was shrouded in an atmosphere of terror caused by the flapping wings of killer bees. Everyone talked about bees changing their color and fearing bees like tigers.

Killer bees generally do not actively attack people, but when disturbed, they will come out in full force and attack people crazily. So, what disturbed these "killers"? Maybe they were annoyed by the strong smell of cigar smoke, or maybe their nest was shaken by kicks. Anyway, they were disturbed, so the killer bees launched a holy war to protect their homes and nests, and launched a crazy attack on the two killers with the same hatred.

When the two killers rolled and crawled under the school wall, they were surrounded by a swarm of bees. Killer bees sting people very quickly, like small, bright yellow bullets. The two killers were wearing thin clothes and most of their flesh was exposed. How could they protect themselves from the attack of killer bees? Sun Duyan was stung on the neck first, and the heartbreaking pain suddenly spread throughout his body. He was about to exclaim when he was stung by another guy on the nose...

Zhou Laohei had also become a "land of swarms of bees". He couldn't run anymore, so he had to stand against the wall, take off his T-shirt and swam around desperately. stand up.

The large support troops pouring out of the hive are coming in a steady stream, forming a terrifying "tornado": What densely surrounds them in the core of the "storm" is just the "vanguard" of the swarm, the "tornado" The thin tail of the "tornado" and the thick and long trunk of the "tornado" extend all the way to the old locust tree . No one can tell whether there are thousands or tens of thousands of these killer bees...

The two killers are about to die. Killer bees, it can be said that there is no suspense anymore. At this moment, the target of their murder, Liu Ting, was also busy.

Liu Ting's husband went to a village more than ten miles away to tutor students in the area. She had nothing to do by herself. She was cleaning up the school's small infirmary today. Her husband was a top student at a normal university. After graduation, he heard that Huangnigang Primary School had difficult conditions and a shortage of teachers, so he volunteered to teach here. Liu Ting graduated from a health school and originally had a job at the H2H County Hospital. After getting married, in order to take care of her husband, and hearing that there were not enough teachers in Huangnigang Primary School, I quit my job in the city and came here to teach for the lower grades. Of course, another reason why she left the county was to try to get rid of Fatty Qian's entanglement.

There are no medical institutions in Huangnigang Primary School and the surrounding villages. With the support of school leaders, Liu Ting wanted to use her expertise to open a small medical clinic. She planned to use the summer vacation to complete preparations so that the infirmary would be open when school started. The infirmary is at the very end of the campus, close to the wall.

That day, Liu Ting was busy in the infirmary when she suddenly heard someone outside the wall shouting and screaming at the top of her lungs. She didn't know what happened and hurriedly went out to look around.

The first thing that caught her eyes was a "tornado" that started from the old locust tree and ended outside the school wall, and the screams of ghosts came from outside the wall. Since reports of killer bees attacking people often appear in local media, Liu Ting realized when she saw this scene that someone had encountered a killer bee.

Time is life. She was eager to save people, but she suddenly became wise and shouted through the wall: Hurry! Quickly knock down the wall and run in!

The death struggle of the two killers is coming to an end: their strength is about to run out, and they can no longer even swing their arms; at the same time, they are being stung in more and more places, and they are unable to fight or kill them. The bee swarm is getting bigger and bigger. At this moment, someone suddenly heard a shout from inside the wall, asking them to knock down the wall and go in! Sun Duyan and Zhou Laohei were suddenly enlightened, and they used all their strength to hit the wall like a stone.

The wall of the adobe fortress was already in dilapidated condition, and the two of them hit it together and created a big gap. Liu Ting saw two strangers knocking down the wall and falling in. She dragged them up and ran towards the infirmary. How could the bee swarm just give up and suddenly pounce on us again.

Fortunately, the gap in the wall was only five or seven steps away from the infirmary. Before the swarm could form an offensive, three people rushed into the infirmary and immediately closed the doors and windows.

