I was doing an internship in my junior year of college and came back once a week. They all said that a breakup was better than a newlywed. I felt that my breakup with Yao Zitong was becoming less and less passionate. The company had just concluded a case that day, and everyone br

2024/05/2309:18:33 story 1513

I was doing an internship in my junior year of college and came back once a week. They all said that a breakup was better than a newlywed. I felt that my breakup with Yao Zitong was becoming less and less passionate. The company had just concluded a case that day, and everyone br - DayDayNews

I was an intern in my junior year, and I came back once a week. They all said that a breakup is better than a newlywed. I felt that my breakup with Yao Zitong was becoming less and less passionate. The company had just concluded a case that day, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The boss gave everyone a holiday. I wanted to give Yao Zitong a surprise.

Unexpectedly, all the long-planned surprises ended in shock.

I got home and carefully turned the key, trying to sneak into the room.

I was even prepared for a surprise. I was wearing a coat on the outside and a sexy suspender belt on the inside, which was also a V-neck and low-cut style. A woman can only be shameless when it comes to seducing the man she likes.

But I didnā€™t expect that when I entered the door quietly, took off my clothes, and yelled ā€œHusbandā€, the two people on the bed were so scared that they rolled under the bed.

I watched helplessly as this guy was working hard on other women. His waist was definitely not like the "low back pain due to pressure" that I was told, it was so flexible.

And that woman is a senior sister I know. She has a perfect figure, a beautiful face, speaks softly, and acts vigorously and resolutely. She is the goddess in the eyes of many male classmates.

I was petrified at that time. The low-cut suspender belt I was wearing was a joke.

From that time on, I deleted all contact information of Yao Zitong, severed all contact with him, and completely disappeared from his world.

I have never told anyone about this history because it would be too insulting to my image. It's so shameful to be humiliated just to please a man. Now I tell Muzi that I hope she can turn around and leave this scumbag.

Muzi thought for a long time and told me, Xiaofang, these things are in the past, I don't mind, I hope you can let go and move on.

I was dumbfounded and wanted to persuade Muzi. But Muzi was very determined and told me not to interfere anymore.

I came home dejectedly. My mother-in-law had already told Mr. Zhu about my meeting with Yao Zitong, and I was ready to fight a tough battle.

What surprised me was that Mr. Pig didnā€™t let up at all this time and stood by my side clearly. No matter how he describes the indescribable and specific plot between Yao Zitong and me, Mr. Pig insists that he believes in me.

The lines I prepared and LU's attitude of rolling up his sleeves and getting ready for a big fight were completely useless!

What kind of painting style is this?

Mr. Pig even told his mother, donā€™t interfere in our affairs in the future.

is fucking alone in the messy living room.

I was dumbfounded, wondering what kind of medicine Mr. Pig was selling in his gourd.

The mother-in-law felt that she had lost her son. She didn't know what to do. She actually stepped on the balcony and said, "Son, if you want a wife, you still want a mother. If you want a wife, your mother will die."

I was shocked and had a bad feeling that Mr. Pig was afraid that he would fall off the chain again.

But Mr. Pig actually stepped onto the balcony and forced his mother, saying, "Mom, if you force me, I will jump to show you. Anyway, I have died once."

Mr. Pig had more than one leg outside the balcony, and he was standing on the edge of the balcony, precariously.

Mr. Pig is afraid of heights and his face is pale and pale.

The mother-in-law was immediately frightened and stepped down from the balcony, crying and shouting for Mr. Pig to come down quickly. She didn't ask for anything, as long as her son was alive and well.

I was really shocked. This Mr. Pig is usually very timid. Even if he was asked to ride in a bumper car, he would be scared. Now he acted like a hero and his image immediately became taller.

I went over to pull Mr. Pig out, but Mr. Pig told you not to come over. If you come over, I will jump down.

To be honest, my legs were so scared.

The balcony is very narrow, only as wide as a pair of feet. If you stand on it and your center of gravity is slightly unstable, you will fall.

My mother-in-law didn't dare to say anything at this moment. She cried and shouted for him to come down, saying that she would agree to everything.

Mr. Pig asked his mother-in-law to swear an oath and write down a written document. He asked me to draft it and my mother-in-law signed it.

I was afraid that something might happen to Mr. Pig over time, so I quickly scrawled a line: I XX swear that I will never interfere in the lives of my son and daughter-in-law, and I promise to leave my son's house tomorrow.

The mother-in-law didn't care about anything and signed quickly. Her voice was so frightened that she shouted for Mr. Pig to come down.

Mr. Pig stumbled, and a pot of flowers fell down with a bang. He was shaky and almost fell. My mother-in-law and I were so frightened that our hearts jumped into our throats.

Fortunately, Mr. Pig fell on the balcony and saved his life.

