Chapter 2 Five Zhang Red Wall It was already the tenth day of October when Shen Muqiu arrived at Snow Mountain Ming Palace. She didn't ride a horse, and she didn't like riding in a boat. She relied on two legs all the way. She is not a person who likes to be noisy and crowded, so

2024/06/1015:27:32 story 1209

Chapter 2 Five Zhang Red Wall

It was already the tenth day of October when Shen Muqiu arrived at Snow Mountain Ming Palace.

She didn't ride a horse, and she didn't like taking a boat. She relied on two legs all the way. She is not a person who likes to be noisy and crowded, so she rarely stays in hotels along the way. So he slept in the open and traveled day and night. Finally, on the tenth day of October, Shen Muqiu arrived at the Snow Mountain Palace.

What she didn't expect was that the main entrance of Ming Palace was under renovation, so she had to take a detour to the side entrance.

The selection of attendants is a major event in Dongfengjiao. As we walked along the way, we didn’t see any celebrations with lights and colorful decorations, let alone crowds of people watching. This reminded Shen Muqiu again of what her master Lu Hai said to her the night before she left - the plains were stained with blood and corpses were piled over the gable wall.

Chapter 2 Five Zhang Red Wall It was already the tenth day of October when Shen Muqiu arrived at Snow Mountain Ming Palace. She didn't ride a horse, and she didn't like riding in a boat. She relied on two legs all the way. She is not a person who likes to be noisy and crowded, so - DayDayNews

Facing this grand event that only happens once every ten years, the challengers go alone, without welcome or celebration, only loneliness and desolation. The origin of this must start from the history of Dongfengjiao.


Legend has it that in the beginning, there was a snow-capped mountain in the east, and the snow had not melted for thousands of years. There were few streams for hundreds of miles under the mountain, and it was a barren land where birds did not fall, animals did not live, livestock was difficult to raise, and grains were not abundant.

Suddenly, one day the fog rose, covering the clouds and the sun. For a moment, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and then the mountains shook. The Dongfeng Snow Mountain split from the middle, the towering peaks shattered, and the rocks fell into the cracks with snow. The peaks of the snow-capped mountains became flat tops.

A warm current gushes out from the crack at the foot of the east mountain, and gathers together with the melted snow mountains, and finally forms streams and rivers, nourishing the air and the earth. Wherever the water flows, green grass and flowers grow. Flowers, birds singing and transmitting, animals arriving one after another... The fog dispersed, the sun shone on the earth, and it was full of life.

At this time, a small boat floated in the stream, and the girl in white sat quietly on the boat. The mist of the snow-capped mountains surrounded her, and birds accompanied her, just like a fairy descending, and the world regarded her as a divine messenger.

The girl came to the foot of Dongfeng Mountain and taught the mountain people to cultivate the land, raise livestock, fish and raise silkworms. After that, she also traveled around the world, guiding farmers, craftsmen, doctors, and scholars from all over the world to settle down at the foot of Dongfeng Mountain. Step by step, villages were built, rivers and canals were built, medical centers were built, schools were opened...

This girl was the founder of Dongfengjiao - Zhou Laishi.

In the following more than a hundred years, the sect has been passed down from generation to generation, but the purpose remains unchanged, which is to rely on the water flowing under the Dongfeng Snow Mountain to thrive and enjoy a happy and peaceful life.

Until one day, a delirious man smashed the back of Liuqing’s head with a wooden stick, and then buried her in his own ice cellar...

The religious people’s disrespectful behavior angered the God of the Snow Mountain, so he punished her. .

The snow on Dongfeng Mountain no longer melts, the streams dry up, and crops wither. Whether livestock or people, they are either stillborn or die after birth. In short, there is no more new life under the snow-capped mountains.

The blizzard tore every inch of the land day and night, freezing the heart of every creature...

All this lasted until the stiff body of Leader Liuqing was found from the bitterly cold ice cellar.

In order to appease the anger of the Snow Mountain God and comfort the soul of the leader Liuqing, the followers buried her under the pines on the north side of Dongfeng Mountain, burned the unconscious man alive, and then buried his ashes together with all his belongings. The tribesmen were thrown into the cold pool beside the green pines...

However, the anger of the Snow Mountain God did not stop.

Until one hundred of the wisest and most knowledgeable elders among the parishioners jointly made a decision to select two young men who were loyal, fearless, courageous and outstanding in martial arts to be sacrificed to the snow-capped mountains and buried under the pines. The roaring blizzard finally stopped.