The medical room suddenly became dark, as if night had fallen: all the killer bees had arrived and gathered around the upper and lower sides of the medical room. Like hills, the entire medical room was "buried" in darkness, with a continuous and dull sound. The "buzzing" sound was deafening·.

The two desperadoes were trembling all over, and fell to the ground, gasping and calling their father and mother. They had been stung in more than a dozen places on their bodies, and they were in burning pain; what was even worse was that poisoning symptoms such as nausea and dizziness had begun to appear!

The desperado

Section 3: The dilemma of whether to kill or not to kill

Looking at the two strangers who were stung, Liu Ting could no longer be afraid: time is of the essence in treating bee stings. He was stung in more than ten places. If he could be treated immediately and the poison did not attack his heart, the main symptoms would disappear after half a day. If the time was delayed, it would be dangerous for the stung person to suffer from anaphylactic coma before handling it.

Judging from the number of stings and symptoms of Cyclops and the others, Liu Ting knew that the two of them would soon suffer from anaphylactic coma and had to race against time for treatment. She turned on the light, helped Sun Duyanlang and Zhou Laohei to the hospital bed, and started emergency treatment.

In the health schools in this area, treatment of killer bee injuries is a compulsory course, so Liu Ting knows the medication and treatment methods; moreover, the medical office under construction is preparing emergency medicines. Surrounded by the overwhelming killer bees and amidst the frightening "buzzing" sound, Liu Ting rushed to inject Sun Duyan and the others with detoxification and detoxifying serum and other drugs before they fell into anaphylactic coma.

Under the influence of the medicine, Sun Duyan and Zhou Laohei fell into a drowsy sleep.

The killer bees besieging the infirmary were helpless, but they were unwilling to retreat. It happened that a sudden rain hit, and the bees retreated back to the camp.

At this time, Liu Ting's husband called on the mobile phone and said that he had sprained his foot outside and would postpone his return home until around noon tomorrow. Liu Ting became worried: When you came back, the road up to Huangnigang was already steep and slippery, and it rained again...

The husband said that his injury was not serious, and an old Chinese doctor was scrubbing him with herbal medicine. , there will be no problem walking home tomorrow.

It was already past six o'clock in the afternoon when Sun Duyan woke up from his sleep. He slowly opened his one eye, and the first thing he saw was a gentle woman. She was sitting on the bed, gently wiping the sting on his nose with a tampon. At this time, the process from being attacked by killer bees to being rescued suddenly emerged from Sun Duyan's memory. At the same time, a warm current of gratitude slowly surged from his heart: If it weren't for this unknown woman, I might have been on the road to hell right now! Sun Duyan didn't know what to say for a moment, and stared blankly at the woman next to him with his one eye: she was wearing a dress with red flowers on a white background, lips as thin and small as petals, eyebrows as curved as a crescent moon, and tender bean sprouts. The slender neck and the bright black eyes flashed with spring-like brilliance, holy and gentle.

Sun Duyan's heart trembled involuntarily, feeling that there must be something wrong with his eyes. Either there was something wrong before or now... Before this, everything in the world with his single eye was gray, and everyone was grinning. But now, his one eye can actually distinguish colors: the woman in front of him is not grinning, and he is not smiling... Sun Duyan kept muttering in his heart: What's wrong with me?

No one can explain his question clearly. Perhaps, it was the bee venom of the killer bees that cured his decades-old "eye disease." Zhou Laohei also woke up. After saying a lot of thanks, he asked: Are you... from this school?

Liu Ting said: That’s right, just call me Tingting.

Oh my God, why are you Liu Ting? Sun Duyan almost shouted these words, and Zhou Laohei's heart suddenly jumped into his throat. The two killers were stunned and looked at each other.

Liu Ting asked them what was going on, and Sun Duyan hurriedly lied: We are from the County Water Conservancy Bureau, and we were conducting a flood inspection along the Huangni River. On the way, we were enjoying the shade under an old locust tree. Unexpectedly...

