His house is on a high slope near the river in a back street, surrounded by no one else. The house is very old, with crumbling brick walls and a thatched roof and mud floor. It is not cramped and very clean, and it is very cool in summer.

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His house is on a high slope near the river in a back street, surrounded by no one else. The house is very old, with crumbling brick walls and a thatched roof and mud floor. It is not cramped and very clean, and it is very cool in summer. - DayDayNews

Wang Zengqi

Wang Er grew up watching the people on this street.

I don’t know since when, he has set up a smoked stall under the eaves of Baoquantang Pharmacy. "Smoke" means braised food. He comes in the afternoon and is at home in the morning.

His house is on a high slope near the river in a back street, surrounded by no one else. The house is very old, with crumbling brick walls and a thatched roof and mud floor. It is not cramped and very clean, and it is very cool in summer. There are three rooms in total. In the middle is the main room, and under the "天地君尊师" is a stone mill. On one side is the kitchen, which is also the workshop. On one side is the bedroom, where Wang Er's family lives. He has no parents, and only has four direct relatives, a daughter-in-law, a son and a daughter. This house is always so quiet, not a single sound can be heard from outside. People in the back streets are always noisy. A man pulls his hair and beats his wife, a woman beats her children with a firefork, and an old woman uses a kitchen knife to chop a chopping board and curses the thief who stole her laying hen. These sounds have never been heard in the Wang family. Their family gets up early. Before dawn, Wang Er got up to prepare ingredients and then started cooking. After his wife combed her hair, she was grinding tofu. ——Wang Er’s smoked barbecue stall sells many braised dried tofu every day. This dried tofu is made in-house. Once you can grind the tofu, help Wang Er light the fire. The firelight made her round face turn red. (The nearby air was filled with the five-scented fragrance from Wang Er's house.) Later, Wang Er fed a little donkey, so she no longer had to circle around the millstone. A bowl of beans, just add a little water. Save time for sewing. With a family of four, it takes a lot of effort to make big cuts and small cuts. There are two children. The eldest son looks like his mother, with a round face and two eyes that are slit when he smiles. The youngest daughter looks like her father, with a long and thin face and big eyes.

My son went to private school for a few years and stopped after he was able to keep accounts. One day he just took the donkey to drink and let it roll in the grass. When I got a little older, I helped my father wash and prepare materials for business, and the task of herding the donkeys fell to my sister.

Every afternoon, when the children in school get off from school and others are looking for rice for dinner, he comes to set up his stall. Why did he choose Baoquan Hall to set up his stall? Is it because the location is good, with East Street, West Street and several nearby alleys not far from here? Because the eaves of Baoquan Hall are wide, and there is considerable room from the counter to the shop door; or is it? Because this is a drugstore, the drugstore's business is relatively light at night - very few people go to the drugstore to buy medicine at night. It's hard to tell whether setting up a stall will hinder other people's business. At the beginning, he must have asked someone to say good things to the owner of the drug store and come to thank him personally. Anyway, it’s been there for a long time. His stall is all about "making money" - in this place, the tools for doing business are called "making money". It is stored in the back aisle of the drug store, next to the wall, and above it is Marshal Zhao Gong's hanging on the second beam. Shrines, these "wealth-generating" include two long boards, two three-legged high stools (this kind of high stool has two legs on each side, at both ends, and one leg on each side in the middle), and several boxes with glass on one side. He set up the bench, laid the long board flat, and lined up the glass boxes. These glass boxes contain black melon seeds , white melon seeds , fried peas with salt, fried peas, orchid beans, spiced peanuts, and "smoked" on one end of a long board. In addition to braised dried tofu, "smoked roast" mainly includes beef, cattail meat and pig head meat. Most people in this place don't eat beef much. When it comes to eating, I rarely braise or stew it, I just go to smoked roast stalls to buy it. This kind of beef is cooked with five spices and salt, and the outside is dyed red with red yeast rice. There are large pieces piled there. Buy as much as you want, cut it freshly, put it on the plate that was delivered, grab a handful of green garlic, and pour a spoonful of chili paste. Calcaneal meat seems to be unique to this county. Use a cattail bag three inches long and one and a half inches in diameter, lined with tofu skin , stuffed with minced meat mixed with flour, sealed, and tied around the waist with a hemp rope to form a gourd shape. After it is cooked, it is poured out and it is also a gourd with calabash marks. Cut into slices, very fragrant.Pork head meat is sold in categories, such as mouth, ears and face - there is a special term for face, called "big fat". Cut whatever you want. After was switched to , Wang Er's business reached a climax. I saw him taking a knife and cutting non-stop, and at the same time he was busy collecting money and wrapping fried and salt-fried peas and melon seeds. He rarely took a break. He was busy until about nine o'clock, when more than half of the kerosene in his two high-shaded kerosene lamps had been burned, and the bottom of the plate for roasting and the box for peas had reached the bottom, when his wife brought him food. After that, he wiped his face with hot water and had dinner. After dinner, there was always some sporadic business. He was not busy closing the stall, so he took a cup of hot tea, sat on a chair in the Baoquan Hall shop, listened to people chatting, and glanced at his stall. When he saw someone coming, he got up, cut a plate and made two packages. His patrons are all acquaintances, and he knows who will come when and what they will buy.

