As a field closely related to people, water environment has always been the focus of great attention. Water quality monitoring instruments serve as a "pioneer" in water environment management. With the rapid development of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things, COD

2024/05/2212:28:32 science 1176

Water environment, as a field closely related to people, has always been the focus of people's attention. Water quality monitoring instruments serve as a "pioneer" in water environment management. With the rapid development of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things, the COD water quality testing instrument has made greater breakthroughs in water environment management. What is the difference between the two measurement methods of

COD? There are two methods for

COD measurement, the manganese method and the chromium method. Different oxidants and different oxidation degrees are used to measure the same water sample using the two methods.

The difference between these two methods is that the manganese method is used to measure the water quality of lakes and reservoirs, and the chromium method is used to measure the water quality of rivers.

The chromium method is mainly used for the determination of polluted water bodies, with more than a dozen CODs. The manganese method is mainly used for the evaluation of clean water, natural water and drinking water. Compared with the chromium method, it is about a dozen or twenty or even several water bodies. The

manganese method COD analyzer performs the "GB/T11892-1989 water quality permanganate index" according to the national standard method. It is suitable for many domestic and foreign testing standards. Using a precision colorimetric cell design, the light source is consistent, which can solve the detection result error caused by light source error and make the detection result more accurate.

As a field closely related to people, water environment has always been the focus of great attention. Water quality monitoring instruments serve as a

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