Dai'er was awakened by the loud crowing of roosters, but her mother was missing. My grandma went out to work for three years and paid off the debt that my father owed for medical treatment. Will I have to go out to work again and leave her and my father behind? She got up and wen

2024/06/2111:36:33 story 1728

Dai'er was awakened by the loud crowing of roosters, but her mother was missing. My grandma went out to work for three years and paid off the debt that my father owed for medical treatment. Will I have to go out to work again and leave her and my father behind? She got up and wen - DayDayNews

Daier was awakened by the loud crowing of roosters, but her mother was missing. My grandma went out to work for three years and paid off the debt that my father owed for medical treatment. Will I have to go out to work again and leave her and my father behind? She got up and went to the kitchen and saw her father making breakfast. Where is grandma? she asked. Abba said that he went to the back hillside and didn’t know what to do.

Dai'er stepped on the snow outside the house and climbed up the back hillside. She saw her grandmother standing on the snowy hillside, warming her hands with the hot air and looking at the village down the slope, counting in her mouth.

Grandma, what were you counting on the back hill early in the morning? she asked.

Grandma held Dai'er's cold hand and said, "Look, the smoke from our village is so beautiful."

Dai'er turned around and for the first time saw the smoke rising from the houses on the hillside. It was blue, really beautiful, and picturesque. She didn't understand why her grandma had to run to the back hillside despite the cold to enjoy the smoke.

Grandma said, Korean there is a proverb, there is no smoke in a chimney without fire.

Whose chimney are you looking at without smoke? Dale asked.

Grandma nodded, there are dozens of empty-nest elderly households in our village, and their children are all working outside. If there is no smoke coming from the chimney, it means that the family did not get up to light a fire to cook. I have to go down the mountain to see if it is an old man's disease. fall down.

Daier asked, why do you care about these things?

Grandma smiled. Everyone chose Grandma to be the Women’s Director.

really? Dai'er is so happy. When her grandmother becomes the village women's director, she won't have to go out to work. She shouted, "Ama, look, there is no smoke coming from the chimney of Grandma Zheng's house."

can not. Grandma hurriedly walked down the hillside with Dai'er, and Grandma Zheng was indeed sick.

Starting from this cold morning, the smoke from the village kitchen filled Grandma’s heart and also filled Dai’er’s heart. She went to primary school in the village and her grandmother no longer went out to work. She was very happy and rushed ahead of her mother every morning to go to the back mountain to watch the smoke. The chimneys of each house were connected in the morning light, and auspicious clouds floated over the village. The rising sun is my grandma’s heart of gold.

After school, Dai'er made small cards with her grandma's mobile phone number and home landline number on them, and posted them on the walls of the empty-nesters' homes one by one, asking their grandparents to call them if anything happened. At home, she made a phone number form for migrant workers and posted it on the wall for her grandmother to use. Now, the house is in chaos, and the phone rings non-stop all day long. The elderly and the children who work outside leave all the big and small things to grandma, including buying medicine, seeing a doctor, remittances, and the spring planting and autumn harvest at home. Grandma Busy as a revolving door. She escorted the old man to the county town for medical treatment and took him home to recuperate. Dad was annoyed by the noise and told grandma, "You have taken over all the big and small things in the village. Have you grown taller?" Fire the women’s director now!

Not only did grandma not resign, she was also elected as the village party secretary. She told her father that when you were treated, the whole village chipped in money for you, thirty, fifty, or even a few yuan. What did the villagers say? The roots of the tree buried underground absorb nutrients and allow the branches to bear fruit, but the roots never ask for anything in return. How can people forget their roots? Abba remembered the past medical treatment and quietly wiped away tears.

Daier finished primary school, then went to middle school and then university. There is no smoke in the city, but smoke rises from her heart every day. The smoke in the mountain village day after day, year after year, is related to everyone's warmth and warmth. As autumn turns to winter, grandma’s green hair turns to white hair. Although the village has built a health clinic and an activity room for the elderly, grandma is still used to standing on the hillside behind the house one morning after another to watch the smoke. She was away from home for something, so her father was the one who went to watch the smoke on the hillside. They count the chimneys in the village and see the smoke rising from the roofs. Only then do they smile on their faces and go down the mountain to go home.

Dai'er majored in computers. Seeing that her mother and father had become empty nesters after resigning as village party secretary, she began to think about whether to apply for village cadres and return to the village to take over her mother's job. At this time, grandma sent a short video, showing a young woman standing on the back hillside in the morning light. Who is this? Her grandmother told her that a cooking smoke duty team had been set up in the village, and the young women at home took turns going to the back hill to watch the cooking smoke. Dale smiled. In the video, smoke curls up over the mountain village, like blooming golden flowers, blooming with simplicity and contentment.This is the most vivid moment in the mountain village, so cordial, so harmonious, and intoxicating. (Author Xie Liang)

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