Every woman, no matter how old she is, is naturally insightful. She is very sensitive to subtle perceptions and her judgment is basically correct. During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a scholar named Jin Dayong in Zhongzhou, and his wife Geng Niang was very beautiful and v

2024/06/1023:05:33 story 1054

Every woman, no matter how old she is, is naturally insightful. She is very sensitive to subtle perceptions and her judgment is basically correct.

During the years of the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a scholar named Jin Dayong in Zhongzhou, and his wife Geng Niang was very beautiful and virtuous.

Geng Niang was extremely filial to her parents-in-law. She relied on her for everything inside and outside the home, so she was highly praised by her parents-in-law. Jin Dayong was also happy to study behind closed doors and be at ease.

Sometimes, when Jin Dayong was studying until late at night, Geng Niang would accompany her husband while she was spinning threads and embroidering. Seeing that her husband was cold, she hurriedly put some clothes on him gently, showing her thoughtful consideration.

This day is the Mid-Autumn Festival . The family sat together happily and drank in front of the bright moon.

Suddenly, a neighbor ran over in a panic and said breathlessly: "How can you still be so calm? Things are going crazy outside."

Jin Dayong's family asked what happened, and the neighbor Said: "The Jin soldiers are not far away from here. I heard that the emperor is also escaping to the south."

Every woman, no matter how old she is, is naturally insightful. She is very sensitive to subtle perceptions and her judgment is basically correct. During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a scholar named Jin Dayong in Zhongzhou, and his wife Geng Niang was very beautiful and v - DayDayNews

Encountering this sudden emergency, Jin Dayong could not think of any solution except panic.

Geng Niang was still calm and hurriedly packed some belongings and prepared to escape.

Early in the morning, the whole family walked out and saw people fleeing everywhere. Some were crying, some were shouting, some were carrying children on their backs, and some were supporting the elderly.

Jin Dayong's parents were old and struggled to walk. Although their son and daughter-in-law were supporting them, they walked for more than half a day before they managed to walk more than ten miles.

When Jin Dayong and Geng Niang were in trouble, a middle-aged man came over and expressed his deep sympathy to their family.

The middle-aged man pointed to a woman under the tree and said, "My husband and I are also on the run. My name is Wang Shiba. We are all in trouble. We might as well go together so that we can take care of each other." Then he helped. Jin Dayong carried his luggage.

Seeing Wang Shiba's generous help, Jin Dayong immediately took Wang Shiba's hand and was so grateful that he was speechless.

Wang Shiba took great care of the two elderly people of the Jin family, but along the way, he kept glancing at Geng Niang, which aroused Geng Niang's suspicion.

Every woman, no matter how old she is, is naturally insightful. She is very sensitive to subtle perceptions and her judgment is basically correct. During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a scholar named Jin Dayong in Zhongzhou, and his wife Geng Niang was very beautiful and v - DayDayNews

Geng Niang secretly pulled her husband aside and told her husband about her suspicions about Wang Shiba. Jin Dayong smiled disapprovingly and said, "You women just like to make blind suspicions."

When they arrived at a lake, Wang Shiba said Being extremely enthusiastic, Geng Niang once again advised her husband not to rent a boat with Wang Shiba, but Jin Dayong still refused to listen.

While talking, Wang Shiba had already hired the boat and was busy moving luggage and supporting Jin Dayong's parents, who were extremely attentive.

Jin Dayong regards Wang Shiba as the best person in the world.

After boarding the ship, Geng Niang and Wang Shiba's wife were together. Seeing that this woman looked very kind, Geng Niang remained silent and felt a little more at ease.

The boat was moving forward quickly, and Wang Shiba suddenly came to the bow of the boat quietly and talked in the boatman's ear for a long time, which seemed to be very confidential.

Geng Niang walked into the cabin gently and gave her husband some advice. Jin Dayong got angry and said: "You are trying to judge the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain..."

Not long after the boat sailed, the sun It fell. At a glance, the sky and water are the same color, and the end of the lake is not visible. It is difficult to distinguish the directions of east, west, north and south even when sitting on a boat.

