Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with "fresh" lunar soil samples. While we are still immersed in the joy of the lunar exploration project, NASA in the United States cannot sit still. Their director suggested that China share the soil brought back by Chang'e 5, just like they did with

2024/06/0422:11:33 science 1509

Chang'e 5 returned to Earth with "fresh" lunar soil samples. While we here are still immersed in the joy of the lunar exploration project, NASA in the United States cannot sit still.

Their director suggested that China share the soil brought back by Chang'e 5, just like their Apollo program .

It stands to reason that the United States has brought back so many lunar samples, more than 4300 kilograms of . Why are they always thinking about the little soil brought back by Chang'e 5?

It turns out that the soil in different areas on the moon is actually different!

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

Chang'e-5 Returns

Priceless Soil

The landing site of my country's Chang'e-5 has never been visited by a detector before, and the soil samples collected are much younger than those collected by the American Apollo back then.

This shows that it is very likely to have been hit by meteorites in the universe, so it brought younger components .

At that time, the United States donated 1 grams of lunar samples to China. China achieved such great achievements with only 0.5 grams of . It can be seen that the lunar samples contain huge information .

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

Apollo Moon Landing Program

Before humans collected lunar soil samples, the origin of the moon has always been a mystery.

is the earth’s only natural satellite , and people have several speculations about its origin.

The most speculated is that the moon is part of the earth . Regarding this hypothesis, there is a coincidence on the earth.

Earth's largest ocean Pacific Ocean , if rock reclamation was used, the volume of rock required to fill the Pacific Ocean would be exactly the same as the moon.

So in 1898, George Darwin believed that the Pacific Ocean was the birthplace of the moon..

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

The Pacific Ocean was once considered the home of the moon

The early earth was not as hard as it is today. At that time, it was relatively loose and porous, so part of the material was thrown out by the earth to form the moon.

However, this hypothesis was quickly overturned by Wegener in 1912. His continental drift theory believed that the so-called Pacific Ocean was just a "moment" of the earth's billions of years.

In other words, the Pacific Ocean did not exist at all 4.5 billion years ago. How did the moon come about?

Then some people speculated that the moon is a satellite captured by the earth through its own gravity . Because the solar system was in its early stages of formation and had not yet become the system it is today, there was some confusion.

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

Looking at the Earth from the Moon

Each of the eight planets "caught" satellites according to their own abilities. Mercury and Venus were more "unlucky" and did not "catch" a single satellite. The earth finally "caught" the moon and established the earth-moon system .

However, all the conjectures came after Apollo project , and gradually fell into one hypothesis - collision theory .

The moon rock sample brought back by the Apollo program shows that it has the same components as the earth rock , but some of the components are different. It feels like the moon that was "born" between the earth and another celestial body. .

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

The birth of the moon

Scientists believe that about 4.5 billion years ago, the earth was not what it is today. It was a huge "fireball" and the entire solar system was in chaos.

A small celestial body with only Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with .14 the mass of the earth collided with the earth. The huge impact directly smashed some of the material of the earth into space.

The small celestial body was also knocked off a large piece of . These fragments were mixed with the fragments of the earth, and under the gravity of the earth, they gathered at a certain distance from the earth, and gradually formed a satellite orbiting the earth. .

This is all based on lunar rock samples and is no longer just guesswork.

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

Lunar surface

A new chapter for lunar samples

If the past of lunar rock and soil samples allows humans to better understand the history of the moon, then the future of these samples is related to the new development direction of mankind..

The lunar surface is rich in helium-3, an isotope of helium, , which is hidden in the lunar soil.

Helium-3 can be obtained by heating the lunar soil to 700℃.

This is a clean and safe energy source that uses helium-3 and deuterium for thermonuclear reaction . The product has only protons and no neutrons , which means that has no radiation .

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

Moon rock sample

According to scientists' estimates, the helium-3 reserves on the moon are more than 1 million tons, and the earth's annual electricity consumption is equivalent to 100 tons of helium-3 participating in the reaction.

In other words, the moon's helium-3 is enough for the earth's humans to use for at least 10,000 years.