The shops and stalls on this street know each other very well about their business. In recent years, the situation has not been good. There are a few that are better, but they can only sustain themselves. Some gradually declined. First, the items on the shelves became increasingly empty, and only items could be taken out but not put in. Finally, they were sold out to “make money” and closed down. Only Wang Er's business is getting more and more prosperous. His stall is getting bigger and bigger, with more and more boxes for roasted seeds and vegetables and plates of smoked foreign dishes. Every night when the business is at its peak, there will sometimes be a crowd of people outside the stall. The weather was fine, but when it rained or snowed (more people bought his stuff than usual), it was really unsatisfactory to ask customers to stand in the street with umbrellas. So the manager made an agreement, and after paying the rental money, he moved his stall to the Yuanchang Cigarette Shop next door.

Yuanchang Cigarette Shop is an old name. It specializes in dry cigarettes and sells them both in stores and in wholesale. On one side is the counter and on the other side is the cigarette planing workshop. The dry tobacco smoked in this area is shaved into shreds. The tobacco planing master stacks the tobacco leaves one by one on a special wooden bed, clamps them with leather ropes and wooden wedges, holds the bed between his legs, and uses a large plane with a half-foot-wide blade. The smoke is yellow. They all wore white cloth trousers. These pants have also turned yellow. When they got off work and took off their pants, they were covered in yellow. The hair is also yellow. ——Craftsmen all have the unique color of their industry. The dyeing master's fingernails are always blue, and the rice milling master's eyebrows are always white. It turns out that there are four masters and four sets of beds on the Yuanchang No. 1 plowing smoke every day. Every day there are always some adults and children standing around watching. Later it was reduced to three, two, and one. In the end, even this one resigned. The owner of this house makes a living by selling some cigarettes, matches, and small packages of tea. He also sells some imported dry cigarettes and silk cigarettes. I don’t know why, but the originally bright and bright store became dark, and the gold characters on the plaque became listless. The counter looked particularly big. Big and empty.