In order to cover up his gaffe, Mr. Zhou Hei went to take out the money from his handbag, saying that he wanted to repay his benefactor. However, both his and Sun Duyan's handbags were lost outside the wall while fighting the killer bees.In order to hide their emotions, the two killers slipped out of the door through the "steps" where they were looking for handbags.

The shower had turned into drizzle. Liu Ting took off a beige plastic raincoat from the wall and gave it to Sun Duyan.

Finding handbags is easy. There was not only money in the handbag, but also a dagger.

Sun Duyan hid under the wall, took out the money from his handbag and looked at the photo that the fat man handed him: yes, the savior was indeed the person he wanted to kill. Damn it, God has really given me a difficult problem!

After the two returned to the infirmary, they handed Liu Ting three thousand yuan, but Liu Ting said she didn't want anything. It was getting dark and the two killers had to continue their injections and treatment. Therefore, Liu Ting asked them if they would stay here for the night. Sun Duyan and Zhou Laohei looked at each other and both said, "It's better to stay one night."

Three people share the same table for dinner. The two killers felt increasingly sorry that they had been rescued and had to be given food and lodging, so they expressed their thanks again. Liu Ting still smiled so tenderly: "The mountains and rivers will not turn around, maybe one day I will encounter danger, will you still come to my rescue then?" Right!

comes to the rescue? When others heard this, Sun Duyan couldn't stand it any longer, and he complained in his heart: I took the deposit to kill you! Zhou Laohei was relatively calm and asked Liu Ting why her husband didn't come back for dinner. How did Liu Ting know the true identities of the two uninvited guests? She told her husband's whereabouts and return time clearly: My husband is a nice person. Wearing glasses and looking polite.

After a simple physical examination and injection, Liu Ting arranged for Sun Duyan and the others to rest in the infirmary. Liu Ting left, and the two killers closed the doors and windows and began to figure out how to complete the "murder mission."

Zhou Laohei was the first to speak: There is no such thing as killing anyone in the world, but killing this little bitch...

Sun Duyan also had the same thoughts. However, when I think of myself as a man who has never had diarrhea and laid soft eggs for decades...

When I think of my breasts that were patted in front of Fatty Qian, a rush of blood rushes up from the top of my head. He tried hard to hide his emotions and said: I was stung by a bee today. My head is still numb and I can't think about anything.

They planned to sleep first and make up their minds tomorrow. Anyway, the teacher won't be back until noon tomorrow.

The desperado

Section 4: The battle between human nature and beastliness

Lying on the bed, Sun Duyan was in a mess. He couldn't help but think about the dress with red flowers on the white background, and the lips and neck of the little girl... ·He tried his best to stop himself from thinking about these things, and tried hard to think about the 5 kilograms of hundred-yuan bills, Fatty Qian's instructions, and the Haikou he boasted about. However, as soon as you close your eyes, you will see those bright black eyes. Therefore, he didn't dare to close his eyes, and the more he didn't dare to close his eyes, the more he wanted to close them, just like setting off firecrackers when he was a child, the more he was afraid of the sound of firecrackers, the more he wanted to light them.

Zhou Laohei on the other bed sighed for some reason. This sigh made Sun Duyan's heart become more and more confused. He raised his neck in the darkness and cursed fiercely: If you have something on your mind, why don't you take out a knife and wipe it on your neck!

Zhou Laohei was not angry at being scolded: Tell the truth, do you still want to do this job?

Sun Duyan sat up suddenly and turned on the light: Do you want to have diarrhea and lay a soft egg? I took all Fatty Qian’s deposit and had her breasts photographed!

Zhou Laohei suddenly burst into laughter: I have already seen through which roundworm is causing trouble in your belly. You have fallen in love with that little bitch and you can’t bear to kill her! Hahaha...

Sun Duyan became a little stuttering: You, you... you are such a bloody mouthful! On the surface, he was fierce and decisive, but in fact, he was completely confused in his heart...

