The father-in-law entered the hospital, and Mr. Pig and the mother-in-law followed. I picked up my child from school and told her that her father would not go home to sleep tonight and was on a business trip. Dudu actually asked to video chat with her father. Dudu, it’s inconveni

2024/05/2308:37:33 story 1167

The father-in-law entered the hospital, and Mr. Pig and the mother-in-law followed. I picked up my child from school and told her that her father would not go home to sleep tonight and was on a business trip. Dudu actually asked to video chat with her father. Dudu, it’s inconveni - DayDayNews

My father-in-law entered the hospital, and Mr. Pig and his mother-in-law followed.

I picked up my child from school and told her that her father would not go home to sleep tonight and was on a business trip. Dudu actually asked to video chat with her father.

Dudu, it’s inconvenient for dad to work, so mom plays Lego with you.

As soon as he heard that there was Lego , Dudu forgot about his father. But when it was time to go to bed, I bathed her, changed into pajamas, carried her to bed, and told her to be good in bed. Mom went to brush her teeth and wash her face, and then came back to sleep with Dudu.

But when I came back from brushing my teeth, I saw Dudu lying alone in the place where Mr. Pig usually sleeps, and I was unhappy.

Dudu, what's wrong with you?

miss daddy.

For a moment, it touched my heart. I have decided that he and I will definitely break up, and I am ready to raise the child alone. But Dudu was unhappy, which made me reflect on whether I was wrong? Should parents struggle to survive for the sake of their children?

It’s no wonder that Dudu misses her father. Mr. Pig used to tell her bedtime stories every night to coax her to sleep.

Although Mr. Pig is not a good husband, he can be regarded as a good father.

I asked Dudu tentatively, if my father often goes on business trips and is often away from home, would it be okay for my mother to accompany Dudu?

Dudu said that she likes her parents.

I feel a little stuffed up in my heart, and I have an indescribable feeling.

I can endure grievances and pain, but I cannot let my child endure a separation that she should not have to face at her age because of my own reasons.

At this moment, Mr. Pig sent me a long message.

He said, "Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hit you. I know I was wrong, and I know you won't forgive me, and I don't dare to beg for your forgiveness." But the one who got sick was my dad, who raised me since I was a child. I was really angry when I heard you say those words, and I didn’t respond, so I took action. This is the second time I've done anything to you. If you want a divorce, I agree, and the children and the house will be given to you. But from the bottom of my heart I don’t want to leave you, and I can’t leave you either. You can blame me or blame me, but my family is also a part of me. My parents just want a child to carry on the family line. Maybe their method is wrong, but which elderly family doesn't have this kind of thing? Are you overreacting?

Thinking of the years we were together, I tried my best to do whatever you asked me to do, I bought you everything you wanted, and I coaxed you when you were angry... We were so happy at that time. To be honest, I am crying while typing these words. My dad was in the ward rescuing me, my wife was leaving me, and I felt like I had no one to rely on. Forget it, don’t talk about it, it will all pass. I hope you are happy.

The signature is: Still love your pig head

After reading Mr. Pig’s message, I burst into tears. Dudu asked me what was wrong, and I said the sand was in my eyes. A three-year-old child said, "What kind of sand? Wherever there is sand, I want to play."

I couldn’t laugh or cry, but I also knew that my excuse for lying to my child was poor.

's sad mood was suddenly disrupted, so he cleaned up his mood and coaxed Dudu to sleep.

After she went to bed, I tossed and turned all alone, wondering where my marriage with Mr. Pig would go.

I called Mr. Pig and asked him how his father was doing. He choked and cried and was speechless. I have a premonition that the old man's situation is not optimistic, and it doesn't seem good to bring up the matter of divorce at this time.

After a long time, Mr. Zhu said that the doctor said that once the disease is discovered, it will basically be in the advanced stage. Dad may have less than a year to live, or maybe a few weeks if it is faster.

I didn’t expect it to be so serious, and suddenly I felt that it was a bit unkind for me to clamor not to sell the house. Once faced with death, it seems that all the unreasonable things a person has done become acceptable and understandable.

I told him not to worry and to check with a few more hospitals. Maybe the diagnosis was wrong or there might be a turnaround.

Words of comfort are pale and insignificant. I didn’t know how to persuade him. I suggested giving the examination report to Muzi and asking her to see a doctor for a look.

Muzi’s results came out quickly, and they were similar to what Mr. Zhu said. Conservative treatment was recommended for advanced liver cancer. With the financial strength of both of us, even if we sell the house, we can't save the old man and put money into it in vain.

At first, I wondered if the old man had asked his family doctor to make a false diagnosis, but I didn’t expect it to be true.

