Liu Mingzhi is a "capable man", and he has mastered the art of flattering people. He can get along with the government officials wherever he goes, so no matter what business he does, everything goes smoothly and he makes a lot of money.

2024/06/2213:19:33 story 1713

In the late Ming Dynasty, Yuhang had a merchant named Liu Mingzhi. His family accumulated a fortune through doing business.

Liu Mingzhi is a "capable person". He has mastered the art of flattering people. He can mingle with government officials wherever he goes. Therefore, no matter what business he does, everything goes smoothly and he makes a lot of money.

He opened an underground casino in the city, and the people who came to gamble were all rich and wealthy playboys. These people spent money like water. Liu Mingzhi only used some tricks to quickly empty those people's pockets.

Liu Mingzhi's business is not limited to casinos, but also grocery stores, silk shops, pawn shops, brothels, etc. No matter what business he is in, he has his own unique routine. He always rips off people's money, so everyone calls him a profiteer.

Liu Mingzhi is engaged in the business of deception and abduction, and everyone hates him, but there are people in his family, and the common people can only admit that they are unlucky.

Liu Mingzhi is a

There was a wealthy businessman named Huang in the city. His family's wealth was as good as that of Liu Mingzhi's family. Liu Mingzhi wanted to take advantage of the Huang family's money as his own.

The Huang family has a son named Huang Zizhong. This Huang Zizhong is different from other children of rich people. He is a very serious person. He never goes to romantic places or casinos. He studies and practices calligraphy at home every day, thinking that one day he will pass the exam. Fame shines on the lintel.

Huang Zizhong is a nerd who has not been beaten by society and does not know the dangers of the world. Liu Mingzhi plans to start with him and get the Huang family's property.

On March 3, Huang Zizhong went for an outing in the wild and was stopped by several young men.

These men studied in the same school as Huang Zizhong. Although they were not friends, they were still classmates.

One person said: "Can Huang Dacai give it up?"

Another person said: "It's right to come out. You have to combine work and rest, and study can get twice the result with half the effort!"

Others also echoed, meaning it's time to come out and relax. , Can’t stop studying.

Several people pulled Huang Zizhong into a tavern without any explanation, asked the waiter to serve food and drinks, and drank happily.

Several people toasted Huang Zizhong. He was already too drunk and soon became drunk.

Liu Mingzhi is a

When Huang Zizhong sobered up, he was actually lying on a big soft bed with pink gauze beads hanging on the bed.

He was shocked and quickly sat up from the bed, but he found that he was not wearing any cloth.

At this moment, a woman in fluttering white clothes came into the room. The woman was graceful, pure and lovely.

The woman said in a sweet voice: "Young Master, wake up. I have prepared food for you. Please get up and eat!"

Huang Zizhong had never been to such a place before, so he panicked and said: "Why am I here? Hurry up. Bring me my clothes, I want to go home!"

The woman in white wiped her tears when she heard what he said and said, "Sir, are you dissatisfied with me? I'm new here, and you are mine. The first guest I received, if you are not satisfied, I will definitely be scolded by my mother..."

Huang Zizhong couldn't remember what happened last night at all, so he said: "I didn't do anything. Is there anything I'm not satisfied with? I just want to go home quickly!"

The woman didn't want to keep him anymore, so she gave him the clothes, and Huang Zizhong left as if he was running away.

Liu Mingzhi is a

On this day, he was always absent-minded while reading in the study, and the woman in white always appeared in his mind.

At night, Huang Zizhong was lying on the bed, with the woman in white still in his mind.

He seemed to be possessed by a demon. He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. It was only at midnight that he fell asleep. As soon as he fell asleep, he saw the woman in white again, smiling at him.

For several days, Huang Zizhong could not read with peace of mind, did not think about food and drinks, and could not sleep at night.

One day, one of his classmates, Zhang San, came to him and asked how he was doing that night.

Huang Zizhong was angry and annoyed, and said: "What are you worried about? You got me drunk and did something shameless."