The sun shines again on Dongfeng Snow Mountain, streams and rivers begin to flow, flowers, plants and trees show new looks, and new life is finally born.

After this catastrophe, Dongfeng's edict began to change. As the messenger of the God of the Snow Mountains, the leader's life is the root of thousands of creatures under the snow mountains, and her tranquility is the source of joy and peace for the people of the church.

Therefore, a Ming Palace was built for the leader on the south side of Dongfeng Mountain, six rows and ten institutes were set up, and smart and capable people were selected to be in charge and share the teaching affairs. Later, a smart, healthy, and innocent child was selected into the Ming Palace and carefully trained. This was the first bishop.

From then on, the leader had two disciples, one who succeeded the leader and the other who succeeded the bishop. Bishop

began to take over various academic affairs and became the actual operator of Eastern Fengjiao's academic affairs processing and decision-making, in charge of six branches and ten institutes. The leader gradually separated from the affairs of the church and lived in seclusion. Except for a few sacrifices every year, it was difficult for the church members to see his true face.

The snow-capped mountain god who was taught in the East gradually became a real but unreachable god.

However, the devout prayers of the parishioners and their supreme admiration for the leader did not diminish because the leader was out of reach, but intensified, almost to the point of obsession.

Whether it is at the foot of Dongfeng Mountain or thousands of miles away. Even in the land where the snow water of Dongfeng has never flowed, there are devout people of Dongfeng religion, and there are more and more religious villages. Up to now, Dongfengjiao has been divided into twelve continents.

The growing strength of Dongfengjiao not only benefits from the care and nourishment of the water of the snow-capped mountains, but also benefits from the diligent efforts of the six lines and ten institutions under the leadership of the bishop. The livelihood that the parishioners relied on gradually increased from mulberry farming to manufacturing business, and even controlled the land and sea transportation and medical foundry in many places.

Under the protection of Dongfengjiao's powerful wealth and force, the believers not only avoided bandits and famine, but also stayed away from war and plague. They lived a prosperous, healthy, happy and peaceful life.

The teachings of Dongfeng Religion do not allow clay embryo molding, so the grateful believers had to travel across mountains and rivers to Dongfeng Snow Mountain. Here you can taste the clear Tianhe water and get a pot of snow mountain spring blessed by the leader.

Or use the gold and silver obtained from tributes of livestock, grains, rice, fruits, vegetables and cloth to buy a few pendants and rings made of mountain rocks, and then wear them religiously around the waist, hang them on the door bolts, and bury them in the ground...

They stubbornly It is believed that these stones are sacred objects given by the God of the Snow Mountain through the hands of the leader, which can make the land fertile, the livestock safe, the population prosperous, and the joy peaceful...

However, all of these cannot be compared with seeing the true face of the leader.

How can the leader of the Snow Mountain Divine Envoy be easily seen by ordinary people? She spent most of the year in Mingtang, a place dozens of feet higher than the Snow Mountain Minggong, a mysterious palace that only loomed when the sun was shining.

Even if you are as noble as a bishop, you cannot always see the leader. However, there are two people who can accompany the leader day and night, and these are the attendants.

The valet is actually the leader's close guard.

In order to continue the blessing of the God of the Snow Mountains, protect the messengers of the God, and prevent the tragedy of Leader Liuqing from happening again, young men who are loyal, fearless, wise, courageous, and highly skilled in martial arts are selected from the cult to guard the peace of the leader day and night. These are the servants.

It is definitely a great honor to be able to protect the leader and teach in the East, and it is a supreme honor that can be passed down to future generations. Because once a person becomes a close servant, real benefits will follow for his family and even his place of residence.

From the moment he is selected, Xueshan Ming Palace will allocate money and select craftsmen to the Zhouzhuang where he was born to build bridges and pave roads, build houses, and open up wasteland, including Jian Tong Institute and Bo Xuetang. One is established.

During each year of serving the leader, water supplies and servants are exempted in these places. Every three years, young people with excellent qualifications can also be sent to Xueshan Ming Palace to receive the best training. These people will have more opportunities to become the successors of Dongfengjiao in the future, and the worst ones will also become the leaders of the jiazhuang.

can be said to be prosperous and prosperous!

However, this is not a temptation!

Chapter 2 Five Zhang Red Wall It was already the tenth day of October when Shen Muqiu arrived at Snow Mountain Ming Palace. She didn't ride a horse, and she didn't like riding in a boat. She relied on two legs all the way. She is not a person who likes to be noisy and crowded, so - DayDayNews

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