Mr. Zhu and I are both from out of town. We have been here for a few years. We have no savings except our current house, and we have a child waiting to be fed. Thinking of Mr. Pig as a father, if he doesn't save, he is unkind; if he saves, he is just a money shredder.

I asked Mr. Pig what he thought?

He said that he could not just watch his father wait for death and do nothing to save him. But after selling our only house, he couldn't bear to see us and my wife without a place to live.

I sighed and said, "Let's sell it."

Mr. Pig seemed to see stars in his eyes and looked at me in disbelief. Wife, are you telling the truth?

I said, sell it, sell the house and we will get half of it, and get divorced.

The father-in-law entered the hospital, and Mr. Pig and the mother-in-law followed. I picked up my child from school and told her that her father would not go home to sleep tonight and was on a business trip. Dudu actually asked to video chat with her father. Dudu, it’s inconveni - DayDayNews

Mr. Pig’s bright star eyes dimmed immediately, and he said dullly, you still want a divorce.

I figured it out, marriage is not a woman’s destination at all, RMB is.

I won't leave it alone, but I have children and I have to plan for them.

Now that Dudu has gone to school, I can definitely go to work to support the two of us. No matter how hard it is, at least it will be clean.

I plan to sell the house and Mr. Pig half of it, and then bite the bullet and borrow some money to mortgage a smaller house. The children can still go to school, and I still have some fixed assets, and the rest will be worked on by myself.

I don’t want to delay it any longer, so I said let’s find some time to go through the formalities.

Mr. Pig didn’t say a word. I saw him rubbing his hands together. He said he couldn’t bear to have Dudu, he wanted Dudu.

We are still arguing over who will have custody of our children.

He thinks that as a woman, I have to go to work and make money, so naturally I don’t have time to take care of children. And his mother can still take care of the children. He has a stable job and can also pick up and drop off the children.

I said pig head, isn’t your mother allowed to take care of your father? Also, you gave your father all the money to treat his illness. How can you afford to send your children to school and enroll in interest classes? Do you know how much it costs to raise a child now?

It’s really strange. Since I had a child, I suddenly found that my outlook on things and his were inconsistent, and there were barriers to communication. This was something that had never happened before. I had never had any quarrels or blushes.

Let me make the next sentence, I will not give up the custody of the child. If you insist, we can only solve it through legal means.

I still don’t believe it. Do I have to be bound to you, Mr. Pig, for the rest of my life? Really, my IQ has been dragged down in the past few years. It's time for me to go see Mr. Pig's father, serve their family at meals, and take turns serving the old man. Until the old man's health improved a little, they transferred him to the hospital at home.

After all, the medical insurance that can be reimbursed outside is very limited, and the cost of treatment is extremely high.

Mr. Pig sold his house and divorced me for his father.

On the day when we applied for divorce certificate , we were taken to a small room with marriage declarations plastered on the walls. The two staff members asked some symbolic questions to confirm that we really wanted a divorce, and then asked us to copy the divorce agreement line by line on the agreement they gave us. I asked Mr. Pig to write and said his handwriting was beautiful, but he ignored me.

I had to copy it myself without making a single mistake.

When he was signing, I saw Mr. Pig’s hand holding the pen shaking. He was in a very bad state, but he didn’t say anything.

We are like this, the red book has been replaced by the blue book.

The house is sold.

After leaving the Civil Affairs Bureau, Mr. Zhu asked me, is this what I want?

I said yes without mentioning the sadness and helplessness I felt.

We are just making the decisions we should make from our own standpoint. He is his filial son and I am my mother.

I ran around looking at houses, and after I got the money, I quickly bought a small house, a one-bedroom house of more than 60 square meters, an old house, and I collected the down payment in a hurry. Muzi accompanied me to paint the new house, decorate the new home, and gave me a set of sofas.

Dudu and I were lying in our new home. Although we felt that we were missing each other, we were very satisfied and at ease inside. No more worrying about the arrival of uninvited guests.

I entered the workplace with great enthusiasm and used a perfect plan to PK out Xiaojiao. The position of supervisor was easily available, but at this time, Mr. Lai, who was in the same industry as me, extended an olive branch to me.

Mr. Lai and my boss, Sister Mei, were once colleagues, so we met several times at work and added each other on WeChat. I just posted the plan I designed to my circle of friends when I was doing an activity. Mr. Lai saw it and asked me to have a chat.

’s salary is 1,000 yuan higher than in the previous company, and he is directly in charge of the planning department.

