On Children's Day, Jiang Ran and I accompanied our two children to the amusement park to celebrate the festival. The children had a great time, while Jiang Ran and I rested under the umbrella. I had been taking photos of my children, but when I turned my head, I accidentally saw

2024/06/0818:18:40 story 1789

On Children's Day, Jiang Ran and I accompanied our two children to the amusement park to celebrate the festival. The children had a great time, while Jiang Ran and I rested under the umbrella. I had been taking photos of my children, but when I turned my head, I accidentally saw  - DayDayNews

On Children's Day, Jiang Ran and I accompanied our two children to the amusement park to celebrate the festival. The children had a great time, while Jiang Ran and I rested under the umbrella.

I had been taking photos of my children and turned around, but accidentally saw the messages on my husband’s phone.

[It’s Children’s Day today, when will you come? I miss you. 】


In the eyes of many friends, Jiang Ran and I have always been a model couple.

We met in college and fell in love with each other at first sight. Under the spell that graduation season is also breakup season, Jiang Ran and I chose to directly notify our friends to obtain the certificate and get married.

The two of them got married first and then started a career. Jiang Ran has a flexible mind. After a few years of wandering, he started a business with a few friends. While I have been working a stable job and living a nine-to-five life, we live a harmonious and happy life.

Gradually, as Jiang Ran's company grows bigger, our lives get better and better. At this time, I found out that I was pregnant.

After Jiang Ran found out that I was pregnant, he was very happy and asked me to quit my job and go home to have the baby. Since I had a big reaction when I was pregnant, I agreed.

With our expectations, Dabao was born smoothly. After the confinement period, I began my journey of being a full-time mother for three years.

Of course, we had a great time during this period. Although Jiang Ran is busy, as long as he has no social activities, he will go home on time for dinner. Every day, I only need to take care of the children at home, clean, cook, and wait for Jiang Ran to come back.

At that time, Jiang Ran was afraid that I would be stressed if I didn’t have a job, so he would take the initiative to transfer tens of thousands of yuan of pocket money to me every month, so that I could buy whatever I wanted. He would also pay extra for water, electricity and living expenses separately.

To this day, he still retains this habit of transferring money every month, sometimes 10,000, sometimes 30,000. He will also buy me expensive gifts during holidays.

My classmates and friends often envy me for finding a good husband. Some friends also said that I should pay attention to my appearance and not be too simple all the time. Jiang Ran is attractive now. Even if he doesn't provoke others, he can't guarantee it. Others don't mess with him.

I didn't feel relieved after hearing this. I was like this when Jiang Ran and I met. I didn't like to dress up and had a simple look. Jiang Ran also said that he liked my real side.

Moreover, Jiang Ran gave me too much sense of security. I never thought that cheating would happen to us. In a harmonious life, as expected, I became pregnant with my second child again.

This time, Jiang Ran was still very happy. He was afraid that I would be too busy, so he hired a nanny. We welcomed our second child naturally, and felt that what my friend warned me at the time was unreasonable.

I thought my life would continue to be so happy, but on Children’s Day when Erbao was three years old, I saw such a message on his mobile phone.


[It’s Children’s Day today, when will you come? I miss you. 】

The moment I saw it, I felt cold all over. I didn’t even realize that something was wrong with me, so I picked up my phone and went to take pictures of the children.

Today is Children's Day, which they both miss so much. Jiang Ran finally has time to take the whole family out to play.

When he was taking pictures, I forced myself to calm down. Things haven't been figured out yet, so I can't mess up my position first.

When they came out of the amusement park, the two children clamored for their father to accompany them to eat KFC . However, Jiang Ran said at this time that he had something to do and had to leave first.

"My dears, be obedient. Dad has to go to work today. He asked for leave to accompany you. Now he has to go to the company."

In the eyes of the children, he has always been a good father. Although they were disappointed, they still nodded sensibly. Especially Dabao, who obediently asked Jiang Ran to pay attention to safety on the road and go home early.

I watched Jiang Ran leave, but I was in a state of confusion.

If I hadn't seen that message, I would have thought he went to work, but at this moment, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Is

such a coincidence? The person in the message said that he missed him and asked him when Children's Day would come. Jiang Ran went there after spending time with his children.

I was in a state of despair and took my children to eat at KFC. I couldn’t calm down at all.

At ten o'clock at night, Jiang Ran sent me a WeChat message saying that he would not be back tonight and asked me to go to bed early. I did not reply, but made a video call directly.

After a long time, he switched to voice and connected.

"Do you work overtime at the company?"

"Well, I'm a bit busy today. You should go to bed early."


After a few short words, Jiang Ran hung up the phone in a hurry.

