A few years ago, I was a primary school teacher in a remote rural area, and the class I taught at that time was fifth grade. One day, I wanted to do a survey on a whim, so I asked: "My parents are at home with your classmates, raise your hands." There were nearly 50 people in the

2024/05/1711:20:34 story 1969

A few years ago, I worked as a primary school teacher in a remote rural area. The class I taught at that time was fifth grade. One day, I wanted to do a survey on a whim, so I asked: "My parents are at home with your classmates, raise your hands." There were nearly 50 people in the class, and only 4 people raised their hands.

"If one of your parents is at home, raise your hand." There were only about ten people.

No need to ask about the rest, that is, both parents are working outside.

- This is what happens in rural schools.

A few years ago, I was a primary school teacher in a remote rural area, and the class I taught at that time was fifth grade. One day, I wanted to do a survey on a whim, so I asked:

If life does not force them, I believe that no parent in the world is willing to let their children become left-behind children. Most left-behind children live with their grandparents. Speaking of grandparents, most people have the impression that they are kind and loving, but there are also a small number of grandparents who are incompetent and can even be said to be selfish. Profitable. Although these stories may be just isolated examples, everything described below actually happened. On the day of

, there was a composition class. A girl in the class wrote in a composition that she missed her parents very much. The sentences were fluent and the emotions were real. It was very touching, so I shared this composition with the class. Unexpectedly, when I was halfway through reading, another girl with excellent grades in the class suddenly fell on the table and cried. I learned her story through a heart-to-heart talk with her after class.

Last year, her parents owed a lot of debt because their family built a new house, so they went to work in Guangdong after the Chinese New Year, leaving her and her younger brother to be raised by her grandparents. The year her parents left was a disaster for her entire childhood, causing lifelong damage and indelible pain to her and her brother.

Not long ago, she had a quarrel with a neighbor's brother who was three or four years younger than her. The reason was that she was playing with her brother. The neighbor's brother wanted to come over and play with them, but she didn't want to take him because he loved to cry. When he cried, his family thought they had bullied him, so Xiaofang was unwilling to take him. The neighbor's brother was rejected, so he cried and complained to his grandfather. Maybe the child couldn't speak clearly. When his grandfather saw his grandson crying, he thought it was Xiaofang who had hit the little brother. He came over and said nothing to Xiaofang. Xiaofang felt very wronged by the two slaps, so she went back crying and told her grandfather.

She thought her grandfather would help her. But it was okay if he didn't say it, but he was beaten severely if he did. Her grandfather said something like this at the time, "Whoever says you were beaten by others, I will beat you to death first!" So he grabbed Xiaofang's hair, slapped her on the left and right, and slapped her in the face. Twenty or thirty slaps, until the hands are tired. When Xiaofang talked about this incident, she started sobbing painfully and tears streaming down her face. I could only keep pulling out tissues to wipe her tears.

Xiaofang said that she was covering her swollen face, squatting on the ground and crying bitterly. She still can't figure out why. "Did he feel that I was beaten by others and embarrassed him? He didn't dare to settle the score with others, so he beat me to death first to vent his anger?" From that time on, the introverted Xiaofang began to become more and more independent regardless of what he encountered. Whatever happened, I didn't dare to mention it to my family, didn't dare to file a complaint, let alone complained about any grievances I suffered, so I could only swallow all the pain in my stomach.

A few years ago, I was a primary school teacher in a remote rural area, and the class I taught at that time was fifth grade. One day, I wanted to do a survey on a whim, so I asked:

"I still remember another thing, it was last year. At that time, one of my relatives asked me to memorize the text, saying that there would be rewards if I memorized it well. So I gave him the Chinese language book, and he selected a text for me to memorize. I recited it in front of him, and he thought I was very smart, so he rewarded me with ten packets of shampoo, the kind sold in the market for one yuan a packet. My grandfather never buys shampoo. Because he had no hair, I usually used washing powder to wash my hair. I was very happy when I got the shampoo and used a pack that day. When my grandfather saw it, he asked me to give him all the shampoo for safekeeping. I washed the package several times, and then asked him for it after washing. "

It was summer, and children liked to run. As a girl, Xiaofang also liked to skip rope with her classmates. At the end of the day, her hair always smelled of sweat. of sweat. , so she basically washes her hair every day. But her grandfather refused and said she was wasting shampoo, so he refused to give it to her.There is no charge for water in rural areas. If water cost money, her grandfather would probably say that she was wasting water.