When Wang Er came, he took up half of the shop, which is where the cigarette planing master originally used to plan cigarettes. His stall used to be oriented east-west on the corridor eaves of Baoquan Hall. When he moved to Yuanchang, it was changed to be oriented north-south and placed vertically. Therefore, it can no longer be regarded as a stall, but half a shop. He added a piece to the original board and arranged it into a square shape, just like a counter. The variety of things he sells has also increased. That is to say, in terms of smoking, in addition to the original braised tofu, beef, pig head meat, and cattail meat, in spring, a game called "韽" is sold - this is a migratory bird with a long beak and long legs. , because it came when the peach blossoms were blooming, I don’t know which literati named it "Peach Blossom Festival"; after winter, he hung up a long glass frame with a The red wax paper has gilded characters: "From now on, we will add delicious mutton cake spiced rabbit meat ". People in this place don’t have their own home-cooked mutton, so they all buy it from smoked barbecue stalls. There is only one way to eat it: boil it with the skin on, freeze it solid, slice it, add green garlic, chili paste, and a handful of essential carrot shreds (it is said that this is the best way to relieve the smell of mutton). Buy soy sauce and vinegar and add them yourself. Rabbit meat is also boiled with salt and five spices like beef, and dyed with red monascus.

There are various Spring Festival couplets on this street during the New Year. Some are specially made with embedded font sizes. For example, Baoquantang, which was created by the owner of the store who was born in Bagong, said "Protect our people and ascend to the longevity domain"; some large fonts, such as cloth stores, have a loud tone and post "Life Zong Zigong , The most common one is "Business flourishes all over the world, and wealth reaches Sanjiang." Those who operate small businesses humbly write: "Business spring grass, wealth flowers after the rain." This last pair of Spring Festival couplets couldn't be more appropriate for Wang Er's super stall quasi-shop. Although Wang Er didn't think of posting such a Spring Festival couplets - he didn't have anywhere to post them. The font size of this shop is still "Yuan" Chang". His business really flourished like spring grass or flowers after rain. The most obvious sign of "rising up" was that he removed the long-shaded kerosene lamp and hung up a whirring gas lamp. It should be noted that gas lamps are only used by money shops and silk and satin shops, but Wang Er actually hung them up on a smoking stall. This bright white gas lamp made the kerosene lamp in Yuanchang's counter look even more dim.

Wang Er’s prosperity can be seen from his life. First, he can listen to books freely. Wang Er loves listening to books the most. Walking to the street, among all kinds of posters and notices, what he paid most attention to was the storyteller newspaper. It was a strip of yellow paper three inches wide and four feet long. It was written in thick ink: "Mr. Weiyang ××× was specially hired to give a lecture on ×× (Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, Yue Chuan...) at ××× (teahouse)..." It will come rain or shine from the first day of the month.” In the past, I had to think carefully before going to listen to books. First, it's a waste of money, and second, it's a waste of time. More importantly, it's not commensurate with his status: a smoker who sells smoked barbecue, often listens to books, and is afraid of people's comments. If he thinks it’s okay, he can go and listen if he wants to. I went to Xiao Penglai and Wuliu Garden (these are all storytelling teahouses), and listened to Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, and Yue Zhuan. Especially in the summer, when the weather is long, I wear a long gown made of bamboo or linen, take a small amount of money, and go. The afternoon book starts at one o'clock, and before four o'clock it's "please be early tomorrow" (the rule of storytelling here is that when the storyteller reaches the scheduled place, he leaves a button, and the waiter shouts "please be early tomorrow") —!" The audience got up and left one after another), this would not delay his business. He is busy all day long, and this is the only time he has free time. Second, he did not hesitate when placing his bet on Pai Gow during the Chinese New Year. Wang Er usually never gambles, but only does so for five days during the New Year. Gambling during the New Year is not prohibited and can be done in every shop. On the first day of the new year, there was no business, the shop door was closed, and it was dark inside. Behind the counter of Baoquantang, there is a small hall, which is a place for the founder of Shennong. There is a skylight above, which is relatively bright. I opened a square table in front of the portrait of Shennong, and with a crash, dominoes and dice were poured out. Most people of similar social status play mahjong, but it doesn't matter if they play Pai Gow. Anyone can come. The "colleagues" of the Baoquan Hall (except Mr. Tao and Mr. Chen), Luan Yuan who collects rent from others, and Scar Eye who sells live fish - he once contracted an external disease and after he was cured, a large scar was left on his left eye. The primary school students gave him He was nicknamed "Bayan Harshan". This nickname actually spread, and people in the street called him Bayan Harshan, although some people didn't know what it meant. - Wang Er. Winning or losing may not matter whether it is a big deal or a small matter. Ten ounces of money push one village. Ten coins is equivalent to three yuan of foreign money . The slightly larger bets are three, three, and four. There are three lines of money: three hundred, three hundred, and four hundred. Win one at seven points, win two at eight points. If you catch a pair of nine points or a pair of heaven and earth bars, the banker will lose a lot of money. It is common for Wang Er to play "Three, Three, Four". Sometimes I would bet five ounces of money on a solitary man, and he would push the five ounces of money out steadily without his heart beating or his hands shaking. (The rent collector's hand started shaking when he placed a bet of five hundred dollars.) If he won more, he would be able to push the two dealers. When it comes to Pai Gow, the bigger the money, the louder the anger, and Wang Er rarely loses.