Before Chang'e 5, only the United States had the ability to transport lunar soil back to the earth, which meant that they had exclusive access to the moon's resources at that time.

Now, China also has the technology to bring lunar soil back to the earth, and has become a participant in the future lunar energy competition..

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

Future Moon Mining Plan

Aerospace is known as the "Great Navigation Plan" of the new era. Whoever controls space controls the future.

The earth's energy has reached a critical moment. Fossil energy is in urgent need. After 450 years, there may be no oil available. After 200, there may be no coal to burn.

and the so-called new energy are still in the initial stage of and . is expensive and cannot be promoted on a large scale.

For humans, substances that have the opportunity to become energy sources in the future will receive huge attention.

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

is most afraid of energy depletion

Helium-3 on the moon is such an energy alternative .

In addition, the lunar samples brought back by China are younger, which provides another aspect of evidence for studying the origin and formation of the moon.

Maybe the hypothesis of the older generation of will be overturned because of the sample brought back from China. Maybe a new hypothesis of will give birth to .

So will China really not share the lunar samples it brought back?

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

The lunar samples brought back by Chang'e 5

shot ourselves in the foot

In fact, with our country's traditional virtue of "reciprocity", we would not mind sharing the lunar samples with the United States.

However, the United States has its own regulations and cannot cooperate with China Aerospace .

In 2011, the U.S. Congress promulgated the " Wolf Clause " , which clearly stipulates that the U.S. Aeronautics and Space Administration, also known as NASA, cannot have any cooperation with China Aerospace, and even companies related to NASA cannot cooperate with it. China has space cooperation.

The NASA administrator's request for lunar samples from China is a blatant violation of the United States' own regulations. has nothing to do with whether China will share them..

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

The United States has regulations that NASA cannot cooperate with China.

Moreover, China has always wanted to work hard and cooperate with foreign aerospace organizations , but the United States has always blocked us out.

Now, they themselves want moon samples, move out international spirit .

So when China was excluded from various space programs, why did keep silent about the spirit of international cooperation ?

Is this international spirit flexible?

Or, this is basically the cooperative spirit of " Schrödinger " created by the United States.

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

International Space Station

Stars and Sea

Starting from the East in 1970, my country's space career started from scratch , from the first artificial satellite, to the first manned space flight, and then to China's own The space station established , and the first Mars rover " Zhurong " landed on Mars .

Gradually, we are narrowing the gap with the world's aerospace industry. It can be said that China has accomplished all this on its own.

Some people are very curious. Looking at the world, most of the countries that develop aerospace are developed countries. Why does my country, as a developing country, need to vigorously develop?

Because we once missed the great voyage , cannot miss this time the sea of ​​stars again.

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

Our goal is the sea of ​​stars

1405. When Zheng He sailed the world's most advanced ship and began to sail to the Western Seas , Columbus had not yet been born.

Zheng He made seven voyages to the West, but no one expected that this was not the beginning of China's voyages, but the end.

After that, Magellan , Diaz, and Columbus successively made voyages. At the same time, China implemented a strict maritime ban.

Great Voyage completely changed the world structure. China's accidentally missed , which paved the way for a series of events that followed.

Our country is well aware of the heavy price we paid for missing the great voyage , so when the aerospace industry was developed, our country actively participated.

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

Great Navigation

The universe is infinite for human beings. This infinity is not only in space, but also in resources.

The energy that one sun gives to the earth alone exceeds the power generation of humans on earth in a year.

What's more, the sun is just an ordinary star in the universe. There are about 4.4 trillion stars like the sun in the Milky Way.

The earth is the home of mankind and the cradle, but no one will live in the cradle all the time . If you want to get out of the earth, you must start exploring from the moon, which is closest to the earth.

At present, the farthest human flight detectors are Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. They have leaped out of the solar wind layer and entered the interstellar space , heading towards the space outside the solar system.

Chang'e-5 returned to Earth with

Heading towards the universe

I believe that one day in the future, our country's detectors will also be able to reach this location, representing us to go to the sea of ​​stars.

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