"Every time I asked him for it, he would scold me and say why I used so much and so quickly. Later I simply stopped asking and would rather wash it with washing powder. My grandfather was still very selfish. He went to the market and washed it with washing powder. I hid the biscuits I bought and ate them in the middle of the night. At that time, my brother and I slept on the same bed with my grandma, and we were all in the same room. I often heard him hiding in the bed alone in the middle of the night. Eating biscuits and peanuts, which my brother and I could never see. One day, he suddenly took out some biscuits from the locked cabinet and asked me and my brother to eat them. At that time, my brother and I were very happy. I felt that grandpa was still very kind to my brother and me. But the next second, when I took a bite of the biscuit, I realized that the biscuit had been stored for a long time and had expired. He couldn't eat it himself, so he was reluctant to take it. Come out and let my brother and I eat. There are many more things like this."

There are many more? I can't believe it. "The highest mountain in our village is called Sanjianfeng. It takes an hour for adults to climb up. When I'm not studying on Saturdays and Sundays, I have to go to the mountain to work. Sometimes I pick up two bags of dried pig manure to help my grandparents. Planting ginger. Grandpa filled my two bags with pig manure at home. When I said I couldnā€™t afford it, he scolded me for being lazy. Let him fill it up, even if his shoulders hurt due to the weight of things.

That time, after I finished planting ginger, when I finished work at noon, my grandma asked me to fill the empty bags with sweet potatoes and take them home. One of them was very big. I couldn't hold the sweet potatoes anymore, so I carried them back with my hands. I didn't go back to rest early, but went back to cook. He is lame and can't go up the mountain, so he stays at home even when we are working outside. He never cooks until we come back." She remembered after Xiaofang finished cooking. While resting on the road, I accidentally forgot the sweet potato I was holding.

I can imagine a little girl in her teens, already very tired after working all morning, and having to carry such heavy things back. I was hungry and the sun was shining brightly, so I just wanted to go home quickly. While resting on the road, I forgot about the sweet potatoes I was holding and returned home happily with a load of sweet potatoes on my shoulders. Even if you forget, it's understandable.

But when her grandfather found out, he beat her with a firewood stick as big as a table leg. The beating stopped until the stick broke. The red mark on Xiaofang's back did not fade away for a month.

After finishing the fight, he asked Xiaofang to go to the mountains to find sweet potatoes, saying that he would not be allowed to go home until he found them. So Xiaofang, who had been beaten, went up the mountain to look for sweet potatoes while crying, hungry, and under the blazing sun at around one o'clock at noon.

"I had a meal at seven o'clock in the morning. After working up the mountain all morning, I didn't eat anything at noon. When I got home, I didn't even drink a sip of water and was beaten after a meal. I was very hungry and very tired. I donā€™t dare to stay in the sun, I have to run faster, what if the sweet potatoes are picked up by others?ā€ My eyes turned red when I heard this, and I turned my head to wipe my tears with the tissue originally prepared for Xiaofang.

It wasnā€™t until about two oā€™clock in the afternoon that Xiaofang finally found the sweet potato. When she brought the sweet potatoes home, she thought that her grandfather would not be angry anymore, but it was not over yet. In order to punish her for doing something wrong, her grandfather punished her by kneeling outside the door. And you are not allowed to kneel in the shade, you have to kneel in the sun. He also said that even if he got the sweet potatoes back, he would not be allowed to eat them.

"At that time, I knelt under the sun, crying while basking in the sun..."

In the end, Xiaofang's kind-hearted uncle couldn't bear it anymore, so he took her to his house for a bowl of rice. Her uncle's family was biting into the bowl and tearing up the food. Half of the tears were grievances, and half were gratitude to the uncle.

"After my parents went to work, I was often beaten by my grandfather. Sometimes I didn't even know what mistakes I had made, and I would be beaten and scolded. I was so scared that I didn't want to stay in that house anymore, so I hid. I went out and hid in the mountains three times, all at night."

It's very dark in the mountains at night. I think the young Xiaofang may not be afraid. She is also afraid of ghosts and snakes in the mountains, but she is probably more afraid of that person. "I didn't hide from relatives, because relatives would only call me I would go home quickly and tell my grandpa that I was with them. If I were caught and beaten again, I would rather spend the night in the mountains. Later, when my parents called me, my grandfather said that I was disobedient and always liked to hide in mountains. My parents scolded me, and they started scolding me on the phone. "

" In fact, my grandfather often said in front of me that my parents didn't send any money back, or that the money sent was too little, but he never dared to say it in front of them. But my parents sent him two thousand yuan every month and asked him to pay for our food. Because he didn't know how to withdraw money, he asked my uncle to get it every time. It was his uncle who told me. But the money my parents sent us was not spent on us at all. My brother and I ate moldy beans and moldy tofu every day. We couldnā€™t spend two thousand yuan at all, and we didnā€™t buy any new clothes or shoes. , not even socks. He also always complained that my parents didn't send me enough money, so he scolded me out of anger. While scolding me, he said, 'Your father and mother don't send much money, so you have to do more for me.' "

What kind of old man is he? He thinks that his son sends less money, so he wants his teenage granddaughter to do more and work more to compensate. In his eyes, the status of this granddaughter is equivalent to that of a free slave. Labor force, you can beat or scold if you donā€™t go your way

