Autumn has arrived, and the small room Lin Feng rents is in the suburbs, which is quite quiet. Looking out the window, the cornfields in the distance are undulating like green waves with the wind. But the tentacles of the city are stretching out to that patch of green, invading t

2024/06/0703:46:32 story 1972

Autumn is here, and the small room Lin Feng rents is in the suburbs, which is quite quiet. Looking out the window, the cornfields in the distance are undulating like green waves with the wind.

But the tentacles of the city are reaching out to that piece of green, intruding on that piece of life, and those rows of factory buildings are stretching into that green as much as possible. Do they want to use green to cover up their ugliness? They tore off pieces of green, and then stiffly inserted some gray and pale green.

Lin Feng simply went to clean up the room, because there was a guest coming in the morning, and she was a female guest.

Autumn has arrived, and the small room Lin Feng rents is in the suburbs, which is quite quiet. Looking out the window, the cornfields in the distance are undulating like green waves with the wind. But the tentacles of the city are stretching out to that patch of green, invading t - DayDayNews

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Lin Feng and his wife divorced and he moved out. For more than a month, no woman had ever set foot in his small room.

Just after nine o'clock, Chen Hui came.

Lin Feng quickly welcomed her in and asked her to sit down on the sofa. Freshly washed fruits were already laid out. He got another cup of hot water and brought it over. Then he said to Chen Hui who was looking around:

"What kind of wind is this?" Why did you come here? "

" Are you still here because I want to meet your old classmate? I don't dare to come when your wife is here! What, are you not happy that I'm here?

Chen Hui has a small mouth and a loud mouth. She has a smile on her face and her tone is very serious.

Lin Feng was a little surprised and moved, and couldn't help but said:

"Of course you are welcome, but my cabin is a bit too shabby."

Chen Hui looked at him and said, "Is it shabby? I think it's quite warm."

Lin Feng wanted to pull up a chair and sit down, but was stopped by Chen Hui. She patted the sofa next to her and said, "Come! Sit here, I have no man, and you have left my wife, what should we be afraid of?"

Autumn has arrived, and the small room Lin Feng rents is in the suburbs, which is quite quiet. Looking out the window, the cornfields in the distance are undulating like green waves with the wind. But the tentacles of the city are stretching out to that patch of green, invading t - DayDayNews

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Lin Feng was a little embarrassed, but he also sat over.

However, it seems that he is sitting too close and can touch a piece if he moves even slightly!

Lin Feng didn't dare to move because he also noticed that Chen Hui was tensed and her back became straighter.

Lin Feng thought about making a joke, so he asked:

"So, you came here today... to confess your love to me?"

"Of course! You should know, I liked you when I was in college. But you chose "I made the wrong choice."

Lin Feng moved slightly and finally relaxed and asked, "Why is it today? We have a class reunion tonight. When you called me this morning, I I thought you came to me because of the party."

Chen Hui glared at him and whispered: "Yesterday, when Xiaoyan informed me to come to the party, I found out that you were divorced, and I immediately made up my mind to come to you. , you know, I didn't sleep a wink in the hotel last night."

Lin Feng was really moved, but he had concerns. He said:

"Chen Hui, you are a good girl in school. I also know something, and my career is going very well... OK, let's talk about something else... Well, who will be going to the dinner tonight?"

But Chen Hui's eyes suddenly turned red, and she burst into tears. , which shocked Lin Feng.

He wanted to stand up and get a tissue, but she hugged his legs with her arms, put her head on his legs and sobbed.

Chen Hui sobbed and said: "Are you so cruel? I have fallen in love with you a long time ago, you have known it for a long time. But now you want to talk to me about something you want to drive me crazy?"

See her Some breath was unsteady, Lin Feng quickly helped her sit up, and he sat next to her, letting her rest on his shoulder. He patted her gently, comforted her, and calmed his thoughts...

Autumn has arrived, and the small room Lin Feng rents is in the suburbs, which is quite quiet. Looking out the window, the cornfields in the distance are undulating like green waves with the wind. But the tentacles of the city are stretching out to that patch of green, invading t - DayDayNews

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The gathering between old classmates is cordial but distant. The cordial one is the small group, the distant one is the big family.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng has become the object of alienation from everyone!

His career is in decline and his wife has left. He should be alienated.

The beautiful ex-wife took the lead, and then a more beautiful former school beauty came to chase her! This is so irritating and he should be alienated even more!

Looking at Chen Hui who was always by his side, Lin Feng was very moved.

So, after the party, when Chen Hui looked over expectantly, Lin Feng said cheerfully:

"Chen Hui, let me take you back to the hotel."

In the car, Lin Feng looked at the happy and proud Chen Hui beside him and said : "Chen Hui, do you know my current situation? There is a reason why I don't want to agree to you. I have my own difficulties."

Chen Hui turned around, looked at her head-on and said: "You... what are your difficulties? "

Lin Feng blushed a little, and he said slowly: "I have no money anymore, because I gave all my money to her. As you know, my company has been in decline in the past few years. "

She stared at him closely, and she knew that he was telling the truth!

Autumn has arrived, and the small room Lin Feng rents is in the suburbs, which is quite quiet. Looking out the window, the cornfields in the distance are undulating like green waves with the wind. But the tentacles of the city are stretching out to that patch of green, invading t - DayDayNews

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Lin Feng spoke indifferently. He slowly parked the car on the side of the road: "I am now considering whether to sell out the company. Maybe I can have hundreds of thousands left? I am going to go back to my hometown in the countryside. I am tired. How can I let you stay with me and go through hardships with me? You deserve better."

She was still staring at him: "Just because of this, you have to reject me?"

he said half-jokingly. She said to Chen Hui, "What, do you want to support me?"

Chen Hui slowly stretched out her hand, gently touched Lin Feng's face and said, "That's all. At that time, I gave up because of money. If you don't persist, are you going to force me to give up my persistence because of money?"

She said lovingly, as if to Lin Feng, but more like saying to herself: "I will never allow it to happen again! I have been prepared..."

Autumn has arrived, and the small room Lin Feng rents is in the suburbs, which is quite quiet. Looking out the window, the cornfields in the distance are undulating like green waves with the wind. But the tentacles of the city are stretching out to that patch of green, invading t - DayDayNews

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