I have grown 10 centimeters in one year at the age of twenty-two. I am 1.75 meters tall and have become stronger. I am the livestock epidemic prevention officer of Lingshi Brigade. There are eleven brigades in the commune. Each brigade is equipped with one epidemic prevention off

2024/06/0706:29:32 story 1411

I have grown 10 centimeters in one year at the age of twenty-two. I am 1.75 meters tall and have become stronger. I am the livestock epidemic prevention officer of the Lingshi Brigade. There are eleven brigades in the commune. Each brigade is equipped with an epidemic prevention officer for one year. In spring and autumn, the entire township’s livestock and breeding industry is subject to epidemic prevention once. Lao Ma, the epidemic prevention officer from the neighboring brigade, I lived in his house when he was out for epidemic prevention. His grandfather was called "Old Ying Ye". My father has a good image of me as an upright man. He also looks up to me and can talk to me.

My family was short of food at the beginning of May. We had to borrow more than 100 kilograms of grain to drink soup until the crops were mature. I knew that Old Ying’s family had food. I sold some fruits to borrow grain, and Lao Ying happily lent me 150 kilograms of corn, but there was a condition: no one could see the grain when I took it. If others saw it, they would react badly and not provide them with grain. We decided to do it at night Come and pull.

In the weather in May, the sun was about to set at seven o'clock. At 8:30, the captain designated a big cat from the breeding yard. I caught up with him and went in from the old ditch behind the village. After crossing the mountain, we reached his house. There were at most Five kilometers away, before leaving, I didn’t expect that the further I walked into the ditch, the more scared I became. What are you afraid of? Afraid of wolves! The sky is getting darker and darker as we go, the ditch becomes narrower and narrower, the wind blows and the grass whirls, the body is numb and the thoughts are very nervous, the hair seems to stand on end, if the wolf is coming, I don't dare to think about it, I grab the tail of the dog and try hard to get rid of the hair. Fu, drive Fu to the top of the mountain and you will see Zhuangzi. If the wolf comes, I will shout loudly and someone will save me. Fortunately, no wolf came when we reached the top of the mountain. I was sweating all over. I went down the mountain and told Mr. Ying. Mr. Ying said, "This baby is coming from to wolf . The wolf barking has finished the quick grabs issued to the basic militiamen in the past two years." , feel free to go, I don’t know how to clear the land, I only know that there are many wolves in this ditch. It was 12 o'clock after loading 150 kilograms of corn on the horse and returning home on the original route.

I have been engaged for more than a year. My father was ill and never mentioned it. My mother said that we can’t delay it any longer. You go to Dashuishou to see your uncle and say that we will get married this year. I think our family has lost the backbone of our family. We are very poor. We used to have several girls. My parents thought that we had too many brothers, and said that my daughter-in-law would never have a good life when building a house. Now that my father has passed away and there is no supporter, we are even poorer. I don’t know what my father-in-law thinks, what she thinks, there will be no "Li Yangui selling water" in the world. I'm on reenactment. My brother asked someone to set the wedding date for September 26th.

bought a pack of snacks and a pound of tea to go to my father-in-law's house. I didn’t have new clothes to wear, so I borrowed the clothes that people of my age wore for their wedding last month, put them in my bag and packed them into my bag when I went to Dashichuangzi. I took off my old clothes and buried them under the ridge, and put on new clothes to meet my fiancée. , I met my grandma, father-in-law and other family members. They talked to me with the same enthusiasm as before. Grandma asked me how my mother was, and I answered okay. I told my father-in-law why I was here, but he didn’t say anything. My sister-in-law made spicy noodles. After dinner, I went to a classmate's house to play. After playing for a while, I returned home. My father-in-law was not at home. I couldn't get a reply from my father-in-law. I couldn't go home. I sat at home talking to her two sisters and sister-in-law. , but I didn’t see my fiancée in person. I asked my sister-in-law where her uncle had been, and she said that Zhuangzi’s family had something to do, and she might not be able to come back for a while.

I didn't dare to go to my father-in-law, so I wrote a note to the effect, 'My father-in-law is here, my son-in-law and my brother have prepared the tobacco, alcohol and other supplies for the wedding. The date is June 26th. I beg your permission. The son-in-law kowtows'.I left the note with my sister-in-law, said goodbye to my grandma and family, and went home. On the way back, I dug out my old clothes, took off my new clothes, and put on new ones. They had been buried in the soil for a long time and were a little damp. When I got home, my mother asked me what I had decided. I wrote After finishing the note, my mother was unhappy and said that I shouldn’t leave the note.

