Italian physicist Volta invented the battery. Italian physicist Volta. Although electric lights, telephones, refrigerators, televisions, and computers have entered people's homes, electric motors are also widely used in factories. These strong currents are drawn from generators.

2024/05/2103:50:33 science 1748

Italian physicist Volta invented the battery

Italian physicist Volta invented the battery. Italian physicist Volta. Although electric lights, telephones, refrigerators, televisions, and computers have entered people's homes, electric motors are also widely used in factories. These strong currents are drawn from generators.  - DayDayNews

Italian physicist Volta

Although electric lights, telephones, refrigerators, televisions, and computers have entered people's homes, electric motors are also widely used in factories as power. These strong currents It comes from the generator. In our lives, we still need some weak current, especially direct current, such as flashlights, electric shavers, semiconductor radios, etc., all of which still use dry batteries.

Speaking of the invention of the battery, it was in 1871 that Italian scientist Galvani once conducted an experiment of dissecting a frog. He hung the skinned frog on an iron railing with a copper hook. When it hit the iron railing, the frog's muscles suddenly twitched. Galvani believes that this may be caused by a kind of bioelectricity in the frog.

At that time, there was a physicist named Volta in Italy. After learning about Galvani's frog experiment, he repeated such an experiment. However, he found that when copper and iron pieces were inserted into the frog's body, the muscles would twitch, but when two copper or iron pieces were inserted, the frog's muscles would not twitch. So he believed that the cause of the frog's twitching was not caused by his own bioelectricity, but by different metals inserted into the frog's body, turning it into a battery. The electricity from the battery made the frog twitch.

Italian physicist Volta invented the battery. Italian physicist Volta. Although electric lights, telephones, refrigerators, televisions, and computers have entered people's homes, electric motors are also widely used in factories. These strong currents are drawn from generators.  - DayDayNews

Frog Experiment

In order to prove his point of view, Volta stacked 3O round zinc sheets and 30 round copper sheets into a pile, and sandwiched a piece of absorbent paper soaked in concentrated salt water between each piece, and then, He led out a wire from each of the copper and zinc sheets, connected the two wires, and there was a spark of discharge. Connect the ammeter , and the pointer moves, indicating that there is current. Later, people called this power generation device " voltaic pile ".

The "voltaic pile" is the world's earliest battery. This battery was made in 1800 and has a history of nearly 200 years. You can make your own battery by following the steps below. You can find any kind of fruit such as tomatoes, oranges or apples, insert a copper piece and a zinc piece on it, and lick the copper piece and zinc piece at the same time with your tongue. At this time, your tongue will feel a little numb. It means that current is generated, and a fruit battery is made. However, the electricity is still very weak. If you want to make a small light bulb glow, then you have to make several more fruit batteries and connect them.

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