Ji Liang was busy at the construction site when he received a call from his wife Bai Lian, asking him to go home immediately. Ji Liang opened the door and saw Bai Lian sitting on the sofa with a cold face, so he said sarcastically: What's wrong?

2024/06/0803:35:33 story 1992


Ji Liang was busy at the construction site when he received a call from his wife Bai Lian, asking him to go home immediately. After he made proper arrangements for the construction site, he hurried home.

Ji Liang opened the door and saw Bai Lian sitting on the sofa with a cold face, so he said nonchalantly: What's wrong? It's not like Huo Shaoliang, why did you call me back?

Bai Lian tried her best to suppress her heaving chest and asked in a deep voice: Bai Yong called me and said that the place in our house with points for school has been taken up. What's going on?

Bai Yong is Bai Lian's younger brother. His children are about to go to elementary school, but the corresponding school is not as good as the corresponding elementary school in Bailian Community. I heard that some people are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy school points to get their children into the corresponding school in Bailian Community.

The Bailian family's children are in their second year of high school. According to the policy of one degree every five years, their house has an empty place. Bai Yong told his sister that he wanted his children to go to elementary school using the points from Bai Lian's house, and she readily agreed.

Unexpectedly, when Bai Yong started to fill in the application materials for school online, he found that Bai Lian's school district real estate qualification quota had been used. When Bai Lian heard this, her lungs burst. Ji Liang must have used her real estate points qualification without telling her.

"You also know that Ji Hong's family lives in a remote place, and her children can only go to school in the suburbs! The school in Baiyong Community is actually quite good! I'm afraid you won't agree... so I..." Ji Liang forced out a look on his face Laugh, it’s not to accompany you.

Bai Lian grabbed a cup and threw it away: "The matter in your sister's family is too big. Anyway, in your heart, my mother's family is nothing!"

Ji Liang did not dodge, and the cup hit him on the forehead. He covered his head and gasped in pain. The anger in Bai Lian's heart has finally subsided!

Ji Liang was busy at the construction site when he received a call from his wife Bai Lian, asking him to go home immediately. Ji Liang opened the door and saw Bai Lian sitting on the sofa with a cold face, so he said sarcastically: What's wrong? - DayDayNews


Ji Liang was born in a remote village in Henan. His father fell ill and died when he was 16 years old. My father is gone, the family has lost its backbone, and the sky has fallen.

Ji Hong is three years younger than Ji Liang, and her father loved her the most when he was alive. At her father's funeral, Ji Hong cried until her voice became hoarse.

Ji Liang hugged her and said: Dad is gone, but you still have a brother! Don't worry, I will take care of you on Dad's behalf! Ji Liang's words made relatives and friends wipe their tears.

Ji Liang is the only man in the family, and he must learn to take on the responsibility of supporting the family. He dropped out of high school. In order to make more money, he followed his neighbor to work on the Suzhou construction site.

When Ji Hong was admitted to college, Ji Liang bought her the latest iPhone. At that time, what he used himself was a second-hand and Nokia that he bought from the market.

When Ji Hong was in college, Ji Liang never let her suffer in terms of food and clothing.

Ji Liang is very willing to work hard on the construction site, and he has a flexible mind. Mr. Lu, the engineering contractor, felt that he was a malleable talent and asked him to participate in the management of the engineering team.

After four years of study, Ji Liang was able to stand alone in the management of the engineering team. At this time, Mr. Lu's project was getting bigger and bigger, and he suggested that Ji Liang form his own small engineering team to be his partner.

Ji Liang changed from a wage earner to a small boss. Life at home has naturally become easier. He also bought a house in Suzhou.


Bai Lian and Ji Liang met on the construction site. After Bailian graduated from university, she applied for a job in sales at a building materials company. In order to promote business, she, a girl, went to the construction site every day.

Once, Bai Lian was running business in a newly completed community. She accidentally tripped over construction debris. If she hadn't been held back by Ji Liang, a steel bar would have almost hit her back.

Ji Liang was leading the work team to clear the area. He pulled Bai Lian and shouted: Is this where the little girl came from? If something happens, who is responsible?

Bai Lian didn't speak, her eyes turned red and she cried. She also came from a rural area and worked hard to make more money and put down roots in the city.

Ji Liang saw Bai Lian crying, so he had to comfort her with clumsy words. Even though the two people knew each other, they chatted a lot on WeChat later. Ji Liang thought Bai Lian was good-looking and educated. Bai Lian thought Ji Liang was honest and capable, and the two naturally fell in love.

Half a year later, the two got married. Both of them worked very hard and focused on making their little life better.

However, Bai Lian gradually discovered that as long as Ji Hong's affairs were involved, the young couple would get into trouble.

Ji Hong studied at university in Suzhou, and she went back to Ji Liang's house to live on weekends. Ji Liang will move their bed to the second bedroom and let Ji Hong live in the master bedroom. He also said that Ji Hong did not have a good rest at school. The mattress in the second bedroom was a bit hard and not comfortable to sleep on. The bed in the master bedroom was more comfortable.