Wang Er moved his business to Yuanchang next door, but after nine o'clock every day he would still bring a cup of tea to the Baoquantang store to sit for a while. Now that his son is older, he can handle the sporadic business that comes in the evening by himself. Let’s talk about Baoquan Hall.

This is a pharmacy with a small appearance.For some reason, the owner of this drugstore does not use locals. From top to bottom, from the manager to the water carrier, they are all from Huaicheng. They have a month off every year and take turns going home to carry on the family lineage. For the remaining eleven months, I lived in the store. Their wives have been widowed for eleven months. "Colleagues" in pharmacies are all called "sir". How many grades are there among gentlemen? The first class is the "steward", that is, the manager. Being a steward is a lifelong position, and it is rare to hear of an employer resigning a steward. Unless the old manager dies due to illness, a new manager will be hired. When you become a manager, you have "personal shares", or "personal shares", and you can receive dividends based on the shares at the end of the year. Therefore, he is dedicated and loyal to his business. The owner never comes to the store, and the steward is responsible for everything. As usual, he slept alone in a room behind the Statue of Shennong, called "Back Cabinet". The general ledger, money, and valuable medicinal materials such as rhino horn, antelope, musk , are all locked in this room, and the key is with him. Ginseng and deer antlers are not expensive things. During meals, the steward always sits at the end of the table to show that he is accompanying the gentlemen on behalf of his employer. How many people can stay in charge of things? There are only a few pharmacies in the city. The steward of Baoquantang is named Lu. The second class is called "Knife Shang", which is responsible for cutting medicine and "falling" pills. Pharmacies have a lot of medicines that need to be cut into "pieces" every day. Whether the pieces are cut neatly or not neatly and beautifully will directly affect the quality of business. An expert will know who cut this medicine at a glance. "Knife Shang" is a technician with the highest salary and the most respected position in the store. When eating, he sat at the top two seats as usual - except when there were guests, the first seat was always empty. During the holidays, it is the birthday of the king of medicine (the king of medicine is not Shennong, but Sun Simiao). If there is wine, the person in charge will have to take a sip first before everyone else drinks. Baoquan Tang's "sword" is the first in the county. If he loses his temper and resigns, other companies will immediately rush to hire him. Fortunately, although this person is a bit arrogant and stubborn, he doesn't lose his temper easily. His surname is Xu. The rest are called "colleagues." The pronunciation is a bit special, the emphasis is on the word "tong". Their duties are to collect medicine and write accounts. There is nothing special about "colleagues", and they may be fired every year. The "manager" didn't say anything when he was dismissed. He just had a New Year's Eve dinner in the twelfth lunar month. It was considered as a way for the boss to tell his "colleagues" about the hard work of the year. As long as a "colleague" was invited to the table, the "colleague" wouldn't say anything. Said, politely packed up and found another job. Of course, someone who leaked some rumors beforehand did not take it seriously as a sap. I had a premonition that it was time to fire my "colleagues" after the August Festival. Some have already reached an agreement with other families and left gracefully; others asked for mediation and stayed for a year before looking at it again. In the latter case, there is always a little "review" and a little "guarantee." "The baked sesame cakes are not fragrant." If you refuse to leave, your face will be dull and your worth will be low. Mr. Tao from Baoquan Hall has been invited to the banquet three times. He has a cough and wheezing, and is not very smart. Finally, he didn't sit down at the table. On the one hand, fellow shopkeepers came to intercede: If he quit, whose house would he go to? Who would want such a spitbasket? Wouldn't this ruin his livelihood? Secondly, he would also One good thing is not going home. He is over forty years old, but he has no task of carrying on the family lineage because he has never been married. In this way, Mr. Tao can only be more diligent and cautious. Whenever he had an asthma attack, someone would ask, "Mr. Tao, have you been feeling well these past two days?" He would gasp and say, "Ah, no, very good, very good!" "