My mother-in-law and I ran over together and hugged Mr. Pig, crying and saying, "You are trying to scare us to death."

At this moment, I realized that two women can quarrel and fight because of a man, but they can also ignore the past grudges because of a man.

My mother-in-law left as promised.

My life with Mr. Pig is back to normal.

He promised me to live a good life and would stand by my side without hesitation in any storm at home. And I promised not to see Yao Zitong again.

Mr. Pig and I seem to be back on track. Every day I take care of the children, wash hands and make soup, and he gives me his salary card for safekeeping after work and work. We take the children out for outings together when he is off work or on weekends. The days are dull and peaceful.

Until one day, Muzi told me that she was going to live in her father's apartment in the suburbs for a while, and asked me to go find her there if I had anything to do. I'm also surprised that Muzi's father has always wanted to make up for his debt to Muzi and give her the apartment, but Muzi has always disliked that the apartment is far from where she works, and still holds a grudge against his father, and has never lived there once. What a good thing, suddenly I have to go to the apartment.

Three days later, Yao Zitong blocked me at the door of my house and told me that Muzi had disappeared and had disappeared for three days. No work, no news at all.

I didnā€™t want to pay attention to it at first, but thinking that something might really happen to Muzi, I went to an apartment in the suburbs with Yao Zitong.

When we arrived at the suburban apartment and knocked on the door, we found Muzi and a man in pajamas in the apartment.

I was doing an internship in my junior year of college and came back once a week. They all said that a breakup was better than a newlywed. I felt that my breakup with Yao Zitong was becoming less and less passionate. The company had just concluded a case that day, and everyone br - DayDayNews

Yao Zitong asked what Muzi meant?

Muzi said, you saw, you are out, I like him now.

I'm confused, what kind of medicine is sold in Muzi's gourd ? A while ago, I liked Yao Zitong so much that I didnā€™t even want to be my best friend. Today another lover appeared out of nowhere.

Yao Zi's childlike veins popped out, and he beat the man whenever he went up. The man seemed to be prepared and knocked Yao Zitong to the ground.

Yao Zitong was beaten until his face was bruised and bruised, his nostrils were bleeding, and he lay on the ground unable to move.

Muzi said, Mr. Yao, how does it feel to be betrayed?

Yao Zitong called Muzi a bitch and stepped on both sides.

Muzi laughed loudly, mocking Yao Zitong for her lack of physical strength, her personality and incompetence, and for wasting her acting skills. Although he looks like a human being, he takes off his clothes and is dressed in ribs with no touch. She would not want this kind of man if he gave it to him for free.

Yao Zitong was so angry that he turned over and wanted to hit Muzi.

Muziā€™s lover seemed to have been trained as a master, and did not give Yao Zitong any chance to resist.

Muzi looked at Yao Zitong coldly and said calmly, throw him out.

Yao Zitong shouted, Li Muzi, what do you mean, how can I be sorry for you! ! !

Muzi slapped Yao Zitong on the face. Yao Zitong glared ferociously, but he couldn't move because he was subdued. Muzi kicked him hard and warned her, this is what will happen to you for betraying Xiaofang. Scum like you should have been punished long ago. Women are not your playthings! ! !

Then, Muzi said to his lover calmly: Throw him out.

The lover obediently took Yao Zitong and threw him outside the door, saying harshly, "If you dare to cause trouble for Xiaofang and Muzi again, I will give you an arm next time."

Yao Zitong left dejectedly like a bereaved dog.

I don't know what all this is about.

The so-called lover will settle everything and come back to life. Muzi said, if done well, you can leave and I will transfer all the money to your card.

The lover smiled innocently and said no, teaching this scumbag is to do harm to the people, how can I take your money? From now on, if anything like this happens, I will be on call at your beck and call. I will be at your beck and call.

My lover left in my surprise.

I said Muzi, what is all this going on? The last few times you wanted to be with Yao Zitong to the death, this...

Muzi told me that Yao Zitong had been determined to get close to me and take revenge on me from the beginning. . That time I quarreled with my parents-in-law and called Muzi to ask her to pick me up. She was really busy, but she originally wanted to change her shift to pick me up. Who knew that Yao Zitong suddenly appeared and volunteered to pick me up. His enthusiasm exceeded Muzi's imagination.

In front of Muzi, he kept saying that he had forgotten me and fell in love with Muzi at first sight. But in front of me, he made a disgusting face that Muzi liked him, so Muzi acted with him.

Muzi said that although he has never been in love, he can still tell whether a man loves him or not. This old man Yao Zitong said that he fell in love with her at first sight and was so deeply in love that he couldn't extricate himself. However, he was as stubborn as a rooster. When he took Muzi to eat Japanese food, it was self-service. If he added a little food at his own expense, he said that if he couldn't finish it, it would be a waste... If a man is willing to spend money on you, you can tell whether he really likes you.