Zhou Laohei was still laughing wildly. Sun Duyan also laughed when he was laughed at, and his laughter was louder and crueler than Zhou Laohei's. ... He wants to use this smile to prove that he is aboveboard, that there is no "roundworm" in his belly, and that he is a man who has never had diarrhea in his thirty years of wandering in the world!

Zhou Laohei's smile couldn't be compared to that of a one-eyed wolf, so he stopped laughing at all: Come on, brothers, how about just killing her man? In doing so, loyalty, credibility, and affection are all justified.

Sun Duyan's heart suddenly brightened: This is a good idea! Seeing Zhou Laohei talking about this, Sun Duyan told the truth: To be honest, I have never seen such a beautiful, so attractive and loved woman, and she saved us... ...

So, how can you explain to Fatty Qian without killing Liu Ting? They quickly reached an agreement: Go back and tell Fatty Qian that Liu Ting was not at home and only killed her man; since the work was only half done, the money other than the deposit was waived; if Fatty Qian had to kill Liu Ting, Let him hire someone else. Whether Liu Ting lives or dies in the future can only depend on her fate.

They pre-selected the place to kill Liu Ting's man outside the school and planned to intercept him on his way back.

As soon as the matter was settled, Sun Duyan soon began to snore hard. The purpose of his doing this was, first, to stop his random thoughts and guide himself to fall asleep quickly; second, to show Zhou Laohei that he had nothing else on his mind and was already asleep; third, to set an example for Zhou Laohei. Also fall asleep quickly.

Sun Duyan snored together, but Zhou Laohei spoke again: There is no need to pretend, buddy, that little bitch is always grabbing people's hearts!

Sun Duyan was silent for a long time, and then he had to stop snoring and responded with a long sigh.

Zhou Laohei went on to say: If we can play with such a little girl, our brothers’ life will not be in vain!

Sun Duyan felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart. He jumped out of bed and rushed towards Zhou Laohei, clenching his fists loudly: I will tear you apart!

Zhou Laohei didn't take his arrogance seriously at all, and sat up slowly: Let's let her live and earn 5 kilograms less banknotes. This is a great kindness! It's just for fun, I can't say I'm sorry for her.

These words hit Sun Duyan's heart. After dinner, he went to bed, and the idea of ​​playing with the little girl kept popping up in his head from time to time. But when it comes to actually doing it, a sense of guilt that I have never felt before emerges from my heart. However, another much more powerful force, a male instinctive force, rapidly expanded in the body, as if it was about to explode in an instant, and it seemed that it would be impossible to live without it being released.

Sun Duyan finally made up his mind: Let’s just say, did we play tricks on her?

With their bare backs and bare feet, they rushed towards Liu Ting's house impatiently. Liu Ting's house is more than 100 meters away from the clinic. Within a distance of more than 100 meters, they involuntarily changed their walking postures in three ways: first, they trotted like monkeys and dogs, and then they advanced lightly. When they approached Liu Ting's house, they walked in like Japanese soldiers in the movie. It's like a minefield, with your back hunched, you stop every step, your head shrinks and you explore your brain.

It was already midnight, and the windows were still lit. When he reached the door, Sun Duyan felt the wild wildness in his body surge up, and his breathing became rapid; at the same time, an inexplicable fear made his heart drop, his calves trembled, and he couldn't even think of anything. I was not sure when I entered the door: Is it a knock? Is it pushing? Or kick?

Sun Duyan glanced at Zhou Laohei who was following behind: This unsatisfactory thing has completely lost its neck, and its head is still shrinking into its belly; its two hands are hanging on the chest like claws, shaking non-stop... Sun Duyan wished he could kick him over: Just now you were so cowardly and arrogant, now you are really going to touch your bastard...

At this moment, Sun Duyan heard Liu Ting beating her husband inside. Phone: I haven't slept yet. I can't sleep without you... It's not entirely because I'm afraid. I don't need to be afraid today because there are two guests living in the school. They give me courage.