Bai Lian felt very uncomfortable. She endured it for the first time, and it happened again and again.

She finally exploded like a firecracker: Whose family does Ji Liang belong to? How can any owner live in the second bedroom every day? Since you think your sister is expensive, buy another big bed for the second bedroom. I'm not willing to move around. Looking at the angry Bai Lian, Ji Liang reluctantly agreed.

Later, Bai Lian became pregnant and gave birth to a child, so she had to resign and become a full-time housewife. The family's financial income depends on Ji Liang's hard work, so Bai Lian no longer cares about his love for his sister.

Bai Lian also comforted herself that Ji Hong hadn't gotten married yet, so Ji Liang should take more care of his sister.

However, later Ji Hong got married and had a child, but Ji Liang was still the same. No matter how she expressed her dissatisfaction, Ji Liang just bared his teeth and smiled at her, still going his own way.

This time Bai Yong’s real estate points for schooling were ruined because of Ji Hong, and Bai Lian felt angry when she thought about it.

Ji Liang was busy at the construction site when he received a call from his wife Bai Lian, asking him to go home immediately. Ji Liang opened the door and saw Bai Lian sitting on the sofa with a cold face, so he said sarcastically: What's wrong? - DayDayNews


Bai Lian’s mother called and said: After your brother’s child went to school, your brother-in-law took all her anger out on me and didn’t talk to me for several days!

The old man started crying as he spoke, and Bai Lian felt unspeakably uncomfortable. She put the account on Ji Liang and started a cold war with him.

Ji Liang said all kinds of nice things to Bai Lian, but Bai Lian always had a cold face. He was in a bad mood and accidentally fell off the scaffolding while inspecting the construction site. He was taken to the hospital by 120 and diagnosed with a broken pelvis.

Bai Lian received a call that Ji Liang had an accident at the construction site. Her legs became weak and she hurriedly took a taxi to the hospital. Seeing Ji Liang lying on the hospital bed, Bai Lian's heart felt as if a big hole had been torn open and it ached all over.

Bai Lian went to the doctor to find out about Ji Liang's injury. The attending doctor told her that Ji Liang's pelvis was seriously injured and that it would be fine after being hospitalized for a period of time, so she was told not to worry.

Ji Hong came to the hospital in the afternoon. When she saw her brother lying on the bed, her eyes were red. Ji Hong asked about Ji Liang's condition and bought some items Ji Liang needed for hospitalization.

She chatted with Ji Liang and then said: "My child is out of school. Now it is a critical period for him to review for junior high school. I have to go back and help him with his homework."

Before leaving, Ji Hong said again: "My brother's household registration is not available." When I moved here, I could only use the cooperative medical system in my hometown to reimburse medical expenses. This kind of inter-provincial medical reimbursement ratio is very low. My brother’s accident insurance compensation can only be applied for compensation after the cooperative medical system is reimbursed. "

After Ji Hong finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Bai Lian was stunned. How could she not know that Ji Liang had purchased accident insurance?

Bai Lian's heart felt like it was blocked by cotton. She said: Ji Liang, don't you say something?

Ji Liang stuttered a little: "I... I bought an accident insurance. My brother-in-law is selling insurance part-time. One day we were drinking together and he recommended it. I was a little drunk at the time, so I wrote the beneficiary of the insurance as Ji Hong's. My name. I put the contract with her, and I would have forgotten it even if she didn’t tell me!" Ji Liang’s voice became softer and quieter.


When Bai Lian heard that the beneficiary of the insurance was Ji Hong, Bai Lian felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and felt so cold. She said angrily: "Ji, are you really drunk? Are you afraid that something might happen to you and you are on guard against me? I have seen through it. In your heart, you and your sister are a family, and I will always be a family." Outsiders. You are so close, why don't you let your sister wait for you in the hospital?"

Ji Liang's face turned red after being yelled at by Bai Lian, and he opened his mouth and couldn't say anything.

Ji Hong also came on the day Ji Liang was discharged from the hospital, and Bai Lian went through the discharge procedures for him. Ji Hong wanted to take away all the bills, and she asked Bai Lian to take Ji Liang for a disability assessment.

Although Bai Lian felt very uncomfortable, these matters still had to be dealt with, and she tried her best to cooperate with Ji Hong. A month later, the results of Ji Liang's disability assessment came out and he was rated as having a level 10 disability. Ji Hong applied for accident insurance compensation.

Another half month later, Ji Hong called and said: "The accident insurance compensation has come down, and the total is 140,000 yuan.

Ji Liang wanted to improve his relationship with Bai Lian, so he put the Bailian bank card number bound to his mobile phone Reported it to Ji Hong.