" and above are "Mr." level. Those below "Sir" are students of business. The person in charge of the pharmacy business has a strange name, called "Xiangong".

Therefore, in addition to those who cook and carry water, there are actually four classes of people in this pharmacy: "steward", "knife-shang", "colleague" and "sir-in-law".

It has been three years and one day since the "husbands-in-law" of Baoquan Hall passed away. The existing "Xiangong" is named Chen.

Mr. Chen has a big head, round eyes, thick lips, and speaks in a rough voice - he can't speak clearly.

His daily life is as follows: he gets up earlier than anyone else. When I got up, I emptied all the "gentlemen's" urinals, rinsed them, and put them in the toilet. sweep the floor. Wipe tables, chairs, and counters. Dust everywhere. Open the door. Most of the shops in this area have "Pudazimen" - a row of thick door panels that can be one foot wide embedded in the grooves of the door frame and threshold. Chen Xianggong unloaded it piece by piece, pressing "East One", "East Two", "East Three", "East Four ", "West One", "West Two", "West Three", "West Four" In order, stand it against the wall. Expose medicine and collect medicine. When the sun comes out, put Mr. Xu's cut "pieces" and "dropped" pills in the sieve, hold them on your head, climb up the ladder, and put them on the balcony on the roof; put them away in the evening. Come down. This is the happiest time of his day. He can climb high and look around. You can see that the roofs of many shops and houses are dark. I could see the green trees in the distance, and the sails moving slowly behind them. You can see pigeons and fluttering kites. In July, you can still see Qiaoyun in the evening. The clouds in July are so changeable that they are called "Qiaoyun" locally. They are so beautiful: gray, white, yellow, orange, trimmed with gold, each one looks like a lion, a tiger, a horse, or a dog. At this time, Mr. Chen was really what the ancients said was "relaxed and happy." The rest of the time, it's pretty boring. Crush the medicine. The two feet stepped on the wooden board and ground it in a boat-shaped iron grinding trough. If you are grinding pepper, you have to sneeze constantly. Cut paper. Use a large machete to cut the piles of white powder and paper into squares of different sizes for wrapping medicine. Print wrapping paper. He also has two routine tasks every day. In the morning, I have to rub a lot of shisha paper. Turn over the money board containing the copper coins and rub them one by one with the "note paper". No one smokes hookah in Baoquan Hall, but for some reason they have to rub a lot of paper pieces every day, and anyone who comes can take a few. This has become a "tradition." In the afternoon, clean the lampshades. A dozen kerosene lamps were used inside and outside the pharmacy. All lampshades must be wiped down every day. At night, spread the plaster. From the moment the lights were turned on until Wang Er came to sit in the shop, he was spreading plaster. At about ten o'clock, he put all the gentlemen's chamber pots under their beds, blew out all the lights that needed to be blown out, closed the door, and was ready to go to bed. The gentlemen all slept in the back room, and Chen Xianggong slept in the shop. Once the planks are put down and the bedding is spread out, this is his own world. Before going to bed, he always recites two articles of " Soup Tips " - the gentleman in the drugstore must know something about medicine. When a small family is ill and does not seek medical advice, when they go to the drugstore to explain their symptoms, the gentlemen will casually say: "Take a dose of Xiaochaihu decoction ", "Take three doses of Huoxiang Zhengqi pills", "Take a dose of 1.7%" Disperse". Sometimes, he would sit in bed and think about home for a while, his mother who had been widowed for many years, and the New Year picture that had been posted for many years on the back of his door. After thinking about it for a while, I felt sleepy and put my head down, and there was a loud snoring immediately.

