There are more than 200 countries in this world, home to nearly 8 billion people, and all kinds of interesting things are everywhere. According to Reuters, many people still make their homes in prosperous places, especially in India, which has the largest number of people living

There are more than 200 countries in the world, home to nearly 8 billion people, and all kinds of interesting things are everywhere. These magical trivia will always surprise us. Let’s explore these unknown stories with Scope today!

New species discovered in deep-sea volcanoes

A 2020 research report showed that more than 90 bacterial and archaeal gene families and more than 300 unknown genera were found in deep-sea volcanoes near the waters of New Zealand. Some researchers have linked this discovery to the origin of life. Will these creatures continue to evolve and land on land in the future? We don't know.

Coke is banned in North Korea and Cuba Coke is banned

North Korea and Cuba are the only two countries in the world that do not sell Coke. This is due to long-standing U.S. trade sanctions.

Chili peppers that can kill people

The spiciness of Dragon Breath chili peppers has reached the lethality level of weapons. If someone accidentally eats one, this high-strength capsaicin will burn the trachea and cause anaphylactic shock.

The quietest room in the world is located at Microsoft headquarters

According to CNN, the laboratory located at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Washington, has a background noise of -20.35 dBA, which is 20 dB below the human hearing threshold and breaks A record of a space previously thought to be the quietest place on Earth.

More than 90% of the world's poor live in Asia and Africa

Not everyone lives in a booming city or sprawling suburb. According to Reuters , many people still make their homes in prosperous places, especially in India, which has the largest number of people living in rural areas (about 893 million people live outside cities).

The world's most expensive coin is worth $7 million

The 1933 Double Eagle was a U.S. gold coin worth $200,000 but was never in circulation. Some of the coins were minted, but most were destroyed—all but nine are believed to have been stolen by U.S. Mint workers. One of the coins was sold at Sotheby's in 2002 for a staggering $7.59 million. This makes it one of the most expensive coins ever sold at auction.

Ants weigh as much as humans

There are more than 10 trillion ants living on the earth. If all the ants in the world were added up, their weight would be equal to the weight of all humans.

69% of the fresh water on the earth comes from glaciers and continental ice caps

More than 96% of the water resources on the earth are stored in the sea, but did you know that the most abundant fresh water resources are in the remote polar glaciers! They exist year-round in the form of snow and ice.

Due to the influence of climate change, the color of the flowers is different

The flowers are not as bright as before. This is due to climate change, the increase in ultraviolet rays, and the increase in ultraviolet pigments in flowers, causing their division and degradation, affecting their brilliant colors.

The sounds of whales can be used to map the ocean floor

. According to "Scientific American", the deep and loud song used by male fin whales to attract mates is considered the loudest of all marine creatures and can be "heard up to 1,000 kilometers away." Their sounds can reach depths of 2.5 kilometers (1.6 miles) underwater and can be used to create sonar maps of the ocean floor.

The best place to watch rainbows in the world is in Hawaii

After a heavy rain, a rainbow will always appear in the sky after the rain, which is gorgeous and colorful in the blue sky. The U.S. Climate Organization rated Hawaii as the best place in the world to see rainbows in 2021. Because the steep mountains here tower into the clouds and the waterfalls pour, it creates the perfect scene for the rainbow to appear.

Vegetation 1.4 kilometers under the ice

About 80% of Greenland is covered by glaciers, and scientists have discovered fossilized plants and microorganisms 1.4km below its surface.

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