On the sixth day of June, Dashu Shi came to Lingshi Primary School to study. My uncle’s youngest son Zhang Tianhe and my brother-in-law came to my house and said that his uncle wanted us to pick it up on the tenth day of the lunar month. The marriage certificate asked me to wait at home. I got up early on the tenth day of the lunar month and put on the clean clothes I had washed in Zuotian. Although the clothes were old and patched, I felt very energetic in them. I waited for her at the intersection after eight o'clock. Before nine o'clock, I At one o'clock she came on a bicycle. I asked her to come to my house to drink some water. She said we should go directly to the commune. I was not thirsty. I asked her if the letter of introduction was opened. He said it was written and I rode on it too. The two of us went to the commune together on bicycles. Because the procedures were complete, it was easy to get the marriage certificate.

My mother steamed ten big steamed buns on June 18th and asked me to tell my father-in-law that the wedding date was set for the 26th. This was just a formality. , last time it was dim sum, this time it was big steamed buns. I went to my father-in-law’s house. My father-in-law was at home. I told my father-in-law the time. My father-in-law said just follow the day you set. I asked my father-in-law if he had anything else to say. He said you brothers I didn’t say anything anymore. I’d like to talk more slowly as time goes on. My father-in-law’s face was filled with sadness when I spoke.

The new house I got married in has two large rooms, one with a heated kang. The heated kang in the entire room is so wide that it takes two 4/6 felts to cover it. There is only one in my house, and my mother borrowed one from someone else’s house to cover it. The front of the room where you enter is There is a three-lattice cabinet with a portrait of Chairman Mao on the wall. There are no tables, chairs, garlands or decorations. I ordered a new set of clothes.

After dinner on the 25th, please invite your family members to join us. Please arrange the kitchen, serve the dishes, serve the guests, welcome the guests, boil water and get married. Whoever does what will be implemented, everyone has agreed to it. Nothing will go wrong on the 16th.

On the twenty-sixth day, I told the people who were running errands as usual, everyone, please pay attention, our banquet is small, but our service must be thoughtful and enthusiastic. We will cook four more dishes for the mother-in-law's family, and the waiters will entertain them warmly. Let the guests come and leave happily. Before eight o'clock, the errands had finished their meal, and the guests came to congratulate one after another. The greeters called "guest" on the door and then "invite you" in the courtyard. There was chatter and laughter, and the sound of guessing was quite lively.

This day is a happy day in my life, but I have never been happy. The only guest in the courtyard is my father. When I see the closer relatives, I can't help but shed tears. Especially when uncles and aunts come, it would be great if dad was alive to greet them, greet them, talk and laugh. I was embarrassed to cry in front of the guests. Before the sore tears came out of my nose, I turned my back on others or went to the toilet to wipe away my tears. I wiped away my tears and wiped them away countless times that day. After I dropped out of school in the 1960s, I have been selling goods with my father, pulling small mushrooms, and pulling coal. I know Dad best, and I love Dad the most. I feel what the ancients said that people have sorrow, joy, separation, unity, and joy. , anger, sadness, and joy are all human emotions gathered in me.

The happy event ended successfully. The third day was the day when the bride returned home. My wife and I got up early, she dressed up, I prepared gifts, and cleaned the car. At dawn, we left home, and I rode my bike to follow her. Someone had put a sign on the door of our house. When they saw us coming, they immediately went home and told their families to return home. We went straight in and kowtowed three times in the main room. People all came out. After meeting everyone, the two younger sisters looked like they had not seen each other for years. They were equally enthusiastic and asked questions. Everyone spent the day talking and laughing.

I came back to my house before dark. Our house is not very particular. When we came to our room, we saw that one of the rugs on the kang was gone. She asked me, and I told her the truth that the rug was borrowed from someone else, and my mother might have given it back to them.

Within a few days, we drank soup and she drank soup. The whole family ate the same thing. Within a month, we joined our production team to work and lived a hard life. We respected and loved each other, encouraged each other, gave in to each other, and lived together. Difficulties.

My marriage was completed smoothly. Not to mention the difficulties in my family situation, my father-in-law gave me the green light all the way. He was very particular about everything, including etiquette, especially the note I left for my father-in-law. My mother said 'You shouldn't leave a note. I can write, but I don't quite understand the meaning. I asked an educated old man to tell me, you are begging for your permission, and you are giving an order to get married on June 26th. If someone else left a note just like this, it would be enough reason to break off the engagement. Moreover, your father died of illness and the family was extremely poor. Your daughter-in-law came to your home and lived a difficult life without any complaints. If you meet a good father-in-law and a good daughter-in-law, you should treat them well in the future. ’ I know that my father-in-law has a straight temper, speaks his truth, and treats my marriage with magnanimity like an ignorant son. Father-in-law, you are my father.

I have grown 10 centimeters in one year at the age of twenty-two. I am 1.75 meters tall and have become stronger. I am the livestock epidemic prevention officer of Lingshi Brigade. There are eleven brigades in the commune. Each brigade is equipped with one epidemic prevention off - DayDayNews

50th wedding anniversary

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