Chen Xianggong has been studying business for more than a year. He has burned incense thirty times for Marshal Zhao Gong and Lord Shen Nong. On the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, incense must be burned for these two people. As usual, this is Chen Xianggong's business. Marshal Zhao Gong holds a golden whip in his hand and rides a black tiger. On both sides is a pair of small couplets eight inches long with gold characters on the black ground: "Holding a golden whip in his hand to drive away treasures, riding a black tiger to bring wealth." Shen Nong's beard is spread out. , naked, with a large circle of leaves around his waist, fingernails , and toenails are very long, holding a Ganoderma lucidum in one hand, sitting on a stone. Chen Xianggong knew these two people very well and was very reverent when burning incense.

Mr. Chen is always beaten. There was no student who was not beaten, and Chen Xianggong seemed to be beaten a little more often. The reason for being beaten was mostly because of doing something wrong: the paper was cut crookedly, the lampshade was scratched. This child also seems not very smart, has a bad memory, and is slow in doing things. It was mostly Mr. Lu who beat him. Mr. Lu was not angry, he was beaten for his own good and to make him an adult. Once I got a severe beating. He collected the medicine, stepped down the stairs and missed the step, causing a tablet of Alisma to fall into the gutter. This time it was Mr. Xu who beat him.He used a wooden stick to bolt the door and beat him up without thinking. The beating made the child scream: "Oh! Oh! I can't come back! I can't come back again! Oh! Oh! I'm wrong." Oh! Oh! Oh!" No one can try to persuade him, because he knows Mr. Xu's temper, and the more he tries to persuade him, the harder he beats him, not to mention that his mistake this time is not small (Alismatis is not an expensive medicine, but cutting it is very labor-intensive, It should be cut into discs of the same thickness and shaped like copper coins). Later, Lao Zhu, who was still cooking, came to persuade him. This Lao Zhu came earlier than anyone else, and he is famous for his loyalty and uprightness. He never had a serious meal, he always soaked the leftover soup and water left by everyone and ate some rice crackers. Therefore, everyone in the store is in awe of him. He snatched the door latch from Mr. Xu's hand and said: "He was also raised by his parents!" Mr. Chen was beaten and did not dare to cry at that time. At night, I went to the door and cried alone for a long time. He said to his mother who was far away in his hometown: "Mom, I got beaten again! Mom, it doesn't matter, if I get beaten for two more years, I can support you!"