At this moment, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I asked the nanny to take care of the child, and then I went out and went straight to Jiang Ran's company.

On the way, I was both afraid and looking forward to it. I looked forward to knowing the truth, but I was afraid that I would know the truth.

As expected, Jiang Ran's company was empty.


Jiang Ran didn’t come back until the next night. When he came back, he coaxed the child and hugged me like a normal person.

And I have been tossing and turning all night for the past two days.

At night, after he was asleep, I struggled for a while and reached for his mobile phone from the bedside to open it.

The password on his mobile phone is still the combination of the birthdays of his two children. It seems that Jiang Ran has never been on guard against me. I clicked on WeChat and started looking through page after page. The WeChat messages at the top of

were all normal. They were related to business dealings with other companies. When I scrolled down, I saw a special profile picture.

is a girl with long hair, young and beautiful, with a smile like a flower.

I clicked on their conversation with trembling hands and started scrolling down from the beginning. Jiang Ran actually never deleted the messages between them, which also led me to know everything about them through messages.

The two of them got in touch not long after my second child was born. The girl is an employee of another company. Jiang Ran has a cooperative relationship with that company, and she is the main person in charge, so she communicates more.

Like most cheating routines, Jiang Ran had more contact with this girl. One time the girl made a mistake at work, Jiang Ran spoke for her, so the girl was grateful to him and invited him to dinner. Gradually The two of them talked about everything and had a good impression of each other.

Then, it was the same thing, drink too much, go to the hotel...

Just when I understood it almost and didn't want to suppress my heartache to continue watching, I unexpectedly discovered that Jiang Ran and she even had children. .

For a moment, my whole body began to tremble.

They even have children?

I couldn't bear it anymore, and screamed and tried my best to wake him up.

Jiang Ran looked at me with a confused face, then looked at his mobile phone in my hand, and understood everything in an instant.

I thought he would panic, apologize to me, and ask for my forgiveness, but in fact he looked calm and looked at me quietly.


"Don't you want to explain?" After waiting for a long time, Jiang Ran didn't say anything, and I questioned him like a shrew.

Jiang Ran had an indifferent attitude and sighed: "Now that you know everything, what else do I have to explain? If you have anything you want to ask, just ask."

His attitude made me angry. .

"Why are you doing this? Aren't our marriages happy? Don't you love our two babies? Why are you having illegitimate children outside my back?"

I asked him a series of questions like crazy, and he waited. After I calmed down, I spoke slowly.

"Su Qian, Jiang Ran and I have really loved you for so many years. We got married right after graduating from college. At that time, I only had a girlfriend like you."

"As you know, I started a business outside and socialized. A lot, as time went by, I found that I was really too naive. When I was young, I liked simple girls. Later I discovered that there are too many different women in the world. "

" I didn't get married at such an early age. Enjoy a different life, Su Qian, I know I have hurt you, but remember, as long as you don't divorce, I will never abandon this family."

" What about her? I sobbed and asked, "Where are your children?" Do you care? "

Jiang Ran was silent for a moment: "As long as she wants me to take care of her children, I will take responsibility. Of course, she will get married in a few years. I told her that I have a wife and will not marry her. "

"What if she doesn't marry? Jiang Ran, do you think she is stupid? Is she going all out to get the upper hand? "I yelled in despair.

"I said, as long as you don't divorce, I will not abandon this family. Even if she wants to be in power, so what? "

Jiang Ran's rhetorical question confused me, and I was stunned for a moment.

As long as I don't get divorced? What does this mean? Jiang Ran seemed to have given me all the initiative, but I was trapped in Dilemma.

I think about my carefree life these years, and my two children.

If I get divorced, I won’t be able to let go of my children, but if I take these two children with me, I won’t be able to do anything with my work. Can I raise them well?

Besides, I have been a housewife for these years. Can I find a job?

Even if I can find it, my children's living standards will definitely plummet. I don't mind hardship in life, but my children can't. Will she adapt to it?

And if Jiang Ran remarries, will she treat the children well? After all, she and Jiang Ran already have a child, wouldn't my child be very pitiful? If I give it to one and keep the other, when he grows up and sees the other person enjoying such a good economic level, he will definitely hate me.

And if I don’t get divorced, will I turn a blind eye like this? Will I live forever?

But in the future, I will have to face the problem of his illegitimate child growing up.

I never thought that I would encounter such a dilemma.

On Children's Day, Jiang Ran and I accompanied our two children to the amusement park to celebrate the festival. The children had a great time, while Jiang Ran and I rested under the umbrella. I had been taking photos of my children, but when I turned my head, I accidentally saw  - DayDayNews

What should I do?

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