During his doctoral studies, Xiao Chen’s supervisor was Professor Gao Bo, who was born in MIT. Contrary to Professor Zhang Bin, Professor Gao supported his research on ball lightning. Xiao Chen built a digital model of ball lightning, which caused great controversy during his gra


was a doctoral student, Xiao Chen's supervisor was Professor Gao Bo, who was born in MIT. Contrary to Professor Zhang Bin, Professor Gao supported his research on ball lightning . Xiao Chen built a digital model of ball lightning, which caused great controversy during his graduation defense. However, Zhang Bin, as a judge, did not express many opinions. .

Xiao Chen came to Professor Zhang Bin’s home. Facing the piles of drafts and materials in the house, Professor Zhang told him that he and his lover Zheng Min had worked together for many years to unravel the secret of ball lightning. Even after Zheng Min died chasing ball lightning, he spent several years without any hope of breakthrough. In fact, Zhang Bin had already studied the mathematical model proposed by Xiao Chen during his defense, and he pointed out the errors in this model.

Zhang Bin saw that his dissuasion was useless, so he gave Xiao Chen all the data he had researched for several years. One of the notebooks was kept in a raincoat by Zheng Min when he was killed. All odd-numbered pages in the notebook had burnt marks, but other parts were unscathed.

After graduation, Chen went to work at the National Lightning Research Institute because of the recommendation of his instructor. At Zhang Bo's suggestion, he took the initiative to contact Lin Yun, who he met by chance in Mount Tai. Lin Yun, who has become a major, invited Dr. Chen to visit the New Concept Weapon Development Center of the National Defense University and proposed an intention to cooperate with him and his unit. Lin Yun introduced Dr. Chen to several weapons she had developed, which looked exquisite but were very deadly. Seeing Lin Yun's unique fascination with weapons, Chen felt unreasonable.

encountered many difficulties in the process of cooperating with Lin Yun to study ball lightning. But Lin Yun, who is quick-thinking and determined, can always come up with various countermeasures. There was no large computer to calculate the mathematical model, so Lin Yun stole the data he needed and secretly placed it on an experimental server for exploring extraterrestrial civilizations, using online resources to perform calculations. The good times did not last long, and soon they were discovered and stopped by the director of the project who secretly stole the computing power of the server. But Komov, a former Soviet scientist, left a message saying he knew what they were doing and invited them to Siberia .

Komov led them to visit the 3141 base of the world's largest ball lightning research, which has been abandoned for many years. There, the former Soviet Union used huge manpower and material resources to study ball lightning by building giant lightning simulators. More than 3,000 outstanding scientists, after tens of millions of studies and experiments, have never been able to find the conditions to stably create ball lightning. They found that the occurrence of ball lightning did not have the same data parameters, and there were no rules to follow. The

experiment brought huge losses to the country, but it also cast a deeper mystery on ball lightning. Thirty years later, Base 3141 could only be tragically and permanently buried in the wind and snow of Siberia. A large number of unknown scientists dedicated their lives to this project, but all they gained were painful memories. Gemov invited the two people over because he wanted to tell them what Zhang Bin said before: There are many interesting things in this world. You only live once, so don't waste it on illusory things.

Dr. Chen’s research enthusiasm was severely dampened by the experiences of his colleagues in the former Soviet Union. He felt a stronger hopelessness than Zhang Bin had ever experienced, and he decided to give up the research he had vowed to devote his whole life to. He started drinking, watching dramas, and relaxing like an ordinary person. After a period of idleness, one day, Chen suddenly received a call from Lin Yun's boyfriend. Captain Jiang, whom he had met once before, invited him to go out to sea to relax.

Both of them knew very well that Captain Jiang was helping Lin Yun act as a lobbyist and wanted to persuade Dr. Chen to return to the base to continue research on ball lightning. At night, Dr. Chen was suddenly inspired when he looked at the bright and dim lights on the lighthouse in the distance. He accidentally realized that ball lightning probably existed in nature, but was only captured by our eyes due to certain conditions. In this way, what everyone needs to do now is to "find it" rather than "make it".

The new idea prompted Dr. Chen to return to his research position. After returning from the island, he accepted the invitation to visit Lin Yun's house. It was a small but high profile gathering. Lin Yun's father, General Lin Feng, who had a technical background, personally cooked several dishes. During the dinner, Dr. Chen expressed his thoughts, and the three of them had a heated discussion. General Lin Feng also gave very pertinent experimental suggestions. After the meal, Lin's father chatted with Dr. Chen alone for a while. He told Dr. Chen that when Lin Yun was very young, his mother was attacked and sacrificed by a poisonous bee in the border war. Because of his daughter's enthusiasm for weapons, the father asked Chen to help monitor Lin Yun's thoughts.