The whispers between husband and wife are so soft and tender. But to Sun Duyan's ears, it sounded like a thunderous impact: his "suddenly" ignited male desire and the rapidly expanding wild impulse in his body were all smashed together and shattered. Looking at Zhou Laohei again, the guy was leaning crookedly sideways with his legs bent, completely ready to flee.

Not only did Sun Duyan completely lose the courage to knock, push or kick the door, he also lost the courage to continue to stand outside the door and eavesdrop. He couldn't help but retreat, and Zhou Laohei retreated when he saw this,

Returning to the more than 100 meters away from the infirmary, they still couldn't help but change three postures: first, they shrank their heads and moved back with a pause; then they turned sideways and moved forward lightly; they moved away; After Liu Ting moved into her room, the two of them let go of their hands and started running like a monkey and a dog.

fled back to the infirmary. The first thing they did was sit down on the bed and gasp. They didn't even think of turning on the light. They were so panicked that they were like mice escaping from a cat's paws.

It’s really unbelievable for his grandma that things have come to this point! The man who didn't even blink when a knife was placed on his neck, the killer who didn't even show mercy when he chopped people until blood and flesh flew everywhere, were actually frightened to the point of losing their minds and pissing themselves off by a weak little girl!

Is this change also the result of " apitherapy "?

Sun Duyan felt embarrassed, and even more useless: He could have indulged himself in playing with the little fairy, but... an unknown fire shot straight to the top of his head, an indescribable humiliation and regret, like a swarm of crazy killer bees in his head. The collision made Sun Duyan wish he could slap himself seventy or eighty times! At this moment, Zhou Laohei cursed in the darkness: Fuck his ancestors!

Sun One-eyed Wolf finally found a punching bag. He turned on the light and pushed forward step by step: Who are you scolding?

Zhou Laohei became arrogant: If not, who else can you scold? After saying that, he shook his fist fiercely.

Sun Duyan did not dodge. He waited until his face was punched and his mouth was bleeding before he punched him back. This punch immediately turned Zhou Laohei's nose into a faucet of blood...

Section 5: The snake and scorpion killer gave humanity a satisfactory answer

The two killers gritted their teeth, neither avoiding the other's fist, nor Beating the other person to death, they do this because there is an unknown fire in their belly, and if they don't let this unknown fire spurt out with hot blood, they have to suffocate the person alive! When blood comes out of their mouths and nostrils, hey! I feel comfortable in my heart!

Later, Sun Duyan stopped first: Today we have lost eight lifetimes of people!

Zhou Laohei added something to himself: The matter is over, don't say anything else. Let's do a great job tomorrow! The job he was talking about tomorrow was to kill Liu Ting's man. Sun Duyan gritted his teeth and said: When I see the teacher tomorrow, I will first knock him over with a "Black Tiger Heart Punch", and then pinch, pinch, pinch him! Chop that bitch's neck alive!

Zhou Laohei followed up and said: Just pinch me, I will pee in his mouth, and let him go to see King of Hell with all his arrogance!

The hatred of the two killers has been concentrated on Liu Ting, as if all the useless things today were caused by him. The two of them share the same hatred and vow to do a good job tomorrow and wash away all the shame and embarrassment.

After so much tossing and tossing, it is almost dawn. The two killers decided to leave the school quietly before dawn: due to the attempted crime at night and the interception that was about to occur at noon that day, they knew that they would not have the courage to face Liu Ting after dawn. They tiptoed out of the school through the gap in the wall, walked around the school gate, and found a place to ambush under Huangni Gang.

Due to the heavy rain yesterday afternoon, the dirt road going down to Wongnigang was as slippery as oil. The terrain was already steep and slippery, so the two killers stumbled several times on their way to the post, and arrived at the foot of the yellow mud post like mud monkeys.