Wang Er comes to the Baoquantang shop every year. Because it’s lively here. In other shops, there are not many people around after nine o'clock. There is often only one steward doing the accounting and an apprentice taking a nap. The Baoquan Hall was full of guests. These gentlemen were all homeless bachelors, and they all gathered in the shop. There are also a few regular customers, including Luanyuan who collects rent, Bayan Harshan who sells live fish, Lao Bing who cooks opium for others, and Zhang Han. Zhang Han is a relative and diner of the Wanshun Sauce Garden Lian family across the street. His full name is Zhang Hanxuan, but everyone calls him Zhang Han. Probably because they feel that they have become just diners, so there is no need to "Xuan". This man was seventy years old and looked exactly like Voltaire, with a pointed face and a pointed nose. When he was young, he worked in other places and traveled to many places. He was well-informed and knew everything. He was a know-it-all. For example, if you smoke, he will tell you that there are five types of cigarettes: water, drought, nose, ya, and tidal, with "ya" being opium. "Tide" means tide smoke, which no one has ever seen in this place. When talking about drinking, he can tell you Shandong yellow, champion red , lotus white... When talking about drinking tea, he can tell you Shifeng Longjing , Suzhou Biluochun , and Yunnan's " roasted tea " What kind of pot is it roasted in? The cup of Fujian Kung Fu tea is smaller than the wine cup. Even if I eat a stewed elbow, I can only drink three cups. This tea is too strong. He is familiar with "Zi Buyu" and "Ye Yu Qiu Deng Lu", and can tell many ghost fox stories. He also knows how to spread poison in Yunnan and how to drive away corpses in Xiangxi. He has also seen drought demons, zombies, vixens with his own eyes. There is a time, a place, a child and an eye. He knows all the three teachings and nine streams, including medicine and divination. He has read " Ma Yi Shen Xiang " and "Liu Zhuang Shen Xiang", and can calculate "Qi Men Dun Jia", "Liu Ren Class" and "Ling Qi Jing". He always doesn't show up until almost nine o'clock (I don't know what he does during the day). As soon as he comes, everyone's spirits are lifted, and all night long they listen to what he has to say. He is very good at speaking, with ups and downs, ups and downs, and full of sound and color. Like a storyteller, he stopped when he reached the joint and smoked slowly. Everyone urged him anxiously: "What happened next? What happened next?" This was also a happier time in Chen Xianggong's day. He spread the plaster and listened. Sometimes, when I listen too much, the skewer used to spread the plaster will stop on the oil paper, and a piece of plaster will be wasted. As soon as he discovered it, he quickly stuffed it into his pocket. At this time, he will not be discovered or beaten.

One day, Zhang Han talked about the destiny of life. It is said that Zhu Hongwu , Shen Wanshan, Fan Dan are all at the same time in the same year, the same month and the same day, and they are all ugly when they are born, and the cock crows all the time. But when a rooster crows, his fate is divided into three levels: raising his head to Zhu Hongwu, lowering his head to sink into the mountains, and hooking up to Qiongfandan. Zhu Hongwu was the emperor, Shen Wanshan was the richest in the world, but Fan Dan, a poor man, died of cold and hunger. He also said that everyone who achieves great things, makes great achievements, and prospers has special appearance or special talents. Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty Liu Bang had seventy-two black moles on his buttocks. Who has ever had it? They all stand out and look like the Five Mountains. Who has ever experienced this? Fan Kuai can eat a whole pig leg alive, and Zhang Yide from Yan can even sleep with his eyes open. Even among people in the market, those who have made a lucky move are always different. There must be extraordinary people who will do extraordinary things. After everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Zhang Han took a few puffs of dry cigarette, and suddenly changed the topic and said to Wang Er: "As for Wang Er, he has prospered and made a lot of money in recent years, so he must have his own unique talents." "...?"

Wang Er was puzzled. What is " different from ".

 “It’s what’s different, what’s different from others. Tell me, tell me!” Everyone encouraged Wang Er: “Tell me about it! Tell me about it!”

 Although Wang Er made a little fortune, he always failed. He forgot his own identity and never acted arrogantly. Under everyone's urging, he bowed sincerely and said, "I have one thing: I can distinguish between big and small." He was afraid that everyone would not understand, so he explained: " When I relieve myself, I always relieve my small hands first, and then my big hands."

When Zhang Han heard this, he clapped his hands and said, "That means it's rare that it doesn't come together with feces and urine!"

" After saying that, it was already half past ten. Everyone stood up and said goodbye. It's time to come. Mr. Lu looked at the counter and saw that Mr. Chen was gone, so he shouted: "Ms. Chen!" He shouted several times, but no one answered.

It turns out that Mr. Chen is in the toilet. This is what Mr. Tao discovered.

He walked into the toilet and found that Mr. Chen was already squatting there. Originally, this was not the time for the two of them to relieve themselves.

Old draft in 1948

Rewritten on May 20, 1980

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