I am a child from a rural area. I spent the entire five years of primary school in the village. When I was in junior high school, I went to a town not far away. When I took the high school entrance examination, I had to go to the city 30 kilometers away.

2024/06/1814:13:34 story 1083

I am a child from a rural area. I spent the entire five years of primary school in the village. When I was in junior high school, I went to a town not far away. When I took the high school entrance examination, I had to go to the city 30 kilometers away.

My mother said that her maternal uncle’s eldest daughter was my mother’s cousin. I called her aunt. She worked in our city. My mother wanted me to live in their house during the exam. My mother repeatedly asked for the phone number of my aunt’s house. Auntie said this.

Two days before the college entrance examination, my mother asked my brother to take me to the city by bicycle. At this age, it was my first time to go to the city to take the college entrance examination.

I am a child from a rural area. I spent the entire five years of primary school in the village. When I was in junior high school, I went to a town not far away. When I took the high school entrance examination, I had to go to the city 30 kilometers away. - DayDayNews

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On the road, it suddenly started to rain. My brother said that you should take the bus to the city bus station and go into the city. When you get to the bus station, get off the car and wait for him.

My brother stopped a bus that traveled between rural areas and urban areas. When the bus came, he hurriedly put me in and stuffed me with a few yuan. I was about to ask him where I was waiting for him at the station. Before I could say anything, the car drove away.

"Buy a ticket! Where?" the conductor shouted at me from a distance. There were too many people in the car, and I couldn't stand firmly. I tried to hold on to something with one hand to keep my body stable, and held a few yuan in my hand tightly with the other.

"Where are you going?" The conductor squeezed in front of me and asked again.

"Well, let's go to the bus station." I was a little nervous and stammered.

"2 yuan!"

I handed the banknote in my hand to the conductor.

The car swayed for more than an hour before arriving at the bus station. It was raining harder and harder outside.

"We're here, get off the bus." The conductor drove the people on the bus from the countryside to the city like livestock.

I got off the bus with everyone else. The bus station was so big. I looked around, where is my brother?

The rain is still falling.

"Get out, everyone, get out!" the staff shouted loudly at everyone. Where is


Everyone was rushing out, so I had no choice but to follow everyone.

At the east entrance of the station, there are many people standing at the door on one side of the station to take shelter from the rain, which is blocked by glass.

The rain was still falling. I huddled in the crowd and stared at the people coming and going. I felt a little dazzled. I had never seen so many people. I stared at the people moving in front of me, especially those on bicycles. young people, especially young people riding old Jinlu brand cars.

A long time passed, and I still didn’t see my brother. People around me got on the tricycles one after another and went to where they should go. I didn’t know where to go, let alone where my brother was. .

"Hey, little girl, would you like to take a ride?" A middle-aged man came over and I felt like he had been looking at me for a long time.

I looked at his face carefully. It didn't look like a good person, so I shook my head at him.

"Where are you going?" The man continued to ask without giving up.

"I'm here to take the exam." I said timidly.

"Oh, you're taking the high school entrance examination..." the man asked, looked me up and down a few times, and then left.

The rain stopped, but it was getting later and later, and I still didn’t see my brother.

When I entered the city for the first time, I had no direction, I didn’t know where to go, I didn’t know where my brother was...

Helplessness, fear, and worry all came to my heart, and tears began to well up in my eyes.

Suddenly, the old Golden Deer bicycle appeared in front of my eyes. The boy pushing the bicycle was soaked in clothes and his fluffy hair was stuck to his head. It was as if he had changed into a different person. He was my brother!

"Brother! I'm here!" I shouted at him.

The boy turned his head and saw me.

"Where have you gone? I've been looking for you almost 100 times. If I lose you, my mother will beat me to death when I get back." My brother said a little angrily. The moment

saw him, tears of grievance came down.

"I don't know where to go, I have been waiting for you here." I cried.

"Let's go to my aunt's house quickly, or it will be dark."

I was sitting on the back seat of my brother's bicycle. When the city lights came on one after another, and after my brother asked for directions, I finally found the house number of my aunt's house.

After knocking on the door, my aunt opened the door.

Auntie said: "These two silly kids, why did you come here? I'm impatient, come in quickly. "

Brother handed the bag he was carrying to his aunt and said, "Auntie, my mother asked me to bring you some freshly dug garlic. "

I looked at the bag in my brother's hand. It was black and a little shabby. It had been washed by the rain and was a little dirtier. My brother embarrassedly handed it to the aunt.

The aunt looked at the black bag. I took the bag after hesitating.

I saw water dripping from the bag, mixed with muddy water.

The aunt put the bag on the floor of the kitchen, and the muddy water dripped all the way in.

"Come in quickly. come on in. "My aunt said to me and my brother.

"Go in." "My brother pulled me over from behind and said.

"What about you? "I asked

"I'm going home. "My brother said.

"It's getting dark..." I said,

I couldn't bear to leave my brother at that moment.

In the end, my brother said hello to my aunt and rushed home overnight. Later, my mother scolded my brother and said how dare he I was left alone in the car, saying that it was my first time to go to the city and I didn’t know anything.

