The protagonists on the war stage are a fox and a weasel. When the fox pounces on a weak mouse from the air, the weasel pounces on the same mouse from the ground. They pounced on the same prey and glared at each other. The poor little mouse lingers between the fox and the weasel.

The protagonists on the

war stage are a fox and a weasel . When the fox pounces on a weak mouse from the air, the weasel pounces on the same mouse from the ground. They pounced on the same prey and glared at each other. The poor little mouse lingers between the fox and the weasel.

In jungle hunting, encounters between hunters are common, and the weaker party will escape. This is a smart way to avoid conflict. However, at the moment, the two hunters are roughly the same in size, hunting skills, and fighting skills. Neither the fox nor the weasel has the intention to give up its prey.

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The fox and the weasel bulged their muscles, showed their teeth, and both assumed fighting postures.

The fox and the weasel suddenly felt something different. They stared at their opponents with their clear eyes and turned their heads slightly to the same corner.

The forest is covered with thick fallen leaves. Fallen leaves rustled. A thick old snake poked its head out from the fallen leaves. Small snakes are food for foxes and weasels, but such a strong and intimidating old snake must not be taken lightly.

The old snake turned its cold eyes, looking at the little mouse, then at the fox and the weasel, spitting out its black core. In the eyes of the snake, the fox and the weasel are similar-looking four-legged animals, almost the same kind, and they should unite against it. But neither the fox nor the weasel had this idea at all.

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The old snake is preparing to hibernate. The old snake needs a mouse to satisfy its hunger and then sleep all winter. The old snake didn't want to give up the little mouse that seemed to be available in front of him.

The fox stared at the weasel with one eye and the old snake with the other eye. The weasel stared at the fox with one eye and at the old snake with the other. The old snake is very smart. It uses its eyes that can rotate left and right to cover a 270-degree angle of sight to watch the fox, weasel and mouse at the same time.

This has become a triangular confrontation. No one party dares to act rashly, for fear of being flanked by the other two parties. Once the balance of power is broken, escape is impossible.

If your opponent doesn't move, you won't move either. This is the most basic instinct of animals.

The snake spit out its core, the fox turned its ears, and the weasel wagged its tail.

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The weasel instinctively wants to use his special trick to fart, and let out poisonous farts that are so smelly that they can kill a group of flies. But in order to avoid the pursuit of hunters, it had just let go of one, and there was no poison gas in its stomach for the time being. The weasel opened its anus hard, but it didn't let out a fart, it just made its body stink even more.

The fox feels that he was born with a smell that generally disgusts all animals - body odor . However, the olfactory organs of weasels and snakes have innate resistance.

Three small carnivores form a triangle, surrounding a small omnivore mouse in the center. Small omnivores are extremely sensitive to the fishy odors of weasels and foxes—a stink that is doubly sensitive in omnivores’ noses and is enough to make them tremble and make their eyes dizzy.

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So, the little mouse held his breath.

One minute passed.

Two minutes passed, and the surrounding air was still the same. Because the source of the odor is staying put. The poor little mouse was so suppressed that his eyes turned white.

The little mouse couldn't bear it anymore and ran towards the old snake. Only that side doesn't stink. For small omnivores, snakes smell significantly better.

The old snake swallowed the little mouse into its belly as fast as lightning, which was completely instinctive. The old snake finally filled its belly, but it was only happy for a short time.

The fox and the weasel pounced on the old snake who took the lead at the same time, which was also instinctive. The old snake bit desperately at the fox and weasel. After a death struggle, it became the prey in the mouths of the fox and weasel.

The fox and the weasel held one end and one tail of the old snake in their mouths respectively. If you don't let me, I won't let you. They pulled the old snake tightly into a straight line, keeping their eyes at the same level, staring at each other fiercely.

"Ba" The old snake's body was torn into two halves, disconnected from the center of the snake's belly.The fox and the weasel finally got their fair share of food, and both seemed satisfied.

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They will never move again.

This snake is called the five-step snake. According to legend, a person bitten by this venomous snake can die within five steps of walking.

The little mouse emerged from the broken belly of the snake and disappeared after a while.

■ Text/Adapted from "Zebra and Son" (written by Yuan Bo and published by Hebei Children's Publishing House)

■ Editor/Wang Xiao

■ All rights reserved. No reproduction is allowed without permission