"Suddenly the warm wind arrives, following the coming of Little Heat." On July 7, we ushered in the eleventh solar term of the twenty-four solar terms - Little Heat. "The Collection of Seventy-Two Hours of the Moon Order" says, "June Festival...summer, heat, is divided into big a

2024/06/0509:59:33 science 1543

"Suddenly the warm wind arrives, following the arrival of Minor Heat." On July 7, we ushered in the eleventh solar term of the twenty-four solar terms - Minor Heat. " Yue Ling 72 Hours Collection Explanation " says, "June Festival...shu, heat, is divided into big and small. The heat is small at the beginning of the month and big in the middle of the month. Today, the heat is still small." "Small Heat is Minor Heat. Although it is not the hottest season of the year, it is immediately followed by Great Heat, which is the hottest season of the year. There is a folk saying that "Small Heat and Great Heat are steamed at the top and boiled at the bottom." With the continuous high temperature weather, there will be more frequent thunder, lightning and rainfall. Midsummer has begun, and the scorching heat is just around the corner.

After the minor summer heat, the dog days begin to enter. The so-called "hot in the dog days", dog days usually appear between the minor summer heat and the end of summer . It is the highest temperature, humid and sultry period of the year. Many places in our country are hot, humid and rainy. . Although the sun is strong, the temperature is high, the humidity is high, and it is rainy during the Slight Heat period, for crops, the same period of rain and heat is conducive to the growth of crops.


MER Xiaoshu · Weather

"High temperature and high humidity" in the dog days of summer are the climate characteristics of southern my country, while "high temperature and dryness" are the characteristics of northern regions.

After the Xiaoshu solar term, there is rarely a cool breeze on the earth, and the wind that blows will also carry heat waves. Various parts of southern China have also entered the season with the most thunderstorms, often accompanied by strong winds and heavy rains. Tropical cyclone activity is frequent, and the number of tropical cyclones landing in my country has begun to increase. In northern my country, the rainy season has not yet entered and the weather is dry.


MER Xiaoshu ·Three periods of time

One period of warm wind

During the period of Xiaoshu, the sky is blazing, and it is difficult to find a trace of cool breeze on the earth. All winds carry heat waves.

Second season crickets live on the wall

Due to the heat, the crickets left the field and went to the corner of the courtyard to escape the heat. "July is outdoors, August is in the house, September is at home, and in October crickets come under my bed." August is the Xiaoshu solar term in the ancient summer calendar, and crickets go to the courtyard to escape the heat.

Three-year-old eagle begins to fly

Because the ground temperature is too high, the eagle moves in the cool high air. "It begins to get used to striking and welcomes the murderous spirit."


MER Xiaoshu·Customs

Cricket fighting

"Book of Zhou" It says: "The period of Xiaoshu The warm wind comes one day, and the next five days the crickets live on the wall, and the next five days the eagle is studying. "The warm wind is actually the steaming heat, and it cannot move the branches and leaves on the trees at all." "The weaving is very subtle, but the mourning sound is so touching." Crickets were called "weaving" in ancient times. After hearing the chirping of crickets, people often feel sad for the hardworking Weaver Girl.


Xiaoshu coincides with the "Tiankuang Festival", and "Kui" means "gift", which is the festival of God's gift. Because the emperor of the Song Dynasty gave "bingqi" and "fried noodles" to his subjects in Futian, it was called Tiankuang Festival.

There is also a folk custom of drying paintings, calligraphy, and clothes in the sun to dry them in the sun to prevent mold and moth. Therefore, there is a saying: ", June 6, , the sun is red and green."

"New Food"

In ancient times, people paid attention to "New Food" during the Minor Heat to welcome the harvest, that is, after the Minor Summer Heat, every household ate new rice, new noodles, and tasted new wine.

Farmers in the southern region will grind the newly cut rice into rice, make fragrant rice, and offer it to the grain gods and ancestors to thank nature for its gifts and celebrate the harvest.

In the northern region, there is a tradition of eating dumplings with one's head down. People lose their appetite during the Fu Day and tend to be thinner than usual. It is commonly known as the bitter summer. In traditional customs, dumplings are an appetizer and a satiating food. The shape of the dumplings is like an ingot, with the meaning of " "Yuan Bao Fu" means "eating dumplings symbolizes full of blessings."

In addition, there is a folk custom of eating lotus root during Xiaoshu, and "eel, lotus root, and mung bean sprouts" are known as the "three treasures" of Xiaoshu, and they are all cool and refreshing foods.


MER Xiaoshu·Health Preservation

The first level: Yangyang Pass

Deputy Dean and Professor of Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhou Duan said that summer days are easy to injure qi, which will lead to insufficient physical strength and vitality, and decreased body functions. For example, if people sweat too much and cannot replenish water in time, they will easily suffer from body fluid loss and dehydration; once the immune function declines, colds and gastrointestinal diseases often take advantage of the situation; for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease patients, Heart function is prone to confusion in summer. In short, people's yang energy slowly declines from its peak in summer, so during summer health maintenance, special attention should be paid to "nourishing qi" to prevent insufficient yang energy in winter.