The sky is already bright. Underneath the Huangnigang is a cornfield as tall as a person. A dirt road leads down from the school and meets other dirt roads at a fork. In other words, Liu Ting's man must pass through a fork in the road when he returns to school. The two killers looked at the terrain and got into the cornfield next to the fork in the road, preparing to take advantage of "waiting for rabbits"... this

morning time to sleep in the cornfield. They were injured by killer bees yesterday, and their bodies had not fully recovered. They had been up all night, and both killers felt very sleepy.

It is the hot summer season in July. After nine o'clock in the morning, the scorching sun becomes scorching.The sky was upside down like a hot cauldron, and invisible flames were steaming up and down Huangnigang.

There are corn leaves to block the sun, so it is not too hot in the corn bush. Despite this, Zhou Laohei woke up from the heat, feeling a little heatstroke and dizzy. It was just past eleven o'clock, and we still had to suffer for another hour or two. He walked out of the corn bush, ready to find a place with water to wash away the heat. When he came to the fork in the road, he found someone on the road leading to school: a woman wearing a white dress with red flowers! That woman was none other than Liu Ting. She was digging hard with tools under the scorching sun!

The sun was shining brightly, and the earth was almost scorched. At this time of year, even the most hard-working old farmers tried their best to avoid working in the open air. How could she, a weak woman, dig the soil under the burning sun? Dead?

Zhou Laohei couldn't figure it out, so he woke up Sun Duyan to take a look. Coming down from the school gate, the dirt road on this steep slope is four to five hundred meters long; many parts of it were washed out by the heavy rain yesterday afternoon and were difficult to walk on. Sun Duyan and the others fell down there early in the morning. Those are the places where Liu Ting dug soil to pave the way, and now the paving is almost complete. It takes at least two or three hours to do this work. When did she start doing it?

Sun Duyan stared blankly for a long time, then suddenly squatted on the ground: I understand, she was afraid that the teacher would fall when he returned, so she was paving the way for him!

Zhou Laohei said with a smile: It would be useless even if she paved that section of road with carpet, people would be dead before her man could step on it!

Sun Duyan did not answer this question. He just squatted like that under the scorching sun, and it took ten minutes before he spoke: "Let's not kill her man either."

What did you say? Zhou Laohei circled around him a few times. Are you fainted by the sun, or are you suffering from the sequelae of a bee sting?

Sun Duyan squatted and sighed: Look at the love between husband and wife, how can we still do it?

"The love between husband and wife" Zhou Laohei slapped his butt and said, the love between husband and wife has nothing to do with us men!

Sun Duyan suddenly jumped up from the ground: You are so stupid, don't even think about it, how can she still survive if you kill the teacher?

Zhou Laohei's lips began to tremble after hearing these words. It took him a long time to tremble before he said: Are you really going to have diarrhea?

is ruthless and will fight to the death to get what he promised. It is because of this ruthlessness that I became famous in the underworld and became famous. At this time, Sun Duyan was talking like an old woman, but I really couldn't do it this time, so I failed! His whole life's reputation has been ruined...

Seeing how uncomfortable his brothers were, Zhou Laohei felt bad and kept saying: It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. After saying that, he looked at Liu Ting's figure in the distance and howled loudly like a wolf: In this life, men have taken advantage of you! Next life, next life... He has not thought about what the next life will be like. He just feels that it is so fucking useless to fall into her hands in this life. It is so fucking unbelievable that he must not fall into her hands again in the next life!

Sun Duyan jumped up from the ground at this time, and added to Liu Ting's distant figure: If I can't marry you in the next life, I will definitely play with you... After howling, the two killers went deep into the cornfield like startled rabbits. Flee away.

Even though they knew they were too far apart, Liu Ting couldn't hear what she said, but they were still afraid that she would hear it, so they ran away like a rabbit; even though they ran away, Sun Duyan had something deep in his heart. A sense of pleasure and comfort that I have never experienced before.

The desperado

Section 6: Damn it

The two killers were exhausted from running blindly in the corn bushes. When they sat down to figure out the direction, Sun Duyan suddenly thought of a very serious problem: This time he laid a soft egg and had diarrhea. How about going back? Explain to Fatty Qian?