Zhang San said: "I thought it was something. We did that for your own good, so that you can relax. We go there often. We feel comfortable physically and mentally, and our learning efficiency is also high! "

Huang Zizhong heard what he said and said: "I've been going crazy these days..."

Zhang Sanyi heard and said: "In this case, why bother suppressing yourself? Let's go, I'll take you to relax. Once your body and mind are satisfied, you'll be refreshed and you'll be able to remember whatever you learn! "

Huang Zizhong was confused, and at Zhang San's instigation, he went to Hualiu Lane with him.

Liu Mingzhi is a

From then on, Huang Zizhong learned about the taste and went to Hualiu Lane every night to have fun.

Because he hardly slept at night, he went to Hualiu Lane during the day. He had no energy and couldn't study at all.

As time went by, Huang Zizhong lost interest in reading. He felt that there was no hope for him to get a reputation, so he started to play hard. He was not only a frequent visitor to Hualiu Lane, but also frequented casinos.

Both places were bottomless pits. At first, he went to his family's shop to withdraw a small amount of money, but the shopkeeper readily gave it to him. Later, he asked for more and more, but the shopkeeper realized that something was wrong and refused to give it to him.

Huang Zizhong. Afraid that his father would find out, he would not dare to go to the store to withdraw money, so the people he gambled with gave him an idea and asked him to borrow it from Liu Mingzhi.

Huang Zizhong's gambling addiction was getting bigger and bigger, and he no longer wanted to go back. It was possible, so he went to Liu Mingzhi to borrow money from usury.

Within one year, Huang Zizhong owed a lot of money, but Liu Mingzhong was not in a hurry to close the network, but continued to lend him money.

Huang Zizhong took Liu Mingzhi. The money was spent in Liu Mingzhi's casino, and Liu Mingzhi used some simple methods to easily return the money to his pocket.

Liu Mingzhi is a

Two years later, Liu Mingzhi felt it was time to stop, so he took out the loan. Tiao went to the Huang family. When Huang Yuanwai saw so many loans, he became furious and died.

All the Huang family's shops, land and mansion were used to pay off the debt, leaving Huang Zizhong penniless.

Until then, Huang Zizhong still didn't wake up. He was unwilling to give up, so he went to Liu Mingzhi to borrow money. Unexpectedly, Liu Mingzhi changed his face and not only refused to lend him money, but also asked someone to beat him. After a meal, Huang Zizhong realized that all this was Liu Mingzhi's trap when he was dying, but it was too late.

Besides, Liu Mingzhong was in his fifties and had no heirs. , everyone said that he had done too many evil things. Unexpectedly, when Liu Mingzhi was fifty-five years old, one of his concubines unexpectedly became pregnant, and gave birth to a son for him more than nine months later.

Liu Mingzhi became the richest man in Yuhang after acquiring the Huang family's property. Now he has a son, and he is very proud of himself.

Liu Mingzhi named his son Liu Tianci. The child looks like a tiger with a strong head. , white, fat, and very cute. Liu Yuanwai regarded him as a treasure. He held it in his hand for fear of dropping it and held it in his mouth for fear of melting.

Liu Mingzhi is a

Liu Tianci was very active and would rummage through things at home as soon as he could walk. , without even looking at it, he smashed a ceramic bowl that Liu Mingzhi had bought at a high price. Liu Mingzhi’s heart was bleeding, but he couldn’t bear to scold his son, so he could only tell the servants at home to take good care of him.

The servants were afraid that something would go wrong, so they kept looking at Liu Tianci. Liu Tianci was watched so closely that he couldn't throw anything, so he became very anxious. Without the servants seeing him, he climbed to a big tree in the yard. On the tree, and then jumped out of the tree, his arms and legs were broken, but he still managed to save a small life.

When Liu Mingzhi saw that his son fell from the tree and almost died, he was so angry that he severely punished the servants in the family. The servants felt aggrieved and left one after another.

Liu Tianci lay in bed for more than a month, and Liu Mingzhi took care of him day and night, taking care of him step by step for more than a month.