Countermeasures: Adjust the difference between body temperature and room temperature, and the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the room should not be too large. The room temperature should be kept at 27℃, not too low. In short, you should live in a cool, dry and comfortable environment in summer, and avoid various diseases caused by being greedy for cold.

The second level: Emotional level

The Xiaoshu health regimen focuses on "peace of mind". Experts say: "In the season of Slight Heat, the weather is hot, and people are prone to feeling upset and tired. When taking care of ourselves and exercising, we should follow the five internal organs. In summer, the heart is the center of the body, so we should take care of the heart yang, keep calm, and ensure heart function. "This is the reason why traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes "nourishing yang in spring and summer".

"Irregular mood and anger will harm the internal organs." This is because the human body's emotional activities are closely related to the internal organs and have certain rules. Especially in summer, the hot weather can easily make people upset, and their emotions can fluctuate easily, causing blood pressure to rise and increasing the burden on the heart. Angina pectoris , myocardial infarction, heart failure and other diseases are prone to attack. In addition, the incidence rate of stroke is also quite high in summer, which needs attention. It is worth mentioning that excessive mood swings can also lead to gastrointestinal disorders, and respiratory diseases such as asthma are also closely related to emotions.

Countermeasure: Consciously regulate emotions. Patients with existing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, must pay attention to controlling their emotions and maintaining a peaceful mood in summer to reduce the risk of disease attacks.

The third level: Dampness and heat level

Summer is hot and humid, and people often feel heavy-headed and have headaches, which may lead to depression, fatigue, chest tightness, and poor appetite. For patients with respiratory diseases, they should pay more attention to maintenance in summer to prevent recurrence of coughs and tracheal diseases. For those with a damp-heat constitution, they often feel a fever in the palms and soles of the feet, and under the interaction of moisture and heat, they are prone to constipation and their stools appear yellow and smelly.

Countermeasures: The diet should be light and easy to digest. Eat more foods that can reduce heat and dampness, such as mung bean porridge, lotus leaf porridge, red bean porridge, etc. Use winter melon, lotus leaves, and barley to cook soup, which is also a refreshing drink that clears away heat and dampness. At the same time, pay attention to adjusting the humidity in the room and open more windows for ventilation.

The fourth level: sleep level

Summer is characterized by long sunshine hours, early dawn and late darkness. Therefore, people's daily life and work and rest time should be adjusted accordingly, appropriately slow down the pace of life, and calmly and peacefully Working in a planned manner helps reduce anxiety.

Experts said that you should have a regular daily routine in summer. Generally, you go to bed at 10 to 11 pm and get up at 5:30 to 6:30 in the morning. Once you develop the habit of going to bed at a regular time, it will be easier to eliminate the interference of climate on sleep and go to bed. You can fall asleep soon, and quickly transition into deep sleep , and wake up naturally in the morning easily. In addition, the time for three meals, exercise, brain use, and leisure should be clearly defined. This kind of "timing" is especially important in summer, especially in midsummer. If you do not rest well, it will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. For example, patients with hypertension are prone to elevated blood pressure, and patients with angina pectoris have an increased frequency of attacks.

Countermeasure: Get enough sleep. This can maintain the normal operation of various body functions. It is recommended that adults ensure 7 hours of high-quality sleep every day.

The fifth level: Diet

The Huangdi Neijing, a treasure book of traditional Chinese medicine on disease prevention and treatment , has such a penetrating discussion on diet: "If your diet is doubled, your intestines and stomach will be damaged." That is to say, eating too much will damage the intestines and stomach. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that ", the spleen and stomach, and are the foundation of acquired diseases." The acquired growth, development, and health of the human body are all affected and controlled by the spleen and stomach. Therefore, in summer, especially after the mild summer heat, you should not eat too much, overeat, eat too much, be addicted to food, or overeat. Usually, eating until you are seven to eight times full is enough, but you must pay attention to a comprehensive and balanced nutritional mix. Picky eaters and partial eclipses. Some people lose their appetite due to the weather, so they can eat a lighter meal. Professor Zhou suggested that you should eat more low-sugar, low-salt, high-carbohydrate, and high-protein foods in summer, and try to eat less spicy and fried foods.

Countermeasures: Vegetables suitable for summer consumption, such as winter melon, white radish, tomatoes and other foods that can remove dampness and remove stasis and help improve gastrointestinal function; it is advisable to eat more freshwater fish and less red meat in summer. You can drink cassia seed tea , barley tea , chrysanthemum tea , Kuding tea , mung bean soup and other beverages.

The sixth level: Fitness level

Many people have such a misunderstanding: because they sweat a lot in summer, they are too lazy to exercise. In fact, you still need to maintain a moderate amount of exercise in summer, but be careful not to exercise in the sun. At the same time, because exercise in summer produces more sweat, it is good for detoxification, but attention should be paid to replenishing water in time to prevent excessive sweating from causing an increase in blood viscosity .

Countermeasures: It is recommended to exercise one hour after meals, and the exercise should not be too intense and avoid excessive sweating. Walking, jogging, swimming and other sports are suitable for summer. At the same time, you must drink more water in summer, replenish water in time, eliminate toxins, and reduce the burden on the heart.

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