Every woman, no matter how old she is, is naturally insightful. She is very sensitive to subtle perceptions and her judgment is basically correct. During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a scholar named Jin Dayong in Zhongzhou, and his wife Geng Niang was very beautiful and v - DayDayNews

Geng Niang leaned out from the back cabin and saw that there was not even a shadow of a boat in front or behind. Except for the bright moon in the sky and a piece of reed in the water, there was only this solitary boat in this boundless lake.

Suddenly, the ship stopped. Wang Shiba walked into the cabin and invited the Jin family and his son to go out to admire the moon. Jin Dayong happily agreed.

Geng Niang heard it clearly in the back cabin, and it was impossible to stop her, so she had to watch the movement secretly.

Wang Shiba accompanied the Jin family and his son out of the cabin. Jin Dayong looked at the moonlight and thought of the scene of the country's destruction and family destruction, and unconsciously recited Du Fu's poem in a low voice: "The country is broken, the mountains and rivers are there, the spring city is deep with vegetation. ....."

Jin Dayong burst into tears while reciting Du Fu's poems. Wang Shiba pretended to step forward to comfort him, but seemed to inadvertently squeeze Jin Dayong into the water.

As soon as Father Jin turned around, he saw his son falling into the water. As soon as he shouted: "Ah," the boatman stabbed him into the water with a pole.

Every woman, no matter how old she is, is naturally insightful. She is very sensitive to subtle perceptions and her judgment is basically correct. During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a scholar named Jin Dayong in Zhongzhou, and his wife Geng Niang was very beautiful and v - DayDayNews

Jin Dayong's mother heard the shouting and rushed out of the cabin to take a look. She was also caught by the boatman and thrown into the middle of the lake.

At this moment, Wang Shiba pretended to shout: "Save people, hurry up and save people!"

In fact, Geng Niang had already seen it in the back warehouse. She turned around and looked at Wang Shiba's Wife, I saw the woman looking angry and helpless.

Good Geng Niang, she walked out of the back warehouse, pretending not to know that Wang Shiba was responsible for the murder, and just said that they all fell into the water on their own.

cried and said: "My whole family has drowned, what should I do as a woman?"

Wang Shiba was overjoyed when he saw Geng Niang like this. He patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of you."

Geng Niang stopped crying and said to Wang Shiba: "As long as I can have a place to live in the future, I will be satisfied."

Wang Shiba saw that Geng Niang was no longer crying and making trouble, so he flattered her. While holding Geng Niang in his arms, he said some unpleasant words. Geng Niang suppressed the hatred in her heart and said softly: "Don't forget that there is one of you in the back cabin."

Wang Shiba went to the back cabin, and his wife cried and said: "You have no conscience for doing this. Don't be afraid of thunder and thunder!" After hearing this, Wang Shiba was furious and beat his wife.

His wife shouted: "I would rather die than be the wife of a murderous robber." Wang Shiba was furious, dragged his wife out, pushed her into the lake, and pretended to yell: "Someone fell into the water. !"

Every woman, no matter how old she is, is naturally insightful. She is very sensitive to subtle perceptions and her judgment is basically correct. During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a scholar named Jin Dayong in Zhongzhou, and his wife Geng Niang was very beautiful and v - DayDayNews

When the boat arrived at the lake, Wang Shiba took Geng Niang home and said to his mother, "Your daughter-in-law has died of illness. This is my newly married daughter-in-law."

Geng Niang actually paid her a visit. This new mother-in-law.

That night, Wang Shiba pestered Geng Niang again. Geng Niang said with a smile: "Even a poor family can't help but drink a glass of acacia wine. Don't you feel embarrassed to be together like this?"

Wang Shiba After listening to Geng Niang's words, as if she had received an imperial edict, she quickly filled the table with wine and vegetables.

With a smile on her face, Geng Niang held the jug and persuaded Wang Shiba one cup after another. Wang Shiba said drunkenly: "What a good boy, I will drink it if you ask me to."

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