Ten minutes later, Ji Liang shouted to Bai Lian who was cleaning up the house, asking her to see if the money had arrived. Bai Lian was a little confused, but she still took out her phone and saw Ji Hong transfer 70,000 yuan. .

Bai Lian looked unhappy: What should I do if it’s only 70,000 yuan? See, this is what your dearest person does?

Soon, Ji Hong called. , she said: Brother, something happened at my husband's family. I am short of money. I will use the 70,000 yuan first... When I have more money, I will pay back the money.

Bai Lian understood clearly and she sneered. She groaned, her lips almost hanging from her ears: What your sister said is so beautiful. She is not the beneficiary of her own insurance and wants to pay back half of the compensation. Is she a liar? I guess she has never been rich in this life. Time!

Ji Liang wanted to say a few good words for Ji Hong, glanced at Bai Lian, and saw that she was so angry that he swallowed all the words on his tongue.

From that day on, Bai Lian felt as if she had eaten a fly when she saw Ji Hong. Uncomfortable.

Ji Liang was busy at the construction site when he received a call from his wife Bai Lian, asking him to go home immediately. Ji Liang opened the door and saw Bai Lian sitting on the sofa with a cold face, so he said sarcastically: What's wrong? - DayDayNews


A month later, Ji Liang finally walked without the aid of crutches. He was thinking about going to the construction site when the person in charge of the project he commissioned called and told him that something happened at the construction site.

Ji Liang hurried. Driving to the construction site, it turned out that a beam in the six-story house collapsed. Fortunately, the workers ran out and there were no casualties.

Ji Liang investigated the cause of the accident: He had not been to the construction site for four months, and the project leader thought. This situation occurred because he cut corners and shoddy materials during the project.

Ji Liang fired the person in charge of the project. Fortunately, the big contractor Mr. Lu and Ji Liang had been working together for many years. , I trust him very much and rarely come to the construction site. This matter is still within control.

Ji Liang urgently needs to redo the beam and calm down the matter as soon as possible to avoid affecting the reputation of the engineering team.

Ji Liang, who was contracting the project, had advanced 500,000 yuan, but he didn’t have much money in hand. He frowned and felt worried.

Ji Hong knew that something happened at the construction site and came to Ji Liang: "Brother, you have always taken care of me since I was a child. Regardless of whether I can help you or not, you should tell me when you encounter difficulties.Maybe I can work out a solution together. If you don't want to take care of all the problems yourself, how much money is left? "

Ji Liang rubbed his temples and said: The roof beams on the 6th floor and the fallen parts on the bottom of the 7th floor have to be rebuilt. There is also the labor cost for the workers to re-construct and the material cost, which is still more than 300,000 yuan.

"I Transfer the money to your sister-in-law's account. "Ji Hong said and started to operate on the mobile phone. The mobile phone beeped several times to prompt for the payment information. Bai Lian picked up the mobile phone and took a look. Ji Hong made several transfers, and the total amount received was 570,000 yuan.

Ji Hong said to Bai Lian passionately Said: "Sister-in-law, in my brother's heart, he feels that dad is gone and he always wants to take more care of me. I also rely on my brother very much. This makes you feel uncomfortable, I know it.

I also borrowed 70,000 yuan for my brother’s compensation last time. It was because my husband’s eldest brother had a car accident in his hometown. My father-in-law called and said he needed money urgently. The financial products we purchased with the little money we had had not yet expired, so I took them away and used them first.

There is another thing that my brother has hidden from you. I hope you won’t argue with him. When our family bought a house, my brother gave me 250,000. Now there is demolition there, and my family has just received the demolition money.

My brother has been raising me when I was a child, and you have been helping us after we got married. I also want to repay my kindness. I have discussed with my child's father that the money my brother gave me to buy a house back then will be counted as your investment. Now I’ll give you 570,000 yuan, and you don’t have to pay it back. "

After listening to Ji Hong's words, Bai Lian knew that Ji Liang helped Ji Hong buy a house without telling her. But she couldn't get angry at all! Ji Hong spent a large amount of money to help Ji Liang tide over the difficulties, and she pulled Ji Hong wanted to say something with her hands, but her lips were trembling and her eyes were red and she couldn't speak.

After Ji Hong got the demolition money and her savings, she quickly paid for a satisfactory school district house in the west of the city.

She called Bai Lian and said that the problem of her children's schooling has been solved. Now that Bai Yong's children want to go to the corresponding elementary school in Bai Lian community, they can provide the materials again to participate in the real estate degree points.

Bai Lian told her younger brother, Bai Yong, the news. The points procedure was completed again for the child. At the end of June, Bai Yong's child was admitted to the primary school of his choice. Everything came to a successful conclusion. Bai Lian was glad that she did not break up with Ji Hong. She broke her face and completely broke the relationship.

She felt that if relatives encountered difficulties, there would be no obstacles that they could not overcome if they helped each other. However, she also reminded Ji Liang that helping others should be based on their ability, and there was no need to hide it. Look at her, she is not unreasonable!

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