After my brother left, I stayed alone at my aunt’s house. During dinner time, four cousins ​​and a cousin came back. , My aunt's family has many children, and she is very nervous about food and housing, but she still accepted me.

I moved into the third brother's house, and the third brother temporarily moved into the storage room and temporarily set up a folding bed .

“What is this? So dirty? "The third brother asked his aunt while carrying the bag that his brother brought.

"The garlic that your aunt brought was just dug out. It's so delicious. "I was lying on the table of my third brother, sharpening my gun in front of the battle, and I heard the voices of my aunt and my third brother.

"Why is there so much mud? Throw it away. "The third brother said with disgust.

"Throw it away. It's hard to bring it all the way. New garlic. Wash it and throw it away. "The aunt said.

Then I heard the sound of the third brother opening the door and going out, and the sound of throwing things.

There is a wall behind the aunt's house. Behind the wall is a wasteland. In the wasteland, there are sparse vegetables grown by residents. , and all kinds of rubbish.

At that moment, my face turned a little red. My mother had to carry that bag every time she went to the market.

The next day, my uncle took me to the examination room on a bicycle. My aunt's house was quite far away from the examination center, almost across a city.

It was very hot that day. I was sitting in the back seat of my uncle's car. When I arrived at the examination center, my uncle's back was soaked, but I was so naive that I couldn't even bear it. I couldn't even say thank you.

On the first day of the exam, my aunt got up early and made breakfast for me. My uncle rode across the city to take me to the first exam. When I entered the exam room, my uncle picked up my clothes. He took off the watch on his wrist and handed it to me and said, "If you don't have a watch during the exam, how will you tell the time?" Take it with you. "

I took it and put it on my right hand.

"Wearing it on my left hand makes it difficult to write with my right hand. "My uncle corrected me.

I blushed again and moved the watch from my right hand to my left hand embarrassedly.

In the next two days of the exam, my fourth brother gave it to me.

From West City to East City , from Dongcheng When I arrived in Xicheng, I was still sitting on the back seat of my fourth brother's bicycle.

I had the impression that my fourth brother was a student who had just finished the college entrance examination. I looked up to and admired him.

I was a child from the countryside. Boys and girls in that era didn't talk to each other, and I did the same with my fourth brother. In the hot summer, he would drop me off and pick me up every day, and I would just sit silently on the back seat of his bicycle without saying anything to him. After a word, even a thank you.

After sending me to the examination room every day, he left. After the examination, he waited outside the school gate early.

After the exam, I still sat on the back seat of his bicycle and returned to my aunt's house. For many years afterwards, I was always annoyed by myself. From beginning to end, I never said a word of thanks to him. During the one-hour journey, I felt like He was like a piece of wood, and I never said a word to him, not even one sentence: "Brother, are you hot? Brother, are you tired? Brother, you have worked hard."

I just sat on the back seat of the fourth brother's bicycle in a reserved manner, holding my hands I didn't dare to pull Fourth Brother's clothes, let alone put my arms around his waist. As long as I was a bit friendly or not too stupid, and if I was more sensible, Fourth Brother wouldn't have done anything wrong on the last afternoon. I'm willing to give it away.

During the three-day exam, I rode for more than four hours a day, four trips back and forth.

I am a child from a rural area. I spent the entire five years of primary school in the village. When I was in junior high school, I went to a town not far away. When I took the high school entrance examination, I had to go to the city 30 kilometers away. - DayDayNews

Later, every time I thought about the time when I came to the city to take the exam for the first time from the countryside, I felt regretful for my wooden behavior and my lack of polite words and deeds. In fact, I knew everything in my heart at the time, just because The low self-esteem I felt when I entered the city for the first time made me reticent and unable to express myself.

The day after the exam, I took a bus back to the village.

That day, my aunt once again asked my fourth brother to take me to the station by bike. That time, my fourth brother took the initiative to talk to me on the way and stopped my bike ride back to the village on the side of the national highway.

had been waiting for me to get on the bus, and then the fourth brother reluctantly left.

The high school entrance examination went very smoothly. I did very well and was admitted to a high school in the city.

My fourth brother that year was also admitted to a postal and telecommunications university in my aunt's system. It wasn't until one day 20 years later that I met him at the memorial ceremony for my grandfather's third anniversary.

Later, during the years when I was studying in high school in the city, every time I returned to school, my mother always asked me to bring some local specialties from the countryside to my aunt. My mother said: "People must know how to be grateful and give thanks as much as possible. People who have helped us. "

The difference is that my mother always tidied up the garlic, edamame, corn cobs, and the like and put them in a clean bag. Let me take it.

Later, when my mother came to the city again, even if it was my home or someone else’s home, she would clean up the specialties she wanted to give to others. Even the dried garlic would have the extra skin removed. Remove it, tidy it up, and put it in a clean bag. She also peels off the outer leaves of the Chinese cabbage she grows herself, until there are no dirty leaves at all.

Every time I see my mother like this, I feel a little sorry for her.

’s mother said: They are all good things. Don’t let appearance blind her value. The same goes for people when they go out. Keeping yourself clean is also a sign of respect for others.

I think my mother is right.

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