There is no turning back in life, and the wrong path is also

2021/10/0920:49:11 story 2261

There is no turning back in life, and the wrong path is also - DayDayNews

There are three brothers who travel together to make a living from the remote countryside to the city. The three brothers stayed overnight, hungry for food and thirsty, crossed 10 high mountains, and crossed 20 big rivers. After a few months, they finally came to a bustling market town.

The people in the town told them: “There are three roads here, two big roads and one small road. Only one of them can lead to the city, but no one knows which one is.”

The boss thought for a while and said : "The older generation taught me only one'recklessness'. Then, I close my eyes and choose one and try my luck!"

The second sighed and said, "Who told us to be born in that poor place, I I haven't read the book, I can't figure out which road is most likely to lead to the city, just go!" Both of them left.

Now there is only a small road left, and the third child pondered for a while: "Father told me that'the wrong way is also the way, whether you complain to the sky or the land, the road still has to go on your own', I should follow me. The dream is gone."

There is no turning back in life, and the wrong path is also - DayDayNews

Finally, he chose that path and experienced countless difficulties and setbacks, but he was not knocked down by the difficulties. 10 years later, he finally arrived in the city of dreams and dreams. With his perseverance, he started from the bottom, from blue-collar to white-collar, from white-collar to senior leadership, until he independently registered a company. After several years of hard work, his career was booming.

There is no turning back in life, and the wrong path is also - DayDayNews

Twenty years later, the third child gave the company to his son and went back to the countryside to find his brother. The village is still so poor. The eldest and second child live there, still living the days of sunrise and sunset. The three brothers narrated their stories. The eldest and the second said: "We are all about the same. After walking for more than half a year, the road is getting narrower and narrower. We also encountered a beast and almost got eaten. Finally we had to come back. Alas! I knew the choice. Your path is up!" The third child listened and sighed, and said, "Actually, the path I took is exactly the same as yours. The only difference is that I haven't looked back.In fact, every road leads to the city, and the wrong road is still the road! "

There is no turning back in life, and the wrong path is also - DayDayNews

If you go back, you will lose all your previous efforts. Once you have gone the wrong way, you can also sum up your experience and lessons, and with your tenacious will, you can finally reach your destination. When you have gone through a lot of hardships , After walking through thousands of mountains and rivers, one day you will step into the paradise of success.


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