So at that time, she was determined to find out the conspiracy behind him.

Until Yao Zitong deliberately kissed me in the cafe, it was also because he saw my mother-in-law coming and wanted to cause trouble in my family.

But you didnā€™t say that to me that day... I clearly remember Muzi telling me not to interfere in her and Yao Zitongā€™s affairs, that they truly loved each other, and that Yao Zitong and I were in the past tense.

Xiaofang, the scumbag should get his comeuppance. All men who deceive women's emotions should die a good death.

Muzi gritted his teeth.

I know, she thought of her father, the man who abandoned his family and children for wild flowers. He missed Muzi's entire childhood and adolescence, but wanted to use a shabby apartment to make up for his shortcomings.

I hugged Muzi and said gratefully, dear, thank you.

Muzi smiled and patted my shoulder, fool, you gave me the strength.

Muzi said that the day she met me, she didnā€™t want to live anymore. She wanted to take the bus and look around, observe where there were wasteland pools, and then die.

Because that day, she heard her adoptive father and mother say that they should marry her off as soon as possible so that the family house could be freed up for her younger brother to get married. She felt that she was unloved and unnecessary.

I remember Muzi told me that since my mother remarried, my adoptive father always sighed at the dinner table and said that he was under great pressure and that it was not easy to feed a family. It put a lot of pressure on Muzi. She has been cautious in her new home, not daring to spend a penny from the family. She also has to give half of her monthly salary to the family, saying that it is considered as paying rent and utility bills. Even so, her adoptive father still thinks she is redundant.

But you have this apartment, you can live there, you donā€™t have to look at their faces.

Muzi smiled bitterly, she said, if I can hold this house as I please, do you think I am stupid for not wanting it? My father's remarried wife came to me and said that if I dared to ask for this house, I would go to my mother to ask for money.

Oh my god, I never knew Muzi had to endure so much.

Muzi said that the culprit of all this is the cheating man! ! !

So when she was looking for a place to commit suicide, she met me on the bus. I wore a piece of clothing that her mother had owned, which made her feel that she was destined. She couldn't bear to send someone with white hair to someone with black hair. Leaving my mother alone.

We got off the car together, entered a community together, entered a building together, and walked into the same floor together. She felt it was fate.

When she heard me talk about Yao Zitong, it aroused her hatred for men. She wants me to be happy and wants my happiness to be undisturbed.

Unexpectedly, Yao Zitong appeared in my life again, and wanted to use her to hurt me and break me up.

She devised this strategy.

That person who left just now, you and him?

He is my Muay Thai coach. He chased me and I asked him to help me.

Muzi explained everything in detail, and I felt a warm feeling in my heart.

This cold and ruthless suburb makes me feel warm.

Muzi, I was wrong, I really thought you and Yao Zitong... I shouldn't doubt you, please forgive me.

Dear, donā€™t blame yourself, you are worried about me too.

I held Muzi and asked her to forget the shadow of childhood left by her father. I said that they were all gone and not worth spending so much thought on. We will all be happy from now on.

Muzi nodded happily and said that we all want to be happy.

In the vast sea of ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹people, it is not easy to meet someone who devotes all his energy to protecting you.

I secretly vowed in my heart that if Muzi needs it in the future, I will do it at all costs.

I was doing an internship in my junior year of college and came back once a week. They all said that a breakup was better than a newlywed. I felt that my breakup with Yao Zitong was becoming less and less passionate. The company had just concluded a case that day, and everyone br - DayDayNews

My life with Mr. Pig is uneventful. I take care of the kids and he cooks. I wash the dishes and he takes care of the kids.

Like all ordinary couples, they live together once a week, infrequently but still maintain their marital obligations.

Muzi also returned to her job. Her goal was to work hard to make money, buy a house of her own, and give herself a sense of security. We encourage and support each other.

I returned to work while raising my baby. Because

could not work from 9 to 5, he discussed with the company to work part-time. When the children were sleeping or Mr. Pig was at home, he participated in the design of the company's activity plans and was billed on a piece-by-piece basis.

Sometimes, I blame Mr. Pig for not being motivated and making his wife work so hard.

Mr. Pig only occasionally wants to resign and go to work, but he never has the courage.

After a long time, I stopped nagging. I know very well that even if you are a couple, the one you can ultimately rely on is yourself.

Sometimes I wonder, what is the meaning of marriage?

Three years have passed, and Mr. Zhu is still working in the workplace with a stable job. He has a wolfberry thermos cup at work and mobile games after get off work. I finally sent my child to kindergarten, found a stable job, and returned to the workplace.