A few years ago, I was a primary school teacher in a remote rural area, and the class I taught at that time was fifth grade. One day, I wanted to do a survey on a whim, so I asked:

ā€œAnd my brother, he is also very pitiful. Last year, my younger brother was diagnosed with pockmarks (called smallpox in ancient times). At that time, he couldn't eat oil, salt, or blow the wind. My brother couldn't eat anything. He didn't eat anything for three days in a row. Grandpa and the others were reluctant to cook some fresh vegetables and broth for him. I still feed my brother moldy beans, moldy tofu, and soaked tofu. Later, my grandfather finally bought bananas once, but only gave two to his brother. He hid the rest and ate them himself. "As for Xiaofang, she only glanced at it.

During the time when Xiaofang's brother was pockmarked, the best food for him was those two bananas. "They are really cruel. My brother was so pockmarked that he couldn't eat. Do they really not care about him? They just throw a bowl of rice and a few moldy beans on the bamboo bed and care whether my brother eats it or not? ! In the words of grandpa, even if you are not hungry, you will know how to eat when you are hungry. "

Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered that during the summer vacation that year, my head teacher, Mr. Zhang, and I visited various villages and sat down at Xiaofang's house. At that time, there was a bamboo bed in the main room of her house, with a five-six-year-old child on it. The emaciated little boy was curled up weakly and sleeping on the bamboo bed. He looked like a dying old man. At that time, Teacher Zhang and I told her grandpa to take the child to the hospital for a checkup. We didnā€™t know whether he checked him out later. .

"My grandfather was not willing to spend money to give my brother injections of , so he asked me to lie at home and said he would be fine if he slept for a few days. Later, my uncle couldn't bear it anymore and paid for a doctor to give my brother an injection, and my brother recovered. Later, my parents asked me why my brother's pockmarks lasted for a month, while others would be fine in ten days at most. Grandpa said that he had asked the doctor to see him several times, but it was not good, so it took so long. I was afraid of being beaten, and I didn't dare to expose him. Now my parents don't know that my uncle paid for the treatment of my brother's pockmarks. After my brother Mazi recovered, his eldest uncle took him to be weighed. He only weighed 17 pounds. "I can't imagine that a five-year-old child only weighs 17 pounds!!! My niece weighs 38 pounds when she is four years old this year. She is fat and chubby.

"During the Chinese New Year, my parents came back, and my brother called My dad said, his voice as thin as a cat. My dad cried when he saw my brother become so thin and his voice changed. "Probably because the child is weak and lacks energy, so he talks like a sick cat. This situation made a man in his thirties shed a few tears on the spot.

"Later, my parents said no. I went to work and said I would never go there no matter how poor I was, but the pockmark on my brotherā€™s face never got better and there are still many marks on his face. Because you can't scratch pockmarks with your hands, but my grandfather doesn't care about my brother, and I don't know why he can't scratch them, so he has scars now.My grandfather died this year. My uncle, uncle, and my father dug out a bankbook worth more than 60,000 yuan from my grandfather's drawer. "

I couldn't help but think to myself that I would be reluctant to let go of it all my life. Only people who are kind to me will never be able to take this money away until they die. And a lame old man with no retirement salary and no labor force has never gone out to earn money. After just one penny, I suddenly pulled out 60,000 yuan from my teeth. I couldnā€™t help but admire this persistence in money.

After thinking about it carefully, I seemed to understand why Grandpa Xiaofang was so cold and unhuman. . Her grandfather has been paralyzed in one leg since he was in his twenties. He has never left crutches for decades in his life. His body and psychology have been twisted and sick after suffering from long-term illness.

The day before, my mother told me that when others came to hang paper, she saw others crying and asked me to cry too. She also said that I couldn't cry and had to pretend to be pretending. She also told me not to hold grudges. But the next day, I barely shed a single tear. I just donā€™t want to cry, I donā€™t even want to pretend. "

At this time, a sentence came out of my mind - don't persuade others to be good without their suffering. If it were me, I would not forgive. How can I forgive? A little girl in her teens deserves this. Bear this? And she almost lost her brother because of that stingy person. Although there is an old saying: "Debts disappear when you die", there is also an old saying that "you can't take anything with you, only your karma." "

Xiaofang's grandparents have four sons. Except for the second uncle who has two sons, the other three brothers are one son and one daughter. The Xiaofang siblings are not the only grandchildren of this old couple, so they are not worth anything. Money. Urban people living in favorable conditions may never imagine that there are such grandfathers in the world. But I grew up in a rural area, and I am accustomed to such things, and I find that the poorer the place, the poorer it is. The more people are obsessed with money, the more they ignore family ties. This is the naked reality.

If possible, I hope all parents can take care of their children by themselves and not leave their children to grandparents to raise, especially with money. An old man who values ā€‹ā€‹more than his life


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