Currently, my country's marine environmental protection is facing severe challenges. Affected by industrial wastewater discharge and offshore aquaculture activities, the water quality in offshore waters is seriously polluted, resulting in frequent outbreaks of red tides and enter

Currently, my country's marine environmental protection is facing severe challenges. Affected by industrial wastewater discharge and offshore breeding activities, the water quality in offshore waters is seriously polluted, resulting in frequent outbreaks of red tides and enteromorpha and degradation of coastal ecosystems.

Pollutants in offshore waters gradually move to the deep sea with the movement of ocean currents. Every year, approximately millions of tons of marine garbage flow into the deep sea, and most of it is carried by ocean currents to submarine canyons, causing damage to the deep sea ecosystem.

In the process of developing deep-sea resources and energy, marine engineering accidents occur frequently, and crude oil leaks and releases of harmful substances damage the ecological environment of nearby sea areas.

Due to the lack of continuous three-dimensional comprehensive observation capabilities of offshore and deep sea areas, it is difficult to judge the origin and evolution process of marine environmental problems, and it is impossible to understand the response of coastal zones and the overall ocean system to natural disasters , which restricts the ocean Fundamental solution to environmental problems.

It is necessary to further develop marine science equipment, establish and improve a three-dimensional marine observation system, achieve accurate, real-time, and dynamic observation of key sea areas, and provide basic data support for research on marine physics, marine chemistry, marine biology, and marine geological processes.

Xunyu Ji is a product of marine development. The company has always been guided by technological innovation and is at the forefront of the industry in the field of marine ecological breeding intelligent equipment.

In the future, the company will focus on the research and development and manufacturing of key equipment for marine deep-water ecological breeding, the design and development of core information systems, and industrial promotion services and other integrated industrial chains. It will be based in Rizhao and radiate across the country.