After he was ready, Liu Mingzhi invited a private school teacher to teach him how to read. Liu Tianci burned all the books. Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to let the teacher go.

As Liu Tianci gets older, he has more and more hobbies. In addition to constantly throwing things every day, he also has to eat delicacies from all over the world and make a new set of clothes every day. Anyway, the Liu family has plenty of money, and these hobbies can satisfy him.

Liu Mingzhi is a

When Liu Tianci reached the age of fifteen or sixteen, he also started to go to casinos, but Liu Mingzhi opened all the casinos, and winning or losing was still theirs.

Liu Tianci felt that playing in his own casino was boring, so he took the money to gamble in other places. As a result, he always lost every time he gambled. He quickly lost a lot of money. Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to buy which casinos at high prices. Let your son play as he pleases.

When Liu Tianci found out which casinos were bought by his father, he stopped playing in them. Instead, he started going to famous brothels in various places to have fun and spend a lot of money.

In one place, Liu Tianci competed with a local gangster for the top spot, and they got into a fight and accidentally injured the gangster's life. In order to prevent his son from going to jail, Liu Mingzhi spent half of his family property to settle the matter.

After this incident, Liu Mingzhi realized that he could no longer let things develop like this and needed to discipline him, but Liu Tianci had developed a bohemian character and discipline was of no use to him.

Seeing that he could not control him, Liu Mingzhi imprisoned him cruelly, so he resisted with a hunger strike. Seeing his son not eating or drinking, Liu Mingzhi became worried and had no choice but to set him free.

When Liu Tianci was eighteen years old, Liu Mingzhi arranged a marriage for him. He originally thought that after getting married, he would restrain himself, but after getting married, Liu Tianci did not restrain himself, and he also had a new relationship. hobbies.

Liu Mingzhi is a

He lit fires at home every day and started to light some clothes. In order to make his son happy, Liu Mingzhi spent money to buy clothes for him to light and play with. But when he lit too many lights, he was not satisfied and started to light furniture to play with. .

Liu Mingzhi spent money to buy some old furniture for him to click and play with. Later, ordering the furniture was no longer enough, so he started ordering houses to play with.

In the middle of the night one day, he quietly got up and slipped out, ordered two of his own shops, and then quietly went home to sleep.

The next day, the shop was burned to ashes. Liu Mingzhi reported it to the magistrate as soon as he saw it. Liu Tianci took the initiative to go to the county government to surrender, and the magistrate put him in jail.

Seeing that his son had been arrested, Liu Mingzhi no longer cared about his shop, and spent a lot of money to get his son out.

After Liu Tianci came out, Liu Mingzhi sent people to follow him every day. When he went to bed at night, he had people watch around his bedroom, for fear that he would get up in the middle of the night and light up the shop.

Liu Tianci said to Liu Mingzhi: "Don't worry, I was ignorant in the past. I will correct myself in the future and won't do anything like that again."

As expected, he did what he said and never did anything to damage property again. Liu Mingzhi thought his son had changed his ways and relaxed his vigilance.

Liu Mingzhi is a

On a dark and windy night, all the Liu family's shops were on fire. Overnight, Liu Mingzhi was left with only one house. He was so angry that he vomited a mouthful of blood, but he could not bear to scold his son.

From then on, Liu Tianci became at ease, hiding at home all day long, but he died suddenly not long after.

Liu Yuanwai sent the white-haired man to the black-haired man, crying for the life and death, and soon became bedridden. At night, when he was sleeping in a daze, he saw Liu Tianci standing in front of his bed.

He quickly went to hold his son's hand, but Liu Tianci threw him away and said angrily: "I am not your son at all, I am your enemy. I came to your house just to take revenge and pay back the money I owe. A life is worth a life." After saying that, he sneered and disappeared.

Early the next morning, the maid came to Liu Mingzhi's room and found that he was no longer breathing. The people in Yuhang all said that Liu Mingzhi had done too many evil things and got retribution.

Liu Mingzhi is a

This story has nothing to do with superstition, as long as it is to promote folk culture, punish evil and promote good.


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