Muzi, after three years, faced a career rise, and the position of head nurse that was originally guaranteed fell to him because the background was not strong enough. She complained to me, but I could only encourage her because we were young and had plenty of opportunities. We can't limit our sights to a head nurse. We should break out of the hospital's rules and think of other ways to make money.

The importance of money is only understood in middle age.

And I only realized it after being severely tortured by life.

My boss, Sister Mei, trained another newcomer, Xiaojiao, and she almost gave up on me. She took it for granted that I, a mother who has been raising a baby full-time for three years, had no ambition at all and just wanted to earn a salary in the company.

I tried my best to prove myself, but found that in the three years of wasted time, my circle and connections had left me far away. It would take more efforts to return to the workplace and society.

I was sharpening my knife, preparing to carve out a bloody path in the workplace. I trampled the newcomer Xiaojiao under my feet, and there was a fire in the backyard again.

My father-in-lawā€™s plan to have a second child was fatal.

The reason this time is that the eldest child has gone to school and it is time to train new successors for the motherland.

My mother-in-law has long forgotten the oath she swore, and Mr. Pig has also forgotten how his parents almost broke up our family three years ago.

On August 15th, my parents-in-law came back to WX on the pretext of a reunion, this time with a liver cancer diagnosis certificate.

My father-in-law said that he was not far from death, and he just wanted to see the Zhu family's wife before he died, so that he could rest in peace.

The diagnosis is liver cancer .

It is said that it was caused by smoking and coughing, so he went to the hospital for a check-up.

Mr. Pig took his father's medical certificate, stared at it with a frown, and said to me quietly, "Honey, let's have another son."

Our debts have just been paid off, our children have just started going to school, and our family has just returned to normal, when these wonderful parents-in-law come to make things worse again. I didnā€™t say I wouldnā€™t have children, I just said, let your father transfer 400,000 to my card, and then I will consider having children.

Mr. Pig actually said that my dad has liver cancer and 400,000 is not enough for medical treatment. Maybe we have to sell the house...


I almost lost my breath and couldn't get up, so I carried it on my back. Am I marrying someone, or am I marrying a bottomless pit?

As for that house at home, didnā€™t your dad build it with three floors and say itā€™s worth hundreds of thousands?

Mr. Zhu said that my mother said that the house in her hometown could not be sold, and she had to spend her old age in peace.

In other words, the house of our family of three has been sold, and there is no school district for our children to go to elementary school to treat your father's illness. And we have to get him a grandson. They can't care about this grandson no matter how he raises him. He won't live long anyway, right...

Mr. Pig said angrily, Xiaofang, what are you talking about? My dad is already like this, you Even if you curse him to death, you are still not a human being! ! !

I am not a human being? ? ? Zhutou, I, Tang Xiaofang, have left my words here today. Even if he dies, I wonā€™t sell the house.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and my parents-in-law stood outside the door, looking at me angrily. My father-in-law was so angry that he couldn't breathe and fainted.

The mother-in-law said directly, son, you want this kind of woman, you only want to see your parents die to be happy. If you don't fix your wife today, you are not my son. I might as well follow your father and make room for you, me, me, me... My mother-in-law stepped across the balcony to threaten her to death again.

Mr. Pig, look at me, look at his mother.

I would rather die than give in. I stiffened my neck and said stubbornly, "I won't sell the house. It's up to you!" ! !

My mother-in-law is forcing Mr. Pig, if you donā€™t beat her today, your father and I will not survive.

Everyone was arguing about these meaningless things. No one paid attention to the fainted father-in-law, and no one cared about his life or death.

I hit 120, Mr. Pig hit me.

I didnā€™t say anything. I covered my face and went back to the room. I took out a piece of paper and wrote the divorce agreement. The house of the child belongs to me, and your parents take it with you. We all broke up and were happy. I slapped the agreement on the table and said that I should have divorced three years ago. I have been living with you, Mr. Pig, so softly. Since I can't survive this life, I just divorced.

Are you threatening me with divorce? Mr. Pig asked me fiercely.

Yes, I will force you to divorce. I canā€™t afford to be with your family. If I canā€™t fight, I will give up! ! !

Do you think the house will sell?

If you want to know how, continue to the next page for more exciting content!

story Category Latest News

The stories of ancient and modern wonders are heartfelt, and five thousand years of history are written in chapters. I know the weird stories but donā€™t know the words, so I will read them carefully and speak to you. The story happened during the Tianshun period of the Tang Dynast - DayDayNews

The stories of ancient and modern wonders are heartfelt, and five thousand years of history are written in chapters. I know the weird stories but donā€™t know the words, so I will read them carefully and speak to you. The story happened during the Tianshun period of the Tang Dynast

Folk story: A rich man was killed by a robber when he was traveling. The widow went to the county government to file a complaint. The mother-in-law said: "I will destroy my relatives for justice."