Zhou Laohei came up with an idea and said: Otherwise, just hide and don't reply to him, and you won't work under him from now on.

As the saying goes, "Thieves also have their ways." Sun Duyan felt that it would be unfair to let things go, so it would be better to give the money to Fatty truthfully: As for the deposit, if the deposit is refunded to him later, it will be settled. After saying that, he took out his cell phone and dialed Fatty Qian's number, intending to explain the matter clearly on the phone so as not to be embarrassed to answer in person.

Just when he dialed the phone and was about to speak, Zhou Laohei snatched the phone away and turned it off: the deposit he had received cannot be refunded no matter what! If the deposit is cancelled, it would be better to kill the teacher!

Sun One-eyed Wolf's eyes suddenly bulged out of his sockets, as if he wanted to eat Zhou Laohei alive: We just agreed, why did you change your mind again?

Seeing that Sun Duyan was really angry, Zhou Laohei didn't dare to say anything anymore and squatted angrily to express his anger. The two are old partners for many years and have a life-and-death relationship. Sun Duyan couldn't bear to hurt his feelings, so he repeatedly tried to enlighten Zhou Laohei. But Zhou Laohei said it to death: I, Zhou Laohei, never engage in loss-making business. This time I almost lost my life. I won’t do it if I don’t have a few ingots of silver! After saying that, he threw Sun Duyan's cell phone away. The mobile phone

was the one that Sun Duyan dialed the number and was taken away before he could speak. The one-eyed wolf took the phone and stared at it blankly for a while, then suddenly pulled Zhou Laohei and ran away, first saying "Okay, okay", and then "Broken, bad".

Zhou Laohei became a confused monk Zhang Er: What is "Okay, okay"?

Sun Duyan said as he ran: I'm afraid you don't need to refund the deposit you were thinking about!

Zhou Laohei became more and more confused: So, what is "bad, bad" again?

Sun Duyan ran out of breath: Fatty Qian, I'm afraid we're in big trouble...

Fatty Qian heard his cell phone ringing, took it out and saw it was Sun Duyan calling, and turned off the phone without saying anything. , they guessed that this was a coded message from Sun Duyan: The work was done, waiting for him to dump his body and vent his hatred! Fatty Qian and Sun Duyan had an appointment in advance: to kill Liu Ting and his wife, move their bodies under the old locust tree, and then dial Fatty Qian's "private plane" without saying a word. In this way, it is also a precaution to prevent things from being exposed.

At that time, Fatty Qian was attending a symposium held by the county's political circles. As the guest of honor, he did not leave immediately, but waited until the meeting was over before leaving. In order to conceal his identity, he took a taxi to Wongnigang.

The dirt road was filled with mud and water. It took a lot of effort for the taxi to drive to the foot of Huangnigang. Like Sun Duyan and the others, Fatty Qian walked up Huangnigang, passed through the mass graveyard, and came to the foot of the old locust tree. However, when they arrived at the agreed place, they saw neither the bodies of Liu Ting nor Sun Duyan. What happened? Fatty Qian felt puzzled. Just when he was about to light his cigar and analyze and make judgments, he saw a person coming from the gap in the school wall from a distance, a person whose whole body was wrapped tightly!

Fatty Qian had a guilty conscience and couldn't figure out what was going on, so he hurriedly hid in a bush to observe the movement.

The person wrapped up tightly is Liu Ting. Her husband returned to school as scheduled, following the path she had paved. The young couple chatted with each other. Liu Ting told them about the killer bees. The killer bees came from the old locust tree behind the campus. They planned to clear the hive as soon as possible to avoid hurting the students after school started.

After lunch, her husband went to bed to rest, and Liu Ting planned to observe the beehive alone to prepare for cleaning it in the future. She knew that killer bees would not actively attack people, but she still took precautions: she put on deep rain boots, a plastic raincoat, rubber gloves and a large mask, and walked towards the old locust tree through the gap in the wall.

