On the afternoon of July 14, Qinghai Spring announced that two Nobel Prize winners, Murad, the 1998 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine, and Vashel, the 2013 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, will serve as auditors. Chief scientist of Huajiu. The sales of Tinghuajiu is on

On the afternoon of July 14, Qinghai Spring issued an announcement stating that the 1998 "Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine" winner Murad and the 2013 " Nobel Prize in Chemistry " winner Vashel two Nobel The winner of the award will serve as the chief scientist of Tinghuajiu.

The sales of Tinghua Wine is one of the main businesses of Qinghai Spring. Since its launch, Tinghua Wine has quickly become popular on the Internet with the help of the "dual activation" new winemaking theory and the record-breaking price of 58,600 bottles, and has successfully driven Qinghai Spring's revenue performance increased. According to the first quarter report of Qinghai Spring, the company achieved operating income of 75.222 million yuan during the period, a year-on-year increase of 270.40%. Among them, the beverage business represented by high-end business liquor Tinghuajiu achieved revenue of 52.9695 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1101.59%. It has completely become the driving force Qinghai spring returns to the core driving force of high growth.

Tinghua Jiangxiang style liquor packaging

This time Qinghai Spring set a precedent for the liquor industry and joined hands with the Nobel Prize winner to once again make efforts to innovate liquor technology. Many people in the industry said that Qinghai Spring's move may become a catfish that activates the innovative development of Chinese liquor. .

An industry insider said that the liquor industry has always focused on the difference between cellars and traditional craftsmanship, with little revolutionary innovation. This has also directly led to too fierce homogeneous competition in liquor, and the liquor drinking population is constantly being cannibalized by foreign brands. Innovation requires the support of strong science and technology. Breaking out of the inherent stereotypes of liquor and cooperating with Nobel Prize winners who are closely related to scientific research is a feasible path for the healthy development of liquor.

In fact, the scientific research directions of these two Nobel Prize winners, one is dedicated to the research of nitric oxide-related cell signals, and the other is the founder of computational enzymology. They are also related to Tinghuajiu’s main innovation of improving health. The directions are highly consistent.

It is understood that Professor Murad won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1998 for discovering that nitric oxide (NO) can promote cardiovascular expansion. Their research found that nitric oxide not only plays an important role in many fields such as atherosclerosis, hypertension diabetes , lung diseases , wound healing, and even tumors, but also plays an anti-aging role. Positive effect. This scientific research result directly promotes the research and development of the drug Viagra and other new drugs including cardiovascular, nervous system , cancer and joint treatment drugs. According to the announcement, Professor Murad will guide the company's R&D team to conduct in-depth research based on the "double activation" brewing theory, focusing on phenomena such as the increase in nitric oxide produced by "double activation" and its role and value to human health, to achieve better results. Comprehensive harm reduction gain results for the system. If both parties can achieve this goal in future cooperation, it will undoubtedly create a new era for the development of Chinese liquor.

Ferid Murad, winner of the 1998 "Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine"

Professor Vashel won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for "developing multi-scale models for complex chemical systems". As we all know, liquor is fermented using multiple strains of microorganisms, and the complexity of their interactions leads to the diversity of metabolites and directly affects the quality of the wine. Although liquor companies have been conducting related microbial research in recent years, the impact of these products on the human body has not yet been fully studied. Qinghai Spring and Professor Vaschel used simulation technology to study the impact of wine brewed by different processes and various trace ingredients and compositions in wine on the human body, especially factors such as different flavor substances, their concentration, and interaction. The influence on taste buds, taste and other human body nerve conduction and brain flavor perception can not only achieve the higher goal of taste and flavor of the Tinghua series, but also provide more innovative solutions to the industry and lead the world distilled liquor trend A new direction for harm reduction, gain, and healthy development.

Arieh Warshel, winner of the 2013 "Nobel Prize in Chemistry"

Nowadays, product health solutions have become the mainstream trend in the liquor industry, and ultra-high-end products from major brands have frequently appeared. In essence, It is also in line with market feedback that consumers are more pursuing health and quality. The reason why Tinghuajiu has received huge attention is because it meets this point beyond expectations.

According to a drinking test study on adult men and women of both sexes, drink 1 tael of Tinghua Wine in an appropriate amount every day for 7-14 days. Multiple objective data-based indicators of the test population before and after drinking were detected and analyzed. Results The serum immune indicators, male and female sex hormones and functional indicators nitric oxide, emotion regulation indicators serotonin , endorphins , dopamine , as well as deep sleep ratio and skin stratum corneum moisture content indicators were significantly improved in the two groups.

In this regard, Ladd said that "Tinghuajiu" combines science with consumer products such as wine, so that the phenomenon of nitric oxide acting on human body functions not only affects men's body functions, but also has similar effects on women. Improving human happiness - this is a very valuable application. While

has been recognized by consumers, its new value has also gained the trust of the capital market. Since the stock price fell to a low of 6.2 yuan last year, Qinghai Spring's stock price has increased more than three times, reaching a maximum of 20.67 yuan, far exceeding the growth rate of various listed liquor companies during the same period.

An investor said that although the quality of Tinghua Liquor is very good, it is still in the stage of market development and continuous investment. Brand power and sales channels are major shortcomings. Therefore, Qinghai Spring still needs to invest huge marketing expenses in the short term. It is difficult to achieve profitability. However, I believe that with the in-depth cooperation with Nobel Prize winners, Tinghua is expected to further lead the market in terms of quality, and drive the development of brand power and sales channels. Once the sales channels are opened, the Chinese liquor landscape is expected to be reshaped and even trigger new developments. A round of liquor revolution.