I jumped ship without hesitation.

is definitely important. Mr. Lai admired my work ability very much and praised me very much. My lack of self-confidence after being separated from society for three years was wiped away. He encouraged me when I needed validation the most. As for Sister Mei, she has given up on me and doesn’t think much of the plans I wrote. She often says that I trust you very much, but your ideas must be innovative. You see, Xiaojiao has the thinking of a young person. You have to Learn from each other's strengths and offset weaknesses.

I wonder if I am really old, don’t understand today’s young people, and have old-fashioned ideas... I had serious self-doubt during that time. Coupled with the divorce, it was a blow to me. If Dudu hadn't been there and I had to hold on, I think I might have given up on myself and fallen.

Children seem to be a drag and a burden; in fact, they are more of a belief. Because of her, you will not be knocked down.

Half a year later, Mr. Lai wanted to set up an advertising company and asked me to become a shareholder and asked me if I was interested.

I said I have no money.

The father-in-law entered the hospital, and Mr. Pig and the mother-in-law followed. I picked up my child from school and told her that her father would not go home to sleep tonight and was on a business trip. Dudu actually asked to video chat with her father. Dudu, it’s inconveni - DayDayNews

Mr. Lai laughed and said that I didn’t ask you to invest money, but you had the skills to invest in it.

I laughed. What skills do I have? I just work part-time.

Mr. Lai said, little girl, if you want to look high, you must first put yourself in a very valuable place, so that others can see your value. Belittle oneself is unacceptable in this environment. A brick, if you believe that you are a brick, then you will only have the life of a brick. If a brick identifies itself as an antique, it may be placed on an expensive display stand to demonstrate its value.

Mr. Lai’s words really impressed me. Because I have never been confident enough, I always want to do everything perfectly. If it is not perfect, I feel that I have not done a good job. Maybe my thinking is wrong. It’s not that I put it on a display stand that makes it an antique; it’s that I first decided that I was an antique, and that’s why it became possible to be put on a display stand.

We quietly registered a company outside. Mr. Lai and I competed, he took over the business, and I did the design and planning. I had to go to work, do personal work, and take care of the child. After two months of carrying the child, he fell ill, and so did I.

In the dead of night, when I stayed up so late that I had to wake myself up to continue working, I secretly shed tears several times. Thinking that I have no one to rely on and that I am just a woman, I feel that life is particularly difficult.

But there is no way. Life is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. After Dudu and I recovered, I persisted for a while, until the company's business started to increase, so I quit my job and concentrated on my own career.

After half a year of running the company, my income is already five times my salary.

When I received the company’s dividend for the past six months, I paid back the little money I borrowed when buying a house. I still had spare money to go out to celebrate, buy myself nice clothes, expensive cosmetics, and sign up for Dudu to take a dance class. Buy her favorite toys, at that time, I cried with joy.

I was very grateful to Mr. Lai and asked him to celebrate together. Mr. Lai smiled and told me not to be extravagant and wasteful and to save money. It is not easy to raise a child alone.

When he said this, I was so excited that I burst into tears, which shocked him.I wiped my tears and said with a smile, "It's okay, I just thank you very much."

He said silly girl.

We took Dudu to eat together. He happily played with the child and kept telling me to take good care of the child and let Dudu eat well first. It turns out that people are very different from each other. Mr. Pig and Team Wolf will give you two completely different lives.

After dinner, when I went to check out, I found that he had already paid out secretly.

He drove Dudu and I back, saying that in half a year I might consider buying myself a car. Having a car would make it easier to pick up and drop off my children. I look forward to my future life and feel more and more at ease.

He delivered it to the door of my house. I hugged Dudu and got out of the car. I was about to leave when he stopped me.

I watched him take out a gift box from the car, handed it to me, and said it was for you, because you have worked hard for the past six months.

I opened it and saw a bottle of perfume.

He said that once you become a mother, you should not forget that you are a woman. You are still young after all. Find another opportunity.

I smiled bitterly, I have more fear than expectation about marriage.

He teased Dudu and said, call him uncle, call him uncle, uncle will bring you a gift next time.

Dudu seriously called him uncle.

Mr. Lai turned around, got into the car, and drove away.

I was holding Dudu in my arms and preparing to go home, but in my peripheral vision, I spotted a figure standing at the door of my community, looking at me with resentful eyes.

is Mr. Pig.

He took Dudu from my hand and shouted daddy. Dudu happily called daddy daddy...

Mr. Pig asked me, my boyfriend.

I smiled and said the boss of our company.

The boss gave you perfume, is he chasing you?

I said, does it have anything to do with you?

Mr. Pig suddenly said, my dad left a week ago, can we remarry?

Without the weird father-in-law, will Xiaofang remarry Mr. Pig?

If you want to know how, continue to the next page for more exciting content!

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