Liu Ting came to the old locust tree and saw that there was no danger, so she took off her mask and observed the hive. As soon as she took off her mask, Fatty Qian recognized the person in the bushes and gasped in shock: How come she's not dead? Now that the matter has come to this, in the deserted mountains and wilderness, I just don’t stop doing anything. I played with her first and then finished her with my own hands!

As soon as the evil thought came out, Fatty Qian suddenly emerged from the bushes and unexpectedly threw Liu Ting down under the old locust tree. Liu Ting was knocked down by Fatty Qian before she could react, and she could only struggle desperately.

Let’s not talk about Liu Ting’s life or death. Let’s first talk about the whereabouts of the two killers.

Sun One-eyed Wolf dragged Zhou Laohei to Huangnigang: he not only expected that Fatty Qian would rush to the old locust tree after receiving the "secret signal", but also expected that Fatty Qian would go under the old locust tree and "give birth" No dead people, no corpses." I was definitely confused for a moment.This guy is a big smoker, and when he encounters something he can't figure out, he will light up a cigar and smoke it. Then, Killer Bee will be sorry for him! Hence, Sun Duyan’s confused words: “It’s good, it’s good”, “It’s bad, it’s bad”.

To Sun One-eyed Wolf's surprise, Fatty Qian showed up before Liu Ting even lit up his cigar under the old locust tree! Therefore, when the two killers turned around the corner of the school wall, they did not see Fatty Qian or the killer bees. There was only a man wearing a beige plastic raincoat under the old locust tree!

Even though the man was wrapped tightly, Sun Duyan still recognized Liu Ting from the color of the raincoat. So, what was she doing standing under the old locust tree alone? At this moment, the scene of Fatty Qian knocking down Liu Ting appeared...

Who could be the one knocking down Liu Ting? From the short and fat body features, Sun Duyan recognized Fatty Qian at a glance! In his opinion, Fatty Qian was not a good person, but he was not kind to himself; Liu Ting was undoubtedly a good woman, and of course she could not be harmed. At this critical moment, Sun Duyan had no time to weigh it, so he rushed over, planning to save Liu Ting first. However, as soon as he saw the old locust tree, he couldn't help but think of killer bees, and his legs trembled involuntarily... When he was in a hurry, Sun Duyan screamed at the top of his voice: "Kick the old locust tree quickly"

Liu Ting, who was in a critical moment, heard this reminder and just kicked at the old locust tree... In an instant, the killer bees swooped down overwhelmingly.

Just when Fatty Qian was about to succeed, he suddenly felt something hit him in many places on his body, followed by excruciating pain. He looked up and had to stop with a scream.

Killer Bee does not recognize people, and Liu Ting is also the target of the attack. However, she was fully wrapped up!

The attacks of the "little killers" are more ferocious and crazier than yesterday. If they could talk, they would say this: You two-legged people just disturbed us yesterday, but you haven't avenged us yet, and you are here again today! Okay, let’s avenge old and new grudges together, and settle old and new accounts together!

The red-eyed killer bees saw that Liu Ting had nowhere to "attack", so they made Fatty Qian the only target of attack. The killer bees that came out from the swarm formed a dark mountain and "buried" Fatty Qian's entire body. Not to mention a person, even a cow would be stung alive by so many killer bees. .

The desperado

Fatty Qian rolled on the ground in pain, and rolled down the steep river bank. With a long wailing sound, he fell into the turbid yellow mud river. The second half of the sentence should be "It is better to kill than to kill."

Not long after, local media reported a piece of news: the well-known entrepreneur Qian Fatty disappeared, and the cause and whereabouts were unknown.

Later, Sun Duyan and Zhou Laohei both corrected their evil ways and embarked on the right path, and had close contact with Liu Ting's family...

As the saying goes, good people will be rewarded with good things, and evil people will be punished with evil things. It's not that they will not be punished, the time has not yet come! The crossroads of life have always been the choice point between heaven and hell. With good intentions, it may not be others who